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Example: will take a turn for the

2015-11-07 2966 Обсуждений (0)
Example: will take a turn for the 5.00 из 5.00 5 оценок

1.Emily's hair badly needs cutting.

It's high......................................... cut.

2. There must be a simple way to explain what happened.

There's.......................................... for what happened.

3.I'll support you whatever you decide to do.

I'll support you........................................ you take.

4. For me this is the best place to live.

There.......................................... live.

5. I wish I hadn't said that to her.

If only........................................ I said to her.

6. I was looking out of the window when I saw a boy take something from a man's pocket.

I was looking out of the window when I………..something from a man's pocket.

7. It was the film's music that impressed me most.

The film's music was........................................ me.

8. My brother and I are alike in many ways.

My brother and I........................................ common.


Part I – Multiple Matching

You'll hear five different young people talking about renting homes. For questions 1 to 6, choose from the list A to F what each speaker says. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

A Something dangerous needed to be repaired.

Speaker 1

В It was often cold indoors.

Speaker 2

С There was a pleasant view from the window.

Speaker 3

D The neighbours were very noisy.

Speaker 4

E The rent was too high.

Speaker 5

F The furniture was good quality.

Part II – Sentence Completion

You will hear part of an interview with a man called Ewan Richardson, who is trying to persuade people to use less paper. For questions 1-10,complete the sentences.

Every year, the average UK citizen uses about [ 1 ] ______ of paper.

Most of the world's paper comes from very [ 2 ] _______ forests.

The production of paper causes terrible [ 3 ] _______ in some places.

The destruction of the forests is a much bigger cause of global warming than [ 4 ] _____ .


Ewan says that there are already paper recycling bins in many [ 5 ] _____ .

You can use less paper by avoiding unnecessary [ 6 ] _____ when you are studying or working.

You can often reuse [7] ____ that you have received.

To receive more junk mail, don’t ask for [ 8 ] _____ when you buy something.

Stop receiving any magazines you don't always read, or [ 9 ] _____

Most [ 10 ] _______ published in Britain are now printed on recycled paper.

Part III – Multiple Choice

You’ll hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1 to 8, choose the best answer, А, В or C.

1 You hear a woman and a man talking about taking up sailing. What does the woman say about it?

A it's too expensive В it's too difficult С it's too dangerous

2 You overhear a man talking on the phone in a hospital. Who is he?

A a doctor В a visitor С a patient

3 You hear a young person talking about an interest she has. Where is she?

A a bookshop В a museum С a library

4 You hear a teacher talking to a student. Why is she talking to him?

A to warn him not to do something В to offer to help him do something

С to suggest he should do something

5 You overhear a man and a woman talking about meeting two other people. Where are these people going to meet their friends?

A at a restaurant В at a hotel С in the street

6 You overhear a woman speaking on the phone about her apartment. Why is she talking to the other person?

A to deny an accusation В to make a complaint С to refuse to do something

7 You hear two young people talking about going to the coast for the day. What do they agree about?

A the disadvantages of the bus В the need to set off early С the best route to take

8 You hear a woman being interviewed on the radio. Why did she decide to become a lawyer?

A to help people in need В to do the same job as her sister С to earn a large salary



Describe the picture.




Part I

You are going to read an article from a music magazine. For questions 1-7, choose the Answer (А, В, С or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

Never too old to rock

Clive Myrtle explores the issue of ageism in the world of entertainment

There are few spectacles less edifying than a television presenter trying to hang on to a job. When one of the presenters of the BBC programme Crimewatch resigned recently, rather than suffer the inevitable indignity of being uninstalled and replaced by a younger version, he made the usual hurt noises about his masters' excessive emphasis on youth. People in the media listened sympathetically before he slid from view with a soft splosh to join the ranks of television's has-beens.

The presenter's argument, that the viewers don't care how old you are so long as you can 'do the job', unfortunately is not backed up by the evidence. When you're on TV, viewers are always thinking about whether you're losing your hair or your figure and, latterly, whether you've had cosmetic work done. This is what they're actually doing when you think they're listening to the wise things you say. Viewers actually don't perceive much of what the job entails, they just see you sitting there looking the part. Like double-jointedness or the ability to pat one's head while rubbing one's stomach, TV presenting is just one of those knacks. Some of those who possess this knack can hit the big time. Inevitably as they become more attached to the lifestyle this brings, however, the more inclined they are to overstate the knack.

In reality, if somebody is paying you a lot of money to do a job, it's often on the tacit understanding that your services may be dispensed with abruptly - it's part of the deal. Unlike football managers, TV presenters affect not to understand this brutal compact. If they've had many years being paid silly sums to read a script from an autocue, it's difficult for them to accept that they've been the beneficiary of good fortune rather than anything else; even harder to face the fact that a commissioning editor's whim could all too easily banish them to the shopping channels.

Something similar eventually awaits all the people who are currently making fortunes that would have been unimaginable to earlier generations of presenters. One day we'll decide that their face no longer fits and they'll be dragged away complaining about the same ageist policy from which they no doubt previously profited. Show business is a brutal business. The one thing it reliably punishes is age, particularly amongst women. That's why, at the age of fifty, female TV presenters become female radio presenters and why girl bands planning to re-form need to get it done before they're forty, after which it will get too hard for everyone to suspend their collective disbelief.

Only one species of show-business folk manages to hold back the years and this is a group that, by rights, shouldn't. Its members should, like all childish things, have been put away years ago. And yet they keep on performing as if there was no tomorrow. I'm talking about rock stars, usually male ones. As these heroes of a bygone era drift into the pensionable zone, they may no longer sell records in the way that they used to, but they have a power to magnetise huge sections of the population - and part them from their cash - that makes them the envy of everybody else in the show-business fraternity.

The likes of Bruce Springsteen, Mick Jagger and Elton John sailed past their fiftieth and sixtieth birthdays with barely a mumble of complaint from their fans. The larger the scale of their sold-out shows, the more distant they are from audiences and the less noticeable are their jowls or their waistlines. People wonder why the stadiums are dominated by acts who made their names thirty years ago; is it indicative of some fatal streak of nostalgia running through the music business? Hardly. It simply proves that in this day and age, the Hot New Thing can never be quite as hot as the Hot Old Thing. Rock musicians may not have had the fat monthly salaries enjoyed by their grumbling autocue-reading counterparts on TV, but they have something their parents would never have predicted when they quit school and first joined a band - a job for life.

1. What does the writer imply about the Crimewatch presenter he mentions in the first paragraph?

A He was unwise to resign when he did.

В Не will soon be forgotten by the viewers.

С Не may well have had a valid point to make.

D He was treated insensitively by his employers.

2. The word 'this' in paragraph 2 refers to

A an image. В a level of success. С an exaggerated claim. D a common misperception.

3. Why does the writer mention football managers in the third paragraph?

A to show how relatively secure TV presenters are in their jobs

В to underline how important luck is in certain occupations

С to illustrate a general rule about certain types of high-profile jobs

D to support his view that presenters are overpaid

4. In the fourth paragraph, the writer says that TV personalities who may worry about ageism

A should look for work in other forms of broadcasting.

В may have benefited from it themselves at some point.

С are less well respected than the presenters of the past.

D are being unfair to up-and-coming younger colleagues.

5. The word 'it' in paragraph 6 refers to

A the size of the venues played by ageing rock stars.

В the way ageing rock stars keep their fans at a distance.

С the backward-looking nature of the rock music business.

D the continuing appeal of live performances by certain stars.

6. Why does the writer mention rock stars' parents in the final paragraph?

A to underline an irony about the stars' careers

В to remind us of the stars' humble beginnings

С to put the stars' ongoing popularity in context

D to expose an inconsistency in the stars' attitude

7. In the text as a whole, the writer reveals himself to be

A critical of show-business personalities who complain.

В concerned about the way certain celebrities are treated.

С supportive of older people in the world of entertainment.

D envious of the success of certain high-profile performers.

Part II

You are going to read an article in which the writer looks at the harm done by plastic bags and ways of reducing this. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (1-7). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

2015-11-07 2966 Обсуждений (0)
Example: will take a turn for the 5.00 из 5.00 5 оценок

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