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II. Translate the application letters

2015-11-07 2936 Обсуждений (0)
II. Translate the application letters 5.00 из 5.00 3 оценки


Уважаемый господин/госпожа,

Я пишу, чтобы подать заявление на летнюю работу в Уэстлейкском Центре Спасения Животных. Я видела объявление в “Coventry Daily News”.

У меня есть опыт работы с животными. Прошлым летом я в течение шести недель работала продавцом в местном зоомагазине. Также, у меня дома есть две кошки, и я ухаживаю за ними.

Я честна, надежна и трудолюбива. Я могу отправить вам рекомендацию от директора зоомагазина и от моего школьного учителя. Я могу начать работать со 2 июля.

Жду ответа.

Искренне ваша.

Эмили Блант.


a) engineer b) industrial c) construction d) claims e) scheduling f) draft g) site h) client

Я пишу по объявлению о приеме на работу на должность инженера-строителя, которое было опубликовано в сегодняшнем номере Civil Engineering

У меня есть образование промышленного инженера. После получения образования я в течение 4-х лет работал в Locke Engineers в сфере консультирования по вопросам строительства. В это время я специализировался на подготовке требований и планировании строительства. Я заинтересован в возможностях дальнейшего развития моих навыков, особенно в следующих областях:

- разработка черновых рабочих планов.

- изыскания

- связь с клиентами


I. Read the text and do the exercises given below.


Engineering is based principally on physics, chemistry, and mathematics, and their extensions into materials science, solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, transfer and rate processes, and systems analysis.

Engineering as a profession involves different tasks. It can refer specifically to the manufacture or assembly of engines, machine tools and machine parts. It is also used more generally to describe the creative application of scientific principles to design, develop, construct and forecast the behaviour of structures, apparatus, machines, manufacturing processes and works.

The function of scientists is to know, while that of engineers is to do: they must solve specific problems.

Engineering students should have an understanding of maths, physics and chemistry. Working with pharmaceuticals, food, mineral processing and chemical manufacturing, a chemical engineer is trained to understand, design, control, and investigate material flows. If you enjoy problem solving and find projects such as the Channel Tunnel and the Three Gorges Dam interesting, civil engineering may be for you. You will produce creative designs at an economical price white paying due concern to the environment. If your interest is in road building then you may decide to follow a specialized course in highway engineering. By studying electronic and electrical engineering you learn about the design of complete systems, such as computers, controllers, power and transport systems. Mechanical engineers plan, design and develop a wide range of things: washing machines, cars and spacecraft. Production engineers work very closely with mechanical engineers, to make new products at the right price, on time and in the correct quantity. As well as designing and selecting machines and materials, they also organize people and finance.

The average person finds it difficult to assess risks. For this reason, work practices need to be regulated. Examples of dangerous activities are:

· welding or grinding without goggles

· working on a construction site work without a hard hat

· working in noisy factories, cabs, on airport tarmacs and with outdoor machinery without ear protection

· working in chemical areas without protective clothing

· smoking near hazardous substances

Without regulation some employees will take risks.

Health and safety is a part of employment (labour) law. It covers general matters such as:

· occupational health

· accident prevention regulations

· special regulations for hazardous occupations such as mining and building

· provisions for risks such as poisons, dangerous machinery, dust, noise, vibration, and radiation

· the full range of dangers arising from modern industrial processes, for example the widespread use of chemicals

2015-11-07 2936 Обсуждений (0)
II. Translate the application letters 5.00 из 5.00 3 оценки

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