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When I was a child, ten minutes ago, every week, twice a year, just now

2015-11-08 1258 Обсуждений (0)
When I was a child, ten minutes ago, every week, twice a year, just now 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


1. We saw a really good film at the cinema _______last night________________________ _

2. They went to Egypt for the whole month of August _

3. My mother does the shopping __________________

4. He finished school ___________________________

5. I am working _____________ I can’t come with you.

6. She ____________________________ sneezes when she is near a cat; she’s allergic to them.

7. He passed his driving test ______________________

8. He is preparing for his final exams _______________

9. Her parents live far away in another country so she can visit them only __________________

10. The police always stop him as he ___ washes his car.

11. “Mr Carpenter isn’t in. He left the office ________”.

12. I didn’t like milk _________________ but now I do.


Ex. 53. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form. (present simple, past simple,

Present continuous)


1. He often ___________brings_________________________(bring) me flowers.

2. _________________________(you / meet) Paul yesterday?

3. Father ______ (work) in the garden now.

4. What _______ (you / do) at the moment?

5. Mr Jones __________________________ (paint) his house last month.

6. He ________________________ (go) to school on foot every day.

7. It _______________________ (be) hot yesterday.

8. The baby ____________ (not / sleep) now.

9. He never _________________ (drive) fast.

10. I ____________________(not / take) John to school yesterday because he wasn’t well.

11. Planes _____________(take off) and ______________(land) at Heathrow all day.

12. “Where is Mike?” “He ________________(stay) with his grandmother this weekend.

13. I _________________ (not / like) peanut butter.

14. “What time ______________________ (your plane / leave)?” “At 7.45.”

15. At what time __________________________ (the play / begin) last night?

16. “What ______________________(you / read)?” “It’s a book by Barbara Cartland.”

17. “ ______________________(you / play) the piano?” “No, I don’t.”

18. Dennis Johnson ____________(work) for an insurance company.

19. Mr Baker _______________(come) home at 6 pm last night.

20. Uncle Victor is 88 years old. He _________(see) everything and _________(do) everything.

21. Dennis _______________(not / like) his work much.

22. Last week he _____________(sell) his car and _____________(buy) a new one.



Future Simple образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола shall (для 1-го лица единственного и множественного числа в вопросительных предложениях) и will(для всех остальных лиц) и формы инфинитива смыслового глагола без to.



Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
  I will (I’ll) pay You will (you’ll) pay He will (he’ll) pay She will (she’ll) pay It will (it’ll) pay We will (we’ll) pay You will (you’ll) pay They will (they’ll) pay   I will not (won’t) pay You will not (won’t) pay He will not (won’t) pay She will not (won’t) pay It will not (won’t) pay We will not (won’t) pay You will not (won’t) pay They will not (won’t) pay ShallI pay? Will you pay? Will he pay? Will she pay? Will it pay? Shallwe pay? Will you pay? Will they pay?  




1. Однократное или повторяющееся действие, которое совершится в будущем. (обычно с такими обозначениями времени, как tomorrowзавтра, next Friday (Saturday)в следующую пятницу (субботу), next week (month, year), in five days (two hours, ten minutes)через пять дней (два часа, десять минут), soon(скоро).


I’ll send her a telegram tomorrow. Завтра я пошлю ей телеграмму.

They will have classes twice a week. У них будут занятия два раза в неделю.


2. Решение, принятое в момент речи. (spontaneous decision)

- Come to the party. – Приходи на вечеринку.

- OK. I will bring my friend. – Отлично. Я приведу с собой друга.


3. Вероятное действие в будущем (predictions about the future with I think …/ I don’t think)

I think he’ll phone me tomorrow. Я думаю, он позвонит мне завтра.


4. Действие в будущем, которое неизбежно произойдет (statements of fact about the future).

I’ll be 20 next summer. Следующим летом мне будет 20лдет.


5. Обещание или предложение услуг.

I promise I’ll phone you tonight. Обещаю, что позвоню тебе сегодня


I’ll post those letters for you. Я отправлю твои письма.


6. Вопрос-предположение или обращение за советом (shallдля 1-го лица ед. и мн. числа).

Shall I bring Tom to the party? Мне привести Тома на вечеринку?

What shall I do? Что же мне делать?


7. Вежливая просьба (will со 2-м лицом).

Will you please close the window? Пожалуйста, закройте окно.


8. В придаточных условных предложениях I типа, вводимых союзом if и в придаточных

предложениях времени, вводимых союзами when, as soon as, after, before, till/until,

unless(пока не), для выражения будущих действий употребляется Simple Present

вместо Future Simple. Future Simple употребляется в главном предложении.


If I finish my work earlier, I will phoneyou. Если я закончу работу пораньше,

я позвоню тебе.

I will finishthe work before you come back. Я закончу работу до того, как ты


I will comeback as soon as I finish the work. Я вернусь, как только закончу работу.


Ex. 54. Use the following sentences in the interrogative or negative form.


1. There will be a lot of people at the lecture today.

Will there be a lot of people at the lecture today?

There won’t be a lot of people at the lecture today.


2. The talk will be very interesting.

3. He will remember us.

4. I’ll read this book tomorrow.

5. I think Olga will pass the exam.

6. Tomorrow she will be in Rome.

7. Paul will go to the library this afternoon.

8. I will clean the windows next week.

9. He will be back in five days.

10. I think John will be late for this party.

11. I think Mary will invite me to the theatre.

12. They will stay in a hotel.

13. Robert will come to Minsk on business.

14. Susan will leave for London in two days.

15. I think Joan will get there by train.

2015-11-08 1258 Обсуждений (0)
When I was a child, ten minutes ago, every week, twice a year, just now 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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