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Ex. 240. Change the sentences as in the pattern

2015-11-08 1418 Обсуждений (0)
Ex. 240. Change the sentences as in the pattern 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


I took my umbrella yesterday because it was raining. __I had to take my umbrella because

it was raining.__

1. Water your plants right now, or they are going to die. (Вам обязательно нужно полить)


2. Jack has very poor teeth because he eats so much sugar. (ему нельзя есть) _______________

3. I’ll go shopping after breakfast. (Мне придется идти) _______________________________

4. Shall I take this medicine twice a day? (Мне обязательно нужно…?) ___________________

5. Don’t tell the secret because you promised not to. (Ты не должен) ______________________

6. I took a taxi to work yesterday because I was in a hurry. (Мне пришлось) ________________

7. It’s not necessary for you to tell the secret because everybody already knows it. (не нужно/

нет необходимости) __________________________

8. Do this exercise in writing. (должны сделать) ______

9. It was not necessary for you to go to the post office. There is a mail box round the corner.

(Тебе не нужно было) ________________________

10. I got up early to catch the 7.30 train to London. (Я должен был вставать рано) __________

11. I feel sure you are exhausted after all the tennis you played this afternoon. (Ты, должно

быть, выбился из сил) _______________________

12. Jane has gone to see the neighbours again. (должно быть, ушла) ______________________

13. It was about two o’clock in the morning when he reached home. (Было, наверно, около

двух часов после полуночи) __________________

14. It wasn’t necessary for me to borrow the money. I withdrew $150 from my bank account this

morning. (Мне не нужно было) ________________




1. Обязательст- во, совет, реко-мендация, упрек, сожале- ние а) субъектив- ное мнение “я считаю”   You should take a holiday and have a good rest.   You shouldn’t leave your car near the gate. You shouldn’t be late for the seminar.   Вы бы (вам нужно, следует) взяли отпуск и хорошо от- дохнули. Вы бы не оставляли машину у калитки. Вам не следует опаздывать на семинары.     Should имеет толь- ко одну форму и употребляя- ется в нас- тоящем времени.
б) опора на здравый смысл, нормы, правила инструкции – “так принято” You ought to leave your address with the secretary. You ought not to drive so fast on this road. You ought to be more con- siderate to other people’s feelings. Вам следует оставить адрес у секретарши. Тебе не следует так быстро ехать по этой дороге. Вам следует быть более вни- мательным к чувстам дру- гих людей.  
2. Упрек, сожа- ление по пово- ду совершив- шегося дейст- вия, критика. You should have thought about it earlier. You shouldn’t have mentioned his name in her presence. Вам надо было (следовало) подумать об этом раньше. Тебе не следовало (не нужно было) упоминать его имя в её присутствии. Shouldс перфектным инфинитивом
3. Упрек, сожа- ление, удивле- ние, возмуще- ние по поводу совета, реко- мендации. Why should I help him?   How should I know? Why should I believe him? Зачем (с какой стати) мне помогать ему? Откуда мне знать? С какой стати я должна ему верить?   Should в вопросит. предложени- ях после why, how

Ex. 241. Several things are in the wrong rooms. Where should they be?


Example: The fridge shouldn’tbe in the bathroom. It shouldbe in the kitchen.

Continue …



Ex. 242. What advice would you give in the following situations? Use should.


1 Alan had a terrible quarrel with his wife at the weekend. It was his fault.

What do you think he should do? I think __he should apologise to his wife.________

2 Lane watches videos every night. She never goes out with her friends.

What advice do you give? I think _______________


3 David and Paula haven’t got much money. But they go out every night and spend money. At

the end of the month they can’t pay their gas and electricity bills. What advice would you


I don’t think ________________________________


4 Joseph is very intelligent, but he wants to leave school and get a job. His parents think he

should go to university. What do you think?

I think _____


5 Maria told me some interesting news last night, but she said, “Please, don’t tell anyone.” Now

Claire has asked me about Maria’s news. What do you think I should do?

I don’t think ________________________________

Ex. 243. Make one sentence with should and one sentence with shouldn’t.


1 GARY: I always feel tired these days. What do you think I should do?

ANNE: __You should have_ a holiday. __You shouldn’t work__ so hard.

2 GARY: I’ve got another hole in one of my teeth. What do you think I should do?

ANNE: _____________________ to the dentist. __________________ so many sweets.

3 GARY: I’ve got a terrible headache again. What do you think I should do?

ANNE: ___________________ an aspirin. ____________________ without your glasses.

4 GARY: I’ve got a bad cough. What do you think I should do?

ANNE: _________________________ some medicine. ____________________ so many


5 GARY: Bill wants to borrow my car for the weekend, but he’s a terrible driver. What do

you think I should do?

ANNE: _____________________ him that you need it. ___________________ it to him.



2015-11-08 1418 Обсуждений (0)
Ex. 240. Change the sentences as in the pattern 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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