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Part II. Exercises with Exercises with Verb

2015-11-08 891 Обсуждений (0)
Part II. Exercises with Exercises with Verb 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Part 1. General information from all lectures

I. Choose as many variants as it is necessary.

1. What systems does the English languаge unite?

a) paradigmatic

b) grammatical

c) practical

d) categorial

2. Which levels can we distinguish in a language?

a level of phoneme

b temporal level

c level of monophtheme

d objective level

e level of texteme

f speaking system

g phonological

h intonational

i theoretical

j level of lexeme

k level of phraseme

l level of sentences

m level of proposeme

n level of morpheme

3. What parts of a word can be included in an absolute model of an English word?

a) root f) inflection

b) article g) affricate

c) digraph h) affix

d) suffix i) apposition

e) diphthong j) prefix

4. What are the three criteria of classification for grammatical classes of words.

a) morphemic positioning e) the way of formation

b) certain inflections f) form

c) meaning g) number of morphemes

d) the way the word is pronounced h) function

5. What are the two grammatical categories of the nouns accepted by all linguists?

a) tense d) abstractness

b) aspect e) number

c) case f) gender

6. Choose all the "weak" members of the categorial oppositions.

a) nominative case

b) pluralia tantum

c) superlative degree form of adjectives

d) past tense form of the verb

e) base form of adjectives

7. What can the categorial meaning of the Genetive case express?

a) objective genetive

b) subjunctive genetive

c) genetive of time

d) possesive genetive

e) genetive of destination

8. Three main devisions of objective time are represented in the English verbal system by the following tenses:

a) past d) future

b) simple e) present

c) continuous f) perfect

II. Finish the sentences. Choose the only possible variant.

1. In the earlier periods of development grammatical studies were mostly ... 2. The morphological system of language reveals its properties through the ... 3. Morphology faces the two segmental units: ... 4. Words of language depending on various formal semantic attributes form ... 5. According to three criteria words are divided into ... parts of speech. 6. The noun as a part of speech has the categorial meaning of... 7. Nouns that are referred to as Pluralia Tantum have only ... 8. The categorial meaning of the singular form of nouns may be characterized by .... 9. Case relations according to M. Deutschbeinng may be expressed by non-morphological means: ... 10. One of the typical functions of the finite verb is the ... a) plural form b) prepositions and word order c) parts of speech d) morphemic structure of words e) substance f) nominative or perspective g) immediate expression of grammatical time h) oneness, generalisation, countelessness i) morpheme and words j) notional and functional

III. Match the definition with the term


1. abstract noun 2. adjective 3. affix 4. agreement 5. case 6. function 7. grammar 8. lexeme 9. morphology 10.predication A. parts of speech traditionally defined as "describing words" B. it is a necessary grammatical relationship between two or more words in a clause or sentence because of person, number or gender. C. it is an addition to a word or root etc. In order to form a new word D. it is the morphological category of the noun manifested in the forms of noun diclension and showing the relation of the thing denoted by the noun to other objects and phenomena E. it refers to an idea, quality or state. F.a word in abstract sense consisting of all actual forms that belong to this word in a particular meaning G.the study of word formation H. the syntactic role that a word, phrase or clause takes in some larger unit. I. the entire system of a language including its syntax, morphology, phonology. J. it is understood as the use of a certain form of a subordinate word required by its head word. K.sentence feature manifested through verbal categories which refers the sentence to reality


IV. Put examples into right columns. Examples of:


Pluralia Tantum Agreement in phrases Nouns of multitude The group "genetive" Notional parts of speech


a) pronoun

b) my family are early risers

c) this book

d) trousers

e) those books

f) the blond that I had been dancing with's name

V. Fill in the missing words.

The basic syntogmatic notions are the phrase and the sentence. The principle differences between them may be reduced to the following points:

1. the phrase is a means of naming some phenomenon or process. Each component of a phrase can undergo (1)... without destroying a phrase. The sentence is a unit of speech every word of which has a definite (2)... A change in the form of one or more words in the sentence would produce ...(3)

2. the phrase as such has no (4)... and it's one of the most important features of a sentence.

3. the inherent feature of the sentence differing it from the phrase is (5) ...According to Vinogradov (6)... is a syntactic category which expresses reference of the sentence to reality. It's primarily manifested in the system of verbal grammatical categories such as (7)...

a) intonation

b) Mood, Tense, Person

c) the category of predication

d) a new sentence

e) grammatical changes

f) grammatical form

g) predication


Part II. Exercises with Exercises with Verb

1. а) Определите лицо и число глагольных форм в приведенных ниже предложениях; объясните их использование:

1) There is a girl and two boys in the room. 2) Where’s those records I gave you? 3) Terrorists now enjoy peace that passeth all understanding (Moscow News). 4) The great majority is helpless. 5) The majority were determined to press their victory.

б) Используйте необходимую форму лица и числа глагола; объясните свой выбор; обратите внимание на предложения, в которых возможно использование и множественного, и единственного числа:

1) The police ... on his track (to be). 2) The fish ... plentiful there (to be). 3) There ... a lot of people in the hall (to be). 4) Thou ... not kill (shall). 5) The army … (to be retreating). 6) A series of windows … (to look) out into the garden.

2. Прокомментируйте следующие случаи нейтрализации категории лица и числа глагола в разговорной речи:

1) “She says there’s too many men in this burg, and somebody has to do something to take the pressure off” (McDonald). 2) “Alfred ain’t reliable lately” (Chandler). 3) “You ain’t looking for nobody” (Chandler). 4) “I told you he had two years medical.” – “Doctor have a name?” (Chandler) 5) “I’m old enough to know better, aren’t I?” (Parsons)

3. а) Определите, используются ли глаголы “shall (should)” и “will (would)” как модальные или как вспомогательные для передачи значения простого будущего времени, и в каких случаях можно говорить о выражаемых модальных значениях или значении будущности:

1) I will not have the responsibility on my shoulders. 2) You will have to go. 3) “Do it immediately.” – “Shall I?” 4) You should stay where you are. 4) He is impossible - he won’t see his wife, he won’t see me, he won’t see anybody. 5) Will you pass the salt, please? 6) He will meet you at the station. 7) Boys will be boys. 8) Accidents will happen. 9) Some time will pass before that.

4. Дайте английские соответствия следующих пар русских глаголов. Поясните, как выражается совершенность/ несовершенность действия в этих двух языках:

бежать - убежать выбирать - выбрать

читать - прочитать напоминать - напомнить

расти - вырасти сидеть - сесть

делать - сделать объединять - объединить

искать - отыскать начинать - начать

грузить - погрузить лежать - лечь

лить - налить исчезать - исчезнуть

5. Определите способность приведенных ниже глаголов выступать в различных залоговых формах и значениях; продемонстрируйте это в различных контекстах; дайте эквиваленты на русском языке:

например: to turn - поворачивать, поворачиваться; может использоваться в активном значении (I turned the key), в возвратном (рефлексивном) значении (I turned myself around) и в среднем залоговом значении (The key turned in the keyhole)

to fill, to open, to read, to sell, to dress, to relate, to change, to hide

6. Переведите глаголы из нижеприведенных примеров на английский язык:

1) Книга читается легко. 2) Он обычно держится в тени. 3) Они обычно ссорились друг с другом, затем сердились и расходились, так и не помирившись. 4) Они крутились вокруг да около, пока окончательно не заблудились. 5) Путевки предоставляются всем желающим.

7. Проанализируйте приведенные ниже предложения и определите наклонение глагола в каждом из них.

1) God bless you. 2) I insist that the prices be cut considerably. 3) It’s high time she were there. 4) “Will you do it?” – “Oh, I’d much rather you did it.” 5) Oh, if only I knew what to do! 6) It would not be possible to decide anything without him. 7) If I had time I should go on a short holiday. 8) Let him do that. 9) Whoever he might be, I’m not afraid of him. 9) To stay with you would have been a disaster for me.

8. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод глагола. Классифицируйте предложения по способу выражения страдательного залога:

(1) – глагол «быть» + краткая форма страдательного причастия;

(2) – глагол в возвратной форме (-ся);

(3) – неопределенно-личное предложение;

(4) – личное предложение с глаголом в действительном залоге;

(Некоторые предложения перевести несколькими способами, в зависимости от соответствующего русского глагола и контекста)


1. The book is much spoken about.

2. He was told to stay home.

3. The experiments were made last year.

4. Answers are given in the written form.

5. He was helped to open the door.

6. They were invited by my friend.

7. We were deceived in our hopes.

8. The boy was shown the way.

9. Many mistakes had been made.

10. We were asked to come as early as possible.


9.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод глагола. Определите функцию глагола:

- знаменательный (смысловой);

- вспомогательный для образования грамматического времени;

- вспомогательный для образования условного наклонения;

- модальный


1. You shall do this work at once.

2. You should tell me the truth.

3. Do I need to read it?

4. Need you have paid so much?

5. I will come whether you like it or not.

6. I would (I'd) better shoot her once instead of shooting her lovers every week.

7. He should have driven more carefully.

8. They shall have this picture.


10.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод герундия. По форме герундия определите:

- действие, происходящее одновременно;

- будущее действие;

- предшествующее действие;

- действие, безотносительное по времени свершения;


1. I’m sure of having read it once.

2. I remember having been shown the letter.

3. I remember seeing you once.

4. She was fond of singing when she was a child.

5. We think of going there in the summer.

6. He came in without knocking.

7. He had intended writing him.

8. I insist on being listened to.

9. Thank you for helping me.

10. He regretted now having written this letter.


II. Syntax. Phrases

11. Разбейте приведенные ниже словосочетания на следующие группы: словосочетания 1) с сочинительными связями; 2) с “присоединительными” связями (примыкание); 3) с подчинительными связями;

clever remarks; allowed, but reluctantly; safe and sound; her quick and lively gestures; paper money; John stayed; helpful, at least sometimes; silent, gloomy, upset; informed, though at short notice; a woman of strong character; nice to look at and pleasant to talk to; (I heard) them talking


12. Определите ядро и дополнение приведенных ниже подчинительных словосочетаний:


to build new houses, pretty late, a book of stories, letters to the editor, holidays abroad, to go to the south in summer, to see her for the first time that day


13. Охарактеризуйте приведенные ниже словосочетания по основным существенным признакам:


например: to wait for her – словосочетание с подчинительными связями; глагольное словосочетание (ядро – глагол to wait); объектное словосочетание (дополнение обозначает объект действия и выражен объектным местоимением her); подчинение осуществляется через управление (форма дополнения меняется, но не повторяет форму ядерного слова); прогрессивное словосочетание (дополнение следует за ядром)


these questions, to resemble them, he yawns, to see a figure, the many gestures, better days


2015-11-08 891 Обсуждений (0)
Part II. Exercises with Exercises with Verb 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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