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Выразите свое согласие или несогласие с предложенными утверждениями

2015-11-09 1214 Обсуждений (0)
Выразите свое согласие или несогласие с предложенными утверждениями 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. Having a job and having a career are two very different things.

2. Planning a career can begin at any age.

3. The choice of a career doesn't only depend on a person's talents and interests.

4. To face a competitive job market is to have no guarantees for getting a job.

5. To take control of the future and to be well-prepared for the challenges of the job market one should take several very important steps.


Task 4

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I’m a first-year student at the Crimean Brunch of the International Academy of Business and Management. It’s one of the most popular higher educational establishments in our country.

The International Academy of Business and Management is a higher educational establishment which carries out training, retraining and skills improvement of specialists in Customs business, Law and Management.

The Academy was established in 1997. It has become the leading higher professional training institution which provides basic, efficient and well-structured training. The Academy has two branches: in Bryansk and in the Crimea.

The Crimean Department of the Academy offers all opportunities for mastering vocational training programs for the following specialties: Customs Business, Economics and Management and Law (Jurisprudence).

The Academy performs day-time, day-external and correspondence training.

There is one more faculty at the Academy, that is: Refresher training faculty.

Training is performed by specialists - practical workers of customs institutions, professors, principal and senior lecturers. Professors, doctors of sciences, principal lecturers and candidates of sciences are on staff at the Academy.

The educational process of Economics and Finance Department includes fundamentals of applied mathematics and information technologies, professional use of personal computers, economics, marketing, bookkeeping, statistics, finances, foreign languages and many other interesting subjects.

Among many teaching departments special attention is given to those which master customs profile:

Organization of customs control, Customs payments and currency control, Technical means of customs control and criminalistics, Customs statistics, Administrative and customs law etc.

The students of the Law Department study such subjects as Civil Law, Criminal Law, Criminalistics, Crime Psychology, but also information technologies, sociology, philosophy and others.

Regular lectures, seminars, classes and training are offered to the students of the Academy. All subjects taught at the Academy are divided into humane, theoretical and special. These subjects form the students' wide outlook and improve the quality of their general education.

The academic year is divided into two semesters. Tests and examinations are taken after each semester. At the end of the whole course of studies the students take degree examinations, finals, as they are often called.

The timetable of lectures, tutorials and seminars is regulated by a study schedule. The students must attend seminars and tutorials and not miss lectures. They must do their best in using all the opportunities to become good specialists.

Terms of admission. Those entering the Academy should have secondary or professional education.

To be admitted the applicants pass different examinations in accordance with the specific requirements of each faculty.

In 2009 new rules of entering the Customs Academy were introduced.

The Academy is doing its best to make its students skilled professionals to cope with all the tasks they may face in future.

As for me, I’ve chosen customs sphere (the sphere of economy and management, jurisprudence) because I think this profession will be in a great demand in some years.

I think, to work at the Customs is not as easy as it may seem at first. A customs officer is the first to meet foreigners who come to this country.

As a customs officer, he would generally use personal capabilities as well as professional techniques.

That's why he should speak English well. He must know both the laws of this country and the foreign ones. He has to be a good psychologist in order to communicate with people successfully. He must enjoy working with people. Besides he should be honest, self-motivated and highly disciplined.

Working at the economical departments and institutions is not easy too. It is a very responsible job, because it is connected with the finances of companies, firms, and the country’s finances in general.

As an economist or a manager, he would generally use personal capabilities as well as professional techniques. That's why I think English knowledge is very important to be a good specialist. He has to be a good psychologist in order to communicate with people successfully. He must enjoy working with people. Besides he should be honest, self-motivated and highly disciplined.

As for the profession of a lawyer it is very interesting and diverse. After graduating from the law faculty young people can work either as barristers at the Bar or procurators and investigators at the Procurator's Office or notaries at the Notary's Office. They can also choose to be legal consultants at enterprises or state arbitrators at the state arbitration or judges at the courts.



to master vocational training - совершенствовать профессио­нальную подготовку

to perform day-time, day-external and correspondence training -осуществлять подготовку специалистов на дневном, вечернем и заочном отделениях

Refresher training faculty - факультет повышения квалифи­кации

to master customs profile — совершенствовать таможенную подготовку

fundamentals – основы

principal lecturers - доценты

senior lecturers - старшие преподаватели

applicants - абитуриенты

to guarantee employment for the graduates - гарантировать распределение выпускников


Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What does the International Academy of Business and Management carry out?

2. When was it established?

3. How many branches of the Academy are there in the country?

4. What specialties does the Crimean Department of the Academy offer?

5. What sort of training does the Academy perform?

6. What is special attention given to?

7. What does the educational process include?

8. What specialists are on the staff at the Academy?

9. What are the terms of admission?

10. What other skills and character traits should a person have to be good in Customs sphere? Use this vocabulary to help you:

1. character traits - черты характера

2. ability - способность

3. calling for - призвание

4. attitude - отношение

5. to choose a job - выбирать работу

6. to give satisfaction - приносить удовольствие

7. to earn - зарабатывать

8. to deal with - иметь дело с

9. to be interested in - интересоваться

10. to be inclined to - иметь склонность к

11. to be good at - хорошо разбираться в чём-либо, уметь де­лать что-либо хорошо

12. to have a talent for - иметь талант, склонность к

13. to have an appeal to/calling for - иметь призвание

14. to have the right personality to be... - черты характера и спо­собности соответствуют (данной работе)

15. can do well as... - может успешно работать в качестве...

16. can work in the field of... - может работать в области...

17. can work as... - может работать (таможенником)

18. can make a good... - может стать хорошим (таможенником)

19. creative - креативный, творческий

20. organized - организованный

21. punctual - пунктуальный, точный

22. responsible - ответственный

23. thoughtful - думающий

24. neat - аккуратный

25. clever-умный


Task 5

2015-11-09 1214 Обсуждений (0)
Выразите свое согласие или несогласие с предложенными утверждениями 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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