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Разделительный вопрос. Tag-Question

2015-11-09 1099 Обсуждений (0)
Разделительный вопрос. Tag-Question 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Вопрос, требующий подтверждения «не так ли?», «не правда ли?». Он может строится двумя способами:
А) первая часть – утвердительное предложение;
вторая часть – краткий общий отрицательный вопрос ( + , – ?).
Б) первая часть – отрицательное предложение;
вторая часть – краткий общий вопрос ( – , + ?).
Во второй части таких вопросов повторяется тот глагол, который входит в состав сказуемого первой части.
Ответы на такие вопросы нужно давать ожидаемые.
You study English, don’t you? – Yes, I do. – Да. / No, I don’t . – Нет.
You don’t study French, do you? – Yes, I do. – Изучаю. / No, I don’t. – Не изучаю.



1. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в разделительные вопросы:

1. Chicago is a large city. 2. It is warm today. 3. I am a pessimist. 4. Peter works at a plant. 5. She doesn’t go to the church. 6. They worked hard two days ago. 7. Your sister doesn’t like bananas. 8. Boris didn’t meet his friend at the station yesterday.


Времена группы Progressive указывает на процесс совершения действия, происходящего в данный момент в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем, или на действие постоянного характера, происходящее непрерывно в течение какого-то периода времени.


to be + -ing (Participle I)


Present Progressive Past Progressive Future Progressive
I am working I was working I shall be working
he is working he was working he will be working
she is working she was working she will be working
it is working it was working it will be working
we are working we were working we shall be working
you are working you were working you will be working
they are working they were working they will be working

Вопросительная форма

Present Progressive Past Progressive Future Progressive
Am I working? Was I working? Shall I be working?
Is he working? Was he working? Will he be working?
Is she working? Was she working? Will she be working?
Is it working? Was it working?, Will it be working?
Are we working? Were we working? Shall we be working?
Are you working? Were you working? Will you be working?
Are they working? Were they working? Will they be working?

Отрицательная форма

Present Progressive Past Progressive Future Progressive
I am not working I was not working I shall not be working
he is not working he was not working he will not be working
she is not working she was not working, she will not be working
it is not working it was not working it will not be working
we are not working we were not working it shall not be working
you are not working you were not working you will not be working
they are not working they were not working they will not be working



Present Progressive употребляется с обстоятельствами времени: now – сейчас, at the present moment – в данный момент.

Past Progressive употребляется с обстоятельствами времени: at 7 o’clock – в 7 часов, then – тогда, from 9 till 10 – с 9 до 10, all day long – весь день, the whole month – целый месяц; в придаточных предложениях, начинающихся со слов when – когда, while – пока, в то время как.

Future Progressive употребляется с обстоятельствами времени: at 7 o’clock – в 7 часов; в придаточных предложениях, начинающихся со слов when – когда, while – пока, в то время как.


1. Я учу английский язык. I am learning English.
2. Я учил английский язык вчера в 7 часов вечера. I was learning English at seven o’clock yesterday evening.
3. Я буду учить английский язык завтра в 7 часов вечера. I will be learning English at seven o’clock tomorrow evening.



1. Прочитайте и переведите предложения:

A. 1. Helen is working hard these days. Right now she is not working. She is reading a newspaper. 2. John is a pianist. He is practicing for a concert these days. 3. Four people are in a restaurant. They are sitting at a table and having dinner. 4. How madly young people are driving these days! 5. John and Marry are playing chess at the moment.

B. 1. We were playing football when it started raining. 2. What were you doing when you saw an accident, madam? 3. When the teacher entered the classroom, we were writing our test papers. 4. You are late. What were you doing? I was translating a test. 5. What was he doing when I rang up an hour ago? He was looking through a newspaper.

C. 1. I shall be waiting for you at the bus stop at 9 o'clock tomorrow. 2. Tomorrow we shall be preparing for a test for the whole evening. 3. In July they will be taking their exams for the whole month. 4. What will you be doing tonight at 10 o'clock? Will you be working? No, I shall be reading a book at this hour. 5. The policeman will be examining the scene of the crime at 3.


2. Заполните пропуски глаголами в соответствующей форме:

1. We (translate) a technical text now. 2. We usually (not/translate) stories. 3. She ( not/look) through all the newspapers every evening. 4. He (look) through the newspaper when the phone rang. 5. I had a hard night, I (work) until midnight. 6. Yesterday he (work) a lot. 7. Tomorrow when he comes they (take) a test. 8. They (take) a test next week. 9. Where is Ann? She is in the coffee shop. She (have) a cup of coffee. She always (have) a cup of coffee in the evening.

3. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Что вы переводите? – Я перевожу статью. 2. Могу ли я видеть Николая? – Нет, он обедает. 3. Что вы делали вчера в 7 часов вечера? – Я читал книгу. 4. Он писал письмо, когда я вошел в комнату. 5. Я буду смотреть телевизор, в то время как он будет просматривать газеты.


Текст №1

You see Nick’s family in their sitting-room. They are having an evening at home. Nick is very tired after a long day in his office. He is sitting in a comfortable armchair and reading a newspaper. Nick’s wife, Helen, is watching TV. Oleg, their son, is sitting at the table and doing his homework. But he is not working well. The television is interesting and he is watching it too. And where is their daughter Kate? She isn’t in the sitting-room. Kate has got some new compact disks. She is listening to them in the children’s room.


Текст №2

Stepanov is the director of the firm. The company is very large. They sell different goods to many companies. Stepanov’s firm does business with French and British companies. The engineers of the company discuss prices, terms of payment, shipment and delivery. Now you see Stepanov in his office. He is sitting at the table and speaking on the phone. The company manager of Bell & Co is phoning him. They are making an appointment for Friday. Bell & Co are interested in the new model of planes.


Текст №3

It was a busy day for Kostya Pavlov. In the morning he went to the airport to meet his uncle who was coming from abroad, and then spent part of the day with him, and in the evening he went to the railway station to see off his friend Sasha, who was leaving Moscow for a small town in the North to see his old parents.

It was still early morning but the airport was full of life. Big buses were bringing passengers from the town. Porters were taking luggage to a plane which was ready to take off. In the restaurant upstairs Kostya found many people who were having breakfast before getting on board the plane. As soon as the radio announced that a passenger plane was about to land Kostya and a few more people went out to meet the plane. After making a circle over the airport the pilot landed his machine and taxied it up to a stop. A group of passengers, with Kostya’s uncle among them, got out of the plane and walked over to the custom-house.

The clock on the tower above the entrance to the airport was striking eight as Kostya and his uncle left the airport.

2015-11-09 1099 Обсуждений (0)
Разделительный вопрос. Tag-Question 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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