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Прилагательное (The Adjective)

2015-11-09 1027 Обсуждений (0)
Прилагательное (The Adjective) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Практическая грамматика

Английского языка

Сборник тестов

для самостоятельной работы

студентов всех специальностей

всех форм обучения

Красноярск 2012

Практическая грамматика английского языка: сборник тестов / ФГАОУ ВПО СФУ Торгово-экономический институт; сост. Н.А. Александренко, А.А. Шеметова, Кузьмина Л.И. – Красноярск, 2012. – 44 с.





Сборник тестов предназначен для самостоятельной работы студентов всех специальностей всех форм обучения по дисциплине «Английский язык», входящей в федеральный компонент цикла общих гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин (ОГСЭД). Включенные в сборник тестовые задания позволяют студентам осуществить самоконтроль приобретенных в процессе изучения дисциплины знаний, систематизировать и структурировать полученные знания. Кроме того, тестовые задания могут использоваться для промежуточного контроля знаний студентов, при подготовке к зачету, а также для выявления остаточных знаний по дисциплине в соответствии с требованиями Государственного общеобразовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования к уровню подготовки специалиста и учебной программой дисциплины.

Сборник тестов охватывает все дидактические единицы дисциплины «Английский язык» по грамматике, тестовые задания предполагают только один вариант правильного ответа.






Торгово-экономический институт, 2012



1. Имя существительное (The Noun)……………………………..
2. Прилагательное (The Adjective)……………………………….
3. Личные и притяжательные местоимения (Personal and Possessive pronouns)…………………………………………….  
4. Видо-временные формы глагола (Tenses and aspects of the verb)…………………………………………………………......  
5. Модальные глаголы (The Modal Verbs)……………………….
6. Страдательный залог (The Passive voice)……………………..
7. Артикль (The Article)…………………………………………...
8. Предлоги (Prepositions)………………………………………...
9. Местоимения (the pronouns) many/much, few/little, a few/a little………………………………………………………………  
10. Неопределённые местоимения (Indefinite pronouns)…………
11. Будущее время в придаточных предложениях условия и времени (Future tense in subordinate clauses of time and condition)…………………………………………………………    
12. Согласование времён (Sequence of Tenses)……………………
13. Неличные формы глагола (Non-finite Forms of the Verb)…….
14. Фразовые глаголы (Phrasal verbs)……………………………...
15. Безличные предложения (Impersonal sentences)………………
16. Имя Числительное (The Numeral)……………………………...
17. Коммуникативные типы предложений: утвердительные, вопросительные, отрицательные и повелительные. Порядок слов(Communicative types of sentences: affirmative, interrogative, negative and imperative. The Word Order)……….  
18. Сложносочинённые и сложноподчинённые предложения (The Compound and Complex Sentences)……………………….  
19. Предложения с союзами both…and, either or, neither nor: (Sentences with conjunctions both…and, either or, neither nor)...  
  Ключи к тестам………………………………………………….
  Библиографический список…………………………………….



Имя существительное (The Noun)

2. There aren’t any … on the table.

a) knifes b) knife c) knives d) knife’s


3. Do you want any ….?

a) tomato b) tomatos c) tomatoes d) tomato’s


4. My scissors ... not cutting properly.

a) is b) are c) am d) –


5. Physics … a very important subject.

a) are b) is c) - d) am


6. No news … a good news.

a) are b) be c) is d) am


7. The police … still looking for him.

a) are b) am c) are d) is


8. Economics … very difficult to understand.

a) are b) is c) - d) is


9. Gill and David have a daughter, Mary. Gill and David are … .

a) Mary’s parents’ b) the parents’ of Mary

c) Mary’s parents d) her parent’s


10. I’ve lost my … . Have you seen it?

a) children b) keys c) mobile phone d) copy-books


11. This is ….. . They’ve just bought it.

a) friend’s apartment b) the apartment of my friend

c) my friends’ apartment d) the apartment of my friends’


12. What’s ……? I want to send him a birthday card.

a) Mike address b) Mike’s address c) the addresses of Mike d) Mike’ address


13. I never eat … I really hate them.

a) fruit b) potatoes c) porridge d) sugar


13. Where are the eggs? - … in the fridge.

a) It’s b) They’re c) Their d) Them


14. I brought … from the baker’s.

a) a book b) a cake c) an apple d) a fish

15. My sister wants to have five … when she gets married.

a) childs b) child c) children d) a child


16. We heard two … at the lunchtime concert.

a) music b) musics c) music’s d) pieces of music


17. Anny bought …. yesterday.

a) beautiful shoe b) a beautiful shoe

c) a pair of beautiful shoes d) a pair of beautiful shoe


18. We grow lots of … in our garden.

a) different vegetable b) different vegetables

c) a different vegetable d) a different vegetable


19. … are wonderful animals. I think they’re very intelligent.

a) The elephants b) The elephant c) Elephants d) An elephant


20. My mother wanted to be an … when she was younger.

a) university teacher b) hotel receptionist c) car driver d) art historian


21. You look very hot. Would you like …?

a) one water b) a water c) a glass of water d) some waters


22. I must buy … .

a) a new shoes b) a new pair of shoe c) a new pair of shoes d) a new shoe


23. The … stole a picture by Rembrandt which costs thousands of dollars.

a) thiefes b) thiefs c) thieves d) thiefs’


24. He was reading … when I came in.

a) yesterdays’ newspaper b) yesterday’s newspaper

c) newspaper of yesterday’s d) newspaper of yesterdays’


25. I’ve hurt my … and hands.

a) foots b) feet c) foot’s d) feets


26. Today is … birthday.

a) her son b) her son’s c) her sons d) her sons’


27. The … have eaten the cheese.

a) mouses b) mouse c) mice d) mices


28. I need much … to buy a new car.

a) moneyes b) moneys c) money’s d) money

Прилагательное (The Adjective)

1. The grass there was much … than on the upper field.

a) long b) longer c) the longest d) more long


2. That bike is … than that car.

a) cheap b) the cheaper c) cheapest d) cheaper


3. Excuse me. Where is … bus stop?

a) a near b) nearest c) nearer d) the nearest


4. He is as … as my brother.

a) elder b) the oldest c) older d) old


5. He is … than me.

a) elder b) old c) older d) the oldest


6. It is … building in the city.

a) old b) the oldest c) elder d) older


7. My … sister is a student.

a) the oldest b) older c) elder d) old


8. Polly is not so … as her brother.

a) a tall b) taller c) tall d) the tallest


9. She was … thin woman.

a) taller b) a tall c) tall d) the tallest


10. He was much … than I expected.

a) a tall b) taller c) the tallest d) tall


11. The Amazon is a very … river.

a) as long as b) long c) the longest d) longer


12. The Thames is … the Neva.

a) as long as b) longer c) long d) the longest


13. This coat is … than the one I tried on yesterday. I’ll buy it.

a) the nicest b) as nice as c) nicer d) nice


14. We had a really … day at the beach!

a) as nice as b) the nicest c) nicer d) nice


15. – What city did you like better: Rome or Venice?

- Both. Venice is … Rome. I think each of them is beautiful in its own way.

a) nice b) the nicest c) as nice as d) nicer


16. Norwich is … town in the Southeastern England.

a) as nice as b) nice c) the nicest d) nicer


17. The Indian Ocean is … than the Pacific. The Pacific is the largest Ocean in the world.

a) smaller b) the smallest c) small d) as small as


18. Luxemburg is one of … countries in Europe.

a) small b) as small as c) the smallest d) smaller


19. He is a … man, only five feet tall.

a) smaller b) small c) as small as d) the smallest


20. This village is … the one that we’ve just passed by.

a) as small as b) smaller c) small d) the smallest


21. There was … queue outside the bank.

a) the longest b) longer c) a long d) long


22. A wale is … than a dolphin.

a) longer b) the longest c) long d) a long


23. It’s … tunnel in Europe.

a) long b) the longest c) a long d) longer


24. My mother has …. blond hair.

а) a long b) the longest c) longer d) long


2015-11-09 1027 Обсуждений (0)
Прилагательное (The Adjective) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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