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V. Образуйте производное слово, подходящее по смыслу предложения

2015-11-09 1352 Обсуждений (0)
V. Образуйте производное слово, подходящее по смыслу предложения 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. Th'e driver had a_________in controlling the car. difficult

2. Vic sometimes jokes at my _________.. to appear

3. You are____________with your progress, to satisfy

aren't you?

4. Our journey is____________at the moment. problem

VI. Переведите на английский язык слова, данные в скоб­ках.

1. (Ни онни)_________I have a gift for languages.

2. Susan can't find her keys (нигде)_____._______

3. Our team hasn't won a single game последнее время)

4. They are going to have (другое)_________meeting next week.

5. It will be (намного)_________better if we go by bus.

6. We (привычны)____________to having problems with Dick.

7. They say that other people's problems are easy (решить)

8. They didn't (ожидали)_________so many people at the concert.

VII. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. a) I can't give you any advices.

b) I can't give you any advice.

c) I can't give you no advice.

2. a) It is enough easy to get there on foot.

b) It is enough easily to get there on foot.

c) It is easy enough to get there on foot.

VIII. Напишите подходящие по смыслу фразы-стимулы к данным ответам.

1. —____________________ — Very well, thank you.

2. —____________________ — Yes, by all means.


I. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной вре­менной форме.

It's ten o'clock news and I (to speak)_______________to you from

Oxford where the finals of the World Quiz Championship (to hold)

_______________tomorrow. The favourite is Claude Jennings, the man

who (to know)_______everything. Twelve months ago no one (to hear)

_______of Claude although he (to take)________________part in

such competitions for years. Now suddenly he is a big star. He (to answer)

______________every question correctly since the beginning of the

tournament. When he (to arrive)_________here two days ago, hundreds

of fans (to wait)_______________at the station to welcome him. Since

his arrival he (to read)_________________encyclopedias in his hotel

bedroom. If things (to go)_______well for him, he (to become)

___________the first prize winner. He (to have)__________to reply

to seventeen thousand questions tomorrow and no meal breaks (to plan)

II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Today Melissa is ... popular actress and she played ... main part in.. soap opera «Round the Corner». But as ... child she was unhappy. She didn't do well at ... school and her greatest pleasure was going to ... cinema. Her family lived in ... small town in... North of England. Her mother spent all day at... work and her father had little time for ... children.

III. Вставьте предлог или послелог, где необходимо.

Harriet had accepted the invitation ... Mark's party. But ... Friday afternoon she had to stay late at work after office hours. She left ... the office only at seven. When she reached ... Mark's house he was sitting in his car outside waiting ... her. She apologized ... being late. ... the party she sat next ... a man who never stopped eating.

IV. Составьте предложения, расположив слова в нужном порядке.

1. any/see/it/to/you/our/at/place/nice/is/time.

2. their/change/you/will/think/the/earlier/committee/decision/do?

3. dictating/we/her/that/teacher/fast/was/not/follow/the/so/could.

V. Образуйте производное слово, подходящее по смыслу предложения.

1. The next____________in tennis will be held champion

in our city.

2. There is no____________that we shall be certain

a success.

3 Will you____________yourself, please. introduction

4 it's an old______________building. to impress

VI. Переведите на английский язык слова, данные в скоб­ках.

1. The new building looks (красиво)_______________

2. Are you going to do all the painting (сами)_______________?

3 She was а (счастливый)_________visitor to get free goods from

the shop.

4. All the experts (говорят) ___________the earth is getting


5. Do they (ожидают)_________a lot of people at the concert


6. Take these head-phones. (Другие)_________ones are broken.

7. You have to leave your bags in the cloakroom, (не так пи) ____________?

8. No (волнительных)_________things ever happen here.

VII. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. a) It's been so long time since I saw you last.

b) It's been such long time since I saw you last.

c) It's been such a long time since I saw you last.

2. a) Do you know what time does the bus leave?

b) Do you know what time the bus leaves?

c) Do you know what time will the bus leave?

VIII. Напишите подходящие по смыслу фразы-стимулы к данным ответам.

1. —____________________ — I quite agree.

2. —____________________ — I hope so.



I. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной вре­менной форме.

It happened last August at the airport. A few weeks ago, a group of

us (to decide)___________to go together for a holiday. When we (to

wait)_______________in the queue at the passport control I suddenly

(to realize)____________that I (to leave)_____________my passport

at home. I (to ring) _________my parents, but they (to work)

_______________in the garden. Luckily my mother (to hear)_______

the phone. My passport (to find)____________in my trousers pocket.

My mother said: «If you (to take)_______a taxi this minute you (to

be)_________able to get on the plane in time.» I (to run)_______all

the way to the plane and when at last I (to get)_______on it the

passengers (to start)_________clapping.

II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

There was ... programme on television about ... dangers to the environment. ... ozone layer will continue to disappear if we don't find ... way to stop it. ... world's weather is changing. ... pollution is having ... grave effect on our climate. Last week ... oil tanker spilt ... oil into ... Marble Sea damaging the wildlife.

III. Вставьте предлог или послелог, где необходимо.

This is our first real holiday ... ages. We arrived ... this place ... Friday morning ... about eleven o'clock. Unfortunately we had to wait ... our flight ... the airport for quite a long time. It's nice here. We can get to the beach ... five minutes. We don't go out every evening and usually sleep ... eleven о' clock in the morning.

2015-11-09 1352 Обсуждений (0)
V. Образуйте производное слово, подходящее по смыслу предложения 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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