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Had seen would have asked

2015-11-09 1043 Обсуждений (0)
Had seen would have asked 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


  Cослагательное I Subjunctive Mood I Cослагательное II Subjunctive Mood II
Назначение Выразить желательность, необходимость, совет, приказ Выразить нереальность условия, действия, сопоставления
Употребление В простых и сложных предложениях Только в придаточных условия (прошлого и настоящего)
Грамматическая форма Простая: инфинитив без „to”. He insists that I plant trees. – Он настаивает, чтобы я сажал деревья. Сложная: совпадает с Future in the Past (настоящее и будущее действие) I should pick up strawberry! – Я бы собрал землянику! Совпадает с Future Perfect in the Past (прошедшее действие) She should have boiled jam! – Она бы сварила варенье! Простая: совпадает с Past Indefinite (настоящее и будущее). I desire you were a doctor. – Я желал бы, чтобы ты стал врачом. Сложная: совпадает с Past Perfect (прошедшее время). I desire I had planted this strawberry last spring. – Я желал бы посадить эту землянику прошлой весной.    

Схема условных придаточных предложений

Тип предложения Придаточное условное предложение Главное предложение
Изъявительное наклонение I тип Действия и условия реальны (переводится будущим временем) Present Indefinite If he works hard this year Если он будет работать усердно в этом году, Future Indefinite   he will pass his exam. он сдаст экзамен.
Сослагательное наклонение II тип Действие и условие маловероятны Условие и действие относятся к настоящему и будущему времени. На русский язык переводится глаголом в прошедшем времени с частицей «бы».   Сослагательное наклонение III тип Действие и условие абсолютно нереальны. И условие, и следствие относятся к прошлому (переводится также, как II тип). Past Indefinite   Ifhe workedhard this year, Если бы он работал усердно в этом году,   Past Perfect   If he had worked hard last year,   Если бы он работал усердно в прошлом году, should (would, could, might) + Infinitive без “to” he would pass his exam. он сдал бы экзамен.     should(would,could,might)+ Perfect Imfinitiveбез to   he would have passed his exam. он бы сдалэкзамен.

придаточное главное

Итак: I тип (реальное) – If + Pres.Indef. will + инфинитив

II тип (маловероятное

сегодня, завтра) - If + Past Indef. would + инфинитив

III тип (нереальное

вчера) - If +Past Perfect would have + 3 форма глагола

В условных предложениях II и III типов союз if может быть опущен, но при этом вспомогательный или модальный глагол выносится на место перед подлежащим. (Такое явление называется «инверсия»).

Например: If the secretary should bring the papers, the manager would sign it. = Should the secretary bring the papers, the manager would sign it.

Ifhe were here! = Were he here!

В условных предложениях III типа встречается оборот but for (= if it were not for …) если бы не = существительное или личное местоимение в объектном падеже.

Например: But for the storm, I would Если бы не шторм, я бы поехал

have gone there by boat. поехал туда на лодке.

Сослагательное наклонение может употребляться не только в условных, но и в других типах придаточных предложений:

1) подлежащих, после главного предложения типа It is necessary – необходимо; It is (was) desirable – желательно; It is (was) recommended – рекомендовано; It is (was) important – важно, чтобы; It is possible that – возможно, что и т.д. (с глаголом should для всех лиц).

Например: It is necessary that he Необходимо, чтобы он сделал

should do this work. эту работу.

2)дополнительных придаточных предложениях, если сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголами to order, to command приказывать, to suggest, to propose предлагать, to decide решать, to agree соглашаться, договариваться, to request просить, to insist настаивать (с глаголом should для всех лиц).

Например: He suggests (suggested) Он предлагает (предложил), чтобы

that I should take a leave. я взял отпуск.

3) после глагола wishв главном предложении.

Например: I wish I knew his address. Жаль, что я не знаю его адрес.

I wish I had known French. Жаль, что тогда не знал французского.

4) определительных придаточных со словом timeв главном предложении:

Например: It is time we should go home. Пора идти домой.

в придаточных предложениях целипосле союза lest – чтобы не, сравнения as if, as though– как будто: Например:

I’ll put down your address lestI Я запишу ваш адрес, чтобы не забыть.

should forget it.


She speaks English as if she lived Она говорит по-английски так, как будто

in Britain.. жила в Британии.


1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на три типа условных предложений:

1. а) If you study hard, you will pass your exams successfully. b) If you had studied hard, you would pass your exams successfully. c) If you had studied hard, you would have passed your exams successfully. 2. a) We should invite him unless he left Moscow. b) We should have invited him unless he had left Moscow. 3. a) Providing (если, раз) she told me about it, I should believe her. b) Providing she told me about it, I should have believed her. 4. a) If the plane left in time, it would arrive here in two hours. b) If the plane had left in time, it would have arrived here in two hours. c) If the plane leaves in time, it will arrive here in two hours. 5. a) If it were not so cold, we should walk. b) If it had not been so cold, we should have walked. 6. a) If he were in Ussuriisk now, he would ring you up. b) If he had been in Rostov yesterday, he would have rung you up. 7. a) If I were you, I should go to the sea during the summer holidays. b) If I had been you, I should have gone to the sea during the summer holidays. 8. My report would be ready tomorrow provided I had all necessary materials. b) My report would have been ready yesterday provided I had had all necessary materials.


2. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на инверсию:

1. Were we free tomorrow, we should go to the museum. 2. Had he time, he might complete the work soon. 3. Had you informed me beforehand, I should have come by all means. 4. Had we given more time to fulfill the job, the result might have been different. 5. Had there been any changes, the committee would have known it. 6. Were he given this work, he would do his best to show his skill. 7. Could you stay a little longer, we should tell you the news. 8. Had he overcome the obstacles, he would have become a prominent scientist. 9. The day would be wonderful, were it not so hot. 10. He would take part in the discussion, were he not so tired.


3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод модальных глаголов при сочетании с перфектным инфинитивом:

must have (done) – должно быть, сделал

1. They must have sent a new spaceship into orbit. 2. It must have taken him much time to complete the work. 3. Helen looks very happy, she must have fallen in love. 4. All the people are leaving the conference hall, the session must have been declared closed.

may have (done) – возможно, сделал

1. The problem may have been solved, but I’m not sure. 2. The delegation may have arrived, but we don’t have exact information so far. 3. They may have bought the necessary goods (товары) there. 4. Since we haven’t got any positive answer to our request, the manger of the company may have refused to sell us the equipment.

could have (done)– мог бы сделать но не сделал

might have (done) – возможно, сделал

should; have (done) – следовало бы сделать

ought to have (done) – следовало бы сделать

1. He could have done it without your help. 2. The Browns could have invited us to the evening party. 3. He might have painted his studio. 4. The train might have arrived already. 5. He should have published an article long ago. 6.You should have told your mother about your fail. 7. You ought to have made favourable conditions. 8. You ought to have gone to the doctor.

cannot have (done)– не может быть, чтобы…

1. You cannot have translated this text without a dictionary. 2. She cannot have done such a thing. 3. They cannot have come so late. 4. He cannot have said it.


4.Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод глагола-сказуемого придаточных предложений:

I wish I were free now. 2. I wish I could help her. 3. I wish I knew about it. 4. I wish you

were more attentive. 5. I wish I had seen that film. 6. John speaks Russian as if he were a Russian. 7. Ann looks as if she were not well. 6. She loves this little boy as though he were her son. 9. It is time we had dinner. 10. It’s time you returned the books to the library. 11. It’s time we went home. 12. It is important that the students should speak English at English classes. 13. It is necessary that you should do this work on time. 14. It is impossible that he should have said it. 15. It is important that the report should be made in English. 16. It is strange that she should have done this without consulting. 17. I suggest that you (should) speak to the Dean about it. 18. We propose that this question (should) be discussed at the meeting. 19. I demand that the plan (should) be presented not later than tomorrow. 20. The strikers insisted that their demands (should) be met. 21. The doctor demanded that the sick man (should) stay at home for a couple of days. 22. We are going to the station a bit earlier lest we should miss the 6 o’clock train. 23.May I put down your address lest I should forget it?


5.Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. It is necessary that he be here. 2. Success attend you! 3. May you be happy! 4. Long liv e our friendship! 5. I should like to see a new film. 5. It would be useful to read this article. 6. I wish we would wait for her. 7. He spoke as if he had seen it with his own eyes. 8. It is necessary that you come. 9. I should have come if you had rung me up. 10. He might have followed your advice. 11. You could have done it today. 12. You ought to have done something with your bad tooth. 13. Leave her a note so that she should know where to find us. 14. Close the window lest we should catch cold. 15. Had we known all these facts before, we should have told you about them. 16. Had Peter come here an hour ago, he could have got this book. 16. I wish I could see it with my own eyes. 17. I wish you had come earlier. 18. If I had a key I would open the door. 19. I would have done it if I hadn’t been so tired. 20. It is important that a man should be honest. 21. It’s necessary that he should get the tickets. 22. If I were free tomorrow. 23. If I liked mathematics. 24. I wish he had not written that letter.


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