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Task 12 Chocolate Production

2016-01-26 634 Обсуждений (0)
Task 12 Chocolate Production 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Make the flowchart of the process and number the operations of chocolate production after listening to the recording.

Speaker : In the case of all Cadbury's chocolate products the basic ingredients are, of course, cocoa beans . We buy our cocoa beans from Ghana and some from Malaysia 50,000 tonnes of cocoa beans are processed each year at the factory but that's before the actual chocolate-making process can be started.

When they arrive at the cocoa factory the cocoa beans are sorted and cleaned . And then they're roasted in revolving drums at a temperature of about 135 degrees. The actual time for roasting depends on whether the use at the end is for cocoa or chocolate.

Now after that, the next processes are called kibbling and winnowing. Well first, in the kibbling stage the beans are broken down into small pieces. And at the same time the shells are blown away by air currents. The technical term for that process is 'winnowing'. And so, then you've got the broken pieces of cocoa beans. And those are known as 'nibs'. OK?

Well, now in the next stage the nibs are taken and groundin mills until the friction and the heat of milling reduces them to a thick chocolate coloured liquid. The result of the grinding stage is known as 'mass'. Now, this contains 55 to 58 % cocoa butter and, of course, that solidifies as it cools. And it's the basis of all chocolate and cocoa products.

Cocoa powder is made by extracting about half the cocoa butter through pressing in heavy presses. And that cocoa butter is later added back in the chocolate making process.

Right then, now after the mass has been produced, we come to the actual chocolate making process itself. I'm going to tell you about the production of milk chocolate.

Well, at the milk factory the mass, the cocoa mass, is mixed with liquid full cream milk and sugar which has already been evaporated to a very thick liquid. The resulting chocolate creamy liquid is then dried. At that stage it's called 'chocolate crumb' . Then that's taken to our factories at Bournville and Somerdale in Bristol.

There, the 'crumb' is mixed with the additional cocoa butter and special chocolate flavourings. And this is then turned into a kind of paste. And it's ground again and pulverized further.

The chocolate, which has had sugar and cocoa butter added to the mass before grinding and pulverizing, now undergoes the final special production stages. Now, the most important component of chocolate as far as the texture is concerned, is the addition of fats. The final processes of 'conching'and then 'tempering'are essential in the process they control the texture and viscosity of the chocolate before it can be used in the manufacturing process. Are you with me so far? Good!

Now 'conching' involves mixing and beating the semi-liquid mixture to develop flavour and reduce the viscosity and the size of the part icles . Well, basically, what this means is that it stops it becoming too sticky and enables it to be manipulated.

And then comes the tempering. This is the last stage and it's crucial: what it means is mixing and cooling the liquid chocolate under very carefully controlled conditions to produce chocolate in which the fat has set in its most stable crystalline form.

It is the tempering of the chocolate that gives it the famous Cadbury smoo smoothness, and gloss and the snap. Without this last process the chocolate would be very soft and gritty, and there'd be large crystals inside it and it would have a very dull grey appearance.

Well then, there we are, that's how milk chocolate is made …

Task 13 Read the article and decide whether the statements are true or false.

1.Different frictions are needed to be changed effortlessly and individually.

2.Adjustment of frictions between the rollers goes with changing gears.

3.Downtimes resulting from recipe changes are greatly increased.

4.The five-roll-refiner is ideal for heat-sensitive products.

5.Some air is incorporate in the cooling water system.

6.Cooling water is kept in a very even way under the whole surface of the roll.


Given its rich history with five-roll refiners, it was only natural that F.B. Lehmann introduced a new generation of such refiners at Interpack 2005. Two key developments highlight the innovations:

1) The new generation of F.B. Lehmann five-roll refiners contains five rollers, five motors and five frequency converters. The result is an absolutely flexible, immediate adjustment of frictions between the rollers without changing gears. Different frictions are needed for different recipes, such as for milk chocolate and darker chocolate. The different settings of each roller can be stored and recalled back as a recipe in the Multipanel. The speeds and therefore the frictions can be changed effortlessly and individually. A very fine selective adjustment can be made to optimize taste, fineness and capacity. Downtimes resulting from recipe changes are greatly reduced.

2) In combination with a newly developed forced cooling water system, the five-roll-refiner is ideal for heat-sensitive products, such as milk chocolates as well as for superior, absolutely fine chocolates (17 and 18 microns). The reason: The heat is guided away

from the friction area in an optimum manner, to preserve the fine taste even under tough friction conditions.

Cooling water is pressed through the rollers in a safe "first in, first out" process. No air is incorporate in the cooling water system. As a result, cooling directly under the hardened surface of the roll very near to the friction area is ensured. In addition, cooling

water is distributed in a very even way under the whole surface of the roll by a U-turn channel design (displacement internal jacket).

The new five-roll-refiner generation is ideal for a high production flexibility and highest quality products. Primarily because of the forced cooling water system, the new generation is able to grind remarkable higher capacities than other machines with the same

roller dimensions on the market.

Task 14 Read the article below and choose the best word to fill each gap.

2016-01-26 634 Обсуждений (0)
Task 12 Chocolate Production 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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