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2016-01-26 454 Обсуждений (0)
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The outlying area of Nlzhniy Tagil running along the Nevyansk road is identified on a city map of 1843 as the «Matilda's purlieu» named after Matilda de Monfor, the spouse of A.Demyidov There, on the bank of the industrial lake within the park, was built a «personal country-seat» of F.l. Shvetsov, the well known mine engineer and the technical manager of Tagil metal mining and engineering okrug. After he died in 1855 thу dacha was bought by P.P. Demyidov, since then known as the Demidovskaya dacha». The fascinating two-storied stone house with a mizzanine was decorated with daedal wooden carvings. There were a greenhouse, two openwork alcoves above water, a roofed swimming pool surrounded by lindens, trimmed acacia, blackthorn, fragrant lilac and flower beds. Under the Soviets the dacha was granted to the railroad workers: first it housed the komsomol committee, then in 1923 - the vacation home and later - the kindergarten. In the 1933-193Ss a water pumping station was set up at this place. Later the dacha building housed the railroad workers' sports base. Now it’s restored and open to the public.



Today the Skorbyaschensky women's monastery within Malaya Kushva includes the Skorbyaschensky church and Voznesyensky (Kryestovozdvyizhinsky) Cathedral. The small cross-shaped Skorbyaschensky church is topped with the glavka (head element) under a cross on a high barrel, which is finely decorated with ogee shaped teeth of kokoshniks. It was erected in the late 1860s at the funds of a former serf 1.1. Sergeyev, an owner of a cable plant, in pursuance of his father's will «build the church with a yard». Unblessed until 1883 the church would not be sanctified over 20 years. In 1884 several women resided nearby initiated the organization of a women's hospice within the church. In 1902 by the Synod's act it was reorganized into the community and in 1905 it was granted a status of the women's monastery


In 1905 the initiatives and efforts of the monastery's nuns and the Mother Superior Maria (F.Kruze) resulted into a “new stone fane named” Voznesyensky (Ascension), constructed at mostly monastery’s funds, near the Skorbyaschenskaya church. Contemporaries would take this elevated five-tower three-altar Cathedral for an exalted and gleeful representation of Christianity. It is made of red brick upon the podklyet (special ground floor in Old Russian houses) with facades decorated with shaped setting. In 1913 eight crosses were set up on top of the monastery followed by a festivity with religious procession and the fane was renamed Krestovozdvyizhensky (Cross bearing). In 1919 the monastery was closed but the inhabitants organized an agricuitural commune named the Uley (beehive) disbanded a year later. In 1920 the fane's and monastery's buildings would take in the exiled and then one of the first Ural's children's shelter. Skorbyaschenskaya church was occupied by the library and hobby groups. Since the early 1990s the church has been operational again and the Voznesyensky cathedral is being restored. The Skorbyaschensky women’s monastery was opened in 1998 and got back botn cathedrals.


Usadba (homestead) of the Cherepanovs, the famous Tagil's machine engineers was presumably built up by A.P.Chebotaryov in the 1830- 1840s upon the Southern banks of Viysky pond on the street named Bolshaya Viyskaya. A two-storied brick house with a wing has survived within the usadba. The house domiciled two generations of the family of M.Ye.Cherepanov. Located along the street's red line the Cherepanovs' house is interested as an example of the ordinary homestead style of the first half of the XIX century. The classicism styled building with openwork balcony and crowned with a pediment is homely decorated just with framed windows and the simply shaped cornice. In the 1860s the house was sold to the office of the Viysky copper plant. After the revolution the house was taken over by the Vysokogorsky mechanical plant to be used for apartments for its employees. Later it was used for the forestry's office and yet later for a detention room. In 1984 this historic building was given to the Nizhniy Tagil museum of local lore for a new exposition of industrial history.

The monument to V.I. Lenin unveiled on November 7,1925 was financed through community donations. It is one of the first monuments to the leader in the Urals. The monument's history is interesting. The figure itself is one of 7 thousand serial products cast of bronze at the V.I.Lenina Krasny Vyborzhets plant according to the project of sculptor V,V.Kozlov in the year Lenin died. But the plinth project was original, it was accepted based upon the results of the contest. It was won by A.I.Frolov, teacher of drawing of public school №1. The pyramidal plinth of gray marble shows a pile of books framed from all sides with the opened books of citations of V.l.Lenin. The plinth is crowned with a spherical model of the earth I with a statue of V.I.Lenin standing on top of it.


The D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak Drama Theater of Nizhniy Tagil has become the major decoration of the plaza. This magnificent building has made a radical impact on the plaza's «image» and it is rightly considered one of the city's most significant buildings. Nizhniy Tagil as a city of theatrical traditions dates back to the first amateur theater opened by the Demidovs' employees in 1862. In 1920-1940 several amateur drama groups would play in the city theatrical clubs. The National Drama Theater was opened in Nizhniy Tagil on May 8, 1946 a year after the WWII as a token of acknowledgement of a great labor contribution to the victory. In 1955 there was erected a new theatrical building designed by Leningrad architect A.Tarasyenko. It’s one of the city's most significant architectural structures resembling an ancient fane. This solemn and monumental edifice with a powerful eight-column Doric portico and pediment filled with raised decor, visually embodies the architectural style of Stalin, epoch traditionally called the «Stalin umpire». Theater's pediments are decorated with statues created in the workshop of Moscow sculptor Ye. Vuchyechich, which personify labor, science and arts. The plafond and the foyer were painted by monumental artists of Moscow.



The Museum of Fine Arts has become a unique center of the city's cultural life. The museum was built in 1944 and the artists and employees of the National Hermitage, which were evacuated to the Urals, played an important role its organization. Its new building was constructed in 1963 according to the project of Sverdlovsk architect A.M.Likyin on the foundation of a former merchants' club within a complex once belonging to merchant P.T.Axyonov. The building's height of a laconic volume is justified by its functional and figurative features such as the glass lanterns of showrooms. A small park by the museum is decorated with a park type sculptural composition named “Yunost. V stranye radosti I schastiya». («Youth. In the country of joy and happiness») created by Moscow artist M. G. Manizer. In 2001 another composition called Pamyatnik tagyilskomu metallu (The monument to Tagil steel) made by V. Nasyedkin was set up there.


The first puppets show in .Nizhniy Tagil «The Princess and the Swineherd» after Andersen took place in the Teacher’s House on June 13th 1944. This date is considered to be the date of the Puppets Theater foundation. At first the theater located in the Pioneer House but in 1969 it got the new building, situated on the most populous place - Bazarnaya Square that became the Ploneerskiy Park in 1930s. In spite of its symple and lapidary forms the building is not lost in the central part of the city. Built according to the design of Tagil architect A.I. Obuhov the building's size is quite proportional to its small spectators and really looks as a comfortable puppet's house. The fairytale characters welcome to visit the theater from the colorful facade's panel.


The Park named after the writer A.P.Bondin is located on the bank of Tagil Lake and has a long history. In the early nineteenth century quite close to the Head Office of the Works the «Gospodskii sad» (the Hosts Garden) was founded. The garden was considered as a continuation of the classicism architectural complex and a part of the buildings planning and carried out the regular character. The drawing of the Garden on the general plan of the Nizhniy Tagil settlement of the middle nineteenth century allows us to see the straight alleys, symmetrical flower beds, espalier and a fanciful maze of bushes. The contemporary said that they grew cucumbers and even pineapples in the greenhouses even in winter. Later the Hosts Garden turned into a public one and has become one of the most favorite and popular places for free time of the citizenry. Old-timers remember the dancing ground and joyful merrygorounds, flying right over the surface of the lake. The territory of Bondin Park is included into the industry and landscape “Demidov - Park».


One of the highest places on the Tagil Lake embankment is occupied by a building of circular shape under the broad hiproof with crenellated crown sparkling in the sun. This is Nizhniy Tagil circus with an auditorium for 1800 seats, erected in 1975 according to the typical design of soviet architectural state standard times. But Tagil artists V.M. and L.P.Ushakovs, V.P.Polev, U.Perevalov, M.V.Destergeft and V.I.Stekanov managed to make it unique. They created decorative plastic and raised compositions on the circus (facades: happy clowns and nimble jugglers, graceful equestriennes and trained bears meet spectators before the performance begins as if they already start the breathtaking show. The power of artists' fantasy and skill created the playful and gala atmosphere of the Circus, the most cheerful notion in the world.



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