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Тестовые задания для самоконтроля. Тестовые задания

2016-09-16 241 Обсуждений (0)
Тестовые задания для самоконтроля. Тестовые задания 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Тестовые задания


Choose the correct form.

  1. It __________ again. It ________ all the time here in autumn.

a) is raining … is raining

b) rains … is raining

c) is raining … rains

  1. I _______they _______ her.

a) think … like

b) am thinking … are liking

c) think … are liking

  1. My family ______ of returning to Manchester.

a) thinks

b) doesn’t thinks

c) is thinking

  1. Michael ______ ham and eggs for supper.

a) Isnt usually having

b) Doesnt usually have

c) Doesnt usually has

  1. John and Steve _______ chess in the lounge at the moment.

a) are playing

b) is playing

c) play

  1. Greg ________ fishing every weekend.

a) is going

b) goes

c) doesnt goes

  1. I _______ plans for the summer right now.

a) am making

b) make

c) made

  1. Pauline _______ in a concert next Sunday.

a) sings

b) will singing

c) is singing

  1. What _________? – It s a letter to my mother. I m telling her the latest news.

a) do you write

b) are you writing

c) you are writing



Choose the correct form.

1. They _______ swimming every weekend when they were young.

a) were going

b) went

c) use to go

2. First she ________ the text and then she __________ to type it.

a) read … started

b) reads … started

c) was reading … was starting

3. Kate ________ a plate when she _______ the dishes.

a) was dropping … was washing

b) dropped … was washing

c) was dropping … washed

4. It __________ while they ________ for a bus.

a) snowed … waited

b) was snowing … were waiting

c) were snowing… were waiting

5. Caroline ______ the window when I _______ into the room.

a) was cleaning … was coming

b) cleaned … came

c) was cleaning … came

6. Melanie _________ a loud scream as she _______ in the yard.

a) heard … was sitting

b) heard … sits

c) was hearing … was sitting


7. As Andy _______ to his office, he ______ that all the contracts were still at home.

a) was driving … remembered

b) drives … remembered

c) was driving … was remembered

8. Her essay …………. by next week

a) is written

b) is being written

c) will have written

d) will be written

9. The Amazon is ………… to many species of plants and animals.

a) birthplace

b) house

c) home

d) location



Тестовые задания для самоконтроля

1) Choose the proper words and fill in the blanks (выберите необходимые слова и заполните пропуски):

/. We are proud... the country.

A in

В of

С on

D to

2.... rivers include the Volga in Europe, the Yenisei, the Ob, the Lena in Asia.

A abundant

В national

С major

D total

3. The greatest... of natural gas are located in Siberia and the Far East.

A mineral

В concentrate

С deposits

D plains

4. The city was ... restored after the Tartar invasion.

A especially

В densely

С naturally

D gradually

5. St. Basil's Cathedral has many ....

A eagles

В domes

С chambers

D courts

6. The ... power is realized by the Federal Assembly.

A executive

В judicial

С legislative `

D federal

7. The Upper chamber of the Federal Assembly is called the ... of Federation.

A Duma В Council С Court D State

8. At the end of the 18th century the Russian aristocracy... the European clothes and speech.

A approved

В appointed

С adopted

D destroyed

9. The period, when Catherine the Great..., was characterized by the great cultural growth.

A reigned

В adopted

С ruined

D restored

10. Now we can easily travel abroad, enjoy ... of speech and religion.

A abundant

В wealth

С court

D freedom


2) Choose the proper forms of the Infinitive and fill in the blanks (выберите правильную форму инфинитива и заполните пропуски):

/. The museums ... are far from this place.

A to visit

В visit

С to be visited

D to have visited

2. They want... that book to him.

A to be presented

В to present

С present

D to have been presented

3. ... ministers is the President's function.

A to appoint

В to be appointed

С to approve

D to be approved

4. ... this report, you should go to the library.

A to appoint

В to be prepared

С to prepare

D to be approved

5. ... the people of this country, you should study their customs and traditions.

A to prepare

В to be understood

С to understand

D to be prepared

6. The book ... is interesting.

A to be read В to read

С have read D have been read

7. / don't want... about this thing.

A to talk

В say

С to have been said

D be told

8. They began ... the monument in the centre of the city.

A to develop В to restore

С to be restored D to attract

9. The flag ... is approved by the Federal Assembly.

A to adopt

В to be adopted

С to symbolize

D to be symbolized

10. Thousands of tourists try ... Baikal.

A to have been visited

В to be visited

С to have visited

D to visit

3) Answer these multiple-choice questions about Russia (ответьте на вопросы множественного выбора о России):

/. What territory does the country occupy?

A 90 million square kilometers

В 17 million square kilometers

С 150 million square kilometers

2. What countries does Russia border?

A Spain, China, the Ukraine

В Finland, China, the Ukraine

С Finland, Mongolia, Norway

3. What are the major rivers of Russia ?

A the Lena, the Volga, the Amur

В the Lena, the Volga, the Ob

С the Yenisei, the Volga, the Don

4. Where is the world's deepest lake situated?

A in the European part of the country

В in the Asian part of the country

С in the Northern part of the country

5. Where is the most of the mineral wealth of Russia?

A in Siberia and the Far East

В in the European part of the country

С near the Black Sea

6. How many million people live in Russia ?

A more than 150 million people

В more than 100 million people

С more than 90 million people

7. What part of the country is densely populated?

A Siberia

В the Far East

С the European part of the country

8. Who is the head of the state?

A the President

В the Prime Minister

С the king


Тестовые задания для самоконтроля

Choose the proper forms of the Participle I or Participle II and fill in the blanks:

1. The tops of the mountains are ... with snow.
A covering В having covered

С covered D having been covered


2. The lakes are ...by natural channels.

A connecting В connected

С having connected D having been connected


3. The channels ...by rapids are long.

A cutting В cut

С having cut D connected


4. The place for the capital was... aside by the federal government.

A set B setting

С having set D having been set


5. There are thirteen stripes on the American flag ... thirteen original states.

A having been represented В represented

С representing D having represented


6. The ... population took part in the process of government.
A involving В being involved

С involved D having been involved


7. ... by the mountain chains from the north to the south, the country is visited by winds from the north and from the south.

A crossing В being crossed

С having crossed D having been crossed


8. He has not ...to get the information.

A managed В managing

С being managed D having been managed


9. The word "Nevada" is a Spanish word, ... "covered with snow ".

A meant В meaning

С having meant D having been meant


10. The winds ...from the north are very cold.

A blowing В having been blown

С blown D visited



2016-09-16 241 Обсуждений (0)
Тестовые задания для самоконтроля. Тестовые задания 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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