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Office manager: Job description

2016-09-16 444 Обсуждений (0)
Office manager: Job description 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

As an office manager you are the glue that sticks all the different departments of a business together. It is your job to make sure the business runs smoothly.

The nature of an office manager's work depends on the type and size of business, but your typical 'to do' list will probably include:

- Control of office budgets

- Arranging travel, meetings and appointments

- Ordering stationery, office equipment and furniture

- Organising office maintenance and repair

- Supervising and monitoring the work of clerical and secretarial staff

- Completing payroll paperwork and timesheets

- Discussing problems with staff

- Reporting to management to review office performance

- Reviewing and updating the company's health and safety policy, and arranging checks

- Organising and leading induction programmes for new joiners.


Hours and environment

You'll basically work 9am to 5pm, unless it's a particularly busy time in the office. It's an office based role, so it is rare that you will be asked to travel overseas or overnight. It's a full-time, busy job, so unfortunately there aren't too many flexible working opportunities out there.

Skills and interests

The role involves working with everyone in the business and balancing lots of different needs and tasks so, apart from being tireless, the most important skills you can demonstrate are a good way with people and great organisational abilities.

An efficient office manager must be good at the following:

Good written skills

Good at problem-solving

Confident project management

Good at multi-tasking

Are reliable

Confident with IT and the basic office software packages (Word,

Excel, PowerPoint etc.)

Show good initiative


Work experience is really important no matter what your background. Even graduates will need a couple of years' office experience before being considered for the role.

Not all degrees or qualifications are equal. It may increase your chances if your qualification is in a business, computing or management type subject.


When you first walk in the door you'll be given some in-house training. This usually covers office systems and procedures and will get you familiar with the office layout.

Once you've settled in your employer should arrange some appropriate training to help you develop and take on more responsibility. This might include courses in:

Health and safety

Project management

IT courses


You may be asked to take a diploma in subjects like finances, personnel or office management. A larger company should fund these courses for you but a smaller company's training budgets probably won't stretch that far.


You'll get lots of opportunities to take on more responsibilities, particularly in the first five years or so. From managing more people to organising and leading more training and taking a more senior role in decision-making.

Promotion usually involves becoming a member of the management team or head of a department. It is also quite common to combine two roles. For example taking on the role of finance or personnel manager as well as your existing office manager duties.


2016-09-16 444 Обсуждений (0)
Office manager: Job description 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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