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2016-09-16 745 Обсуждений (0)

Теоретическая часть – Theoretical part

Данный лексический материал предназначен для того, чтобы студенты могли свободно ориентироваться в техническом тексте и активно использовать предлагаемые слова и словосочетания.Грамматика– повторение Past Simple & Past Continuous.

Задания – Activities

Задание 1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

Activity 1. The following new words and phrases are to be learnt:

support опора, опорная плита

sufficient strength достаточной прочности

to bear нести, вынести

proper loads соответствующие нагрузки

able способный

principal tool основной инструмент

to weight весить

control center центр управления

to house вмещать

drum барабан

to spool наматывать на катушку

to transmit передавать

by turning the joint при помощи поворота соединения

during connections and trips во время соединений и подъемов

chain-driven unit агрегат, с цепным приводом

slush pump шламовый/буровой насос

under necessary pressure под нужным давлением

double-acting двойного действия

duplex двойной

piston поршень

high capacity высокой мощности/производительности

h.p. (horse power) лошадиная сила / л.с.

is driven приводится в движение

screw pump винтовой насос

sealed chamber герметичная камера

leakage утечка, протечка

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Activity 2. Read and translate the text:

Drilling equipment

The substructure is a support on which the derrick is rested. It must be of sufficient strength able to bear the proper loads providing 100% safety operation. Substructures are different in their dimensions depending on the type and weight of drilling equipment on them as well as on the quantity of control devices which are mounted too. Substructures may be made of concrete and metal. Drawworksis the principal tool of equipment on a rotary rig and can sometimes weigh up to 40 tons. It’s like a control center from which a driller operates the rig. It houses a drum which spools drilling recovery wire during hoisting operations. Rotary table has two primary functions: to transmit the rotation to the drill string by turning the joint and to bear weight of pipes during connections and trips. The table is a chain-driven unit and a small separate engine is sometimes used as an separate unit.

Mud pumps or so called slush pumps are designated to circulate drilling fluid (mud) under necessary pressure. The pump used for this purpose is double - acting, duplex type. Double- acting means that each side of the piston is in action and duplex refers to a number of pistons, there are two. Mud pumps provide high pressure and high capacity and are used in drilling. The capacity of the mud pump is about several hundred h.p. (horse power). The pump is driven by electrical motor or diesel engine. There are 4 general groups of prime movers – diesel, steam, internal combustion or diesel-electric. They should be met certain specifications. Diesel-electric combination is widely used, diesel – to drive generators which supply electricity to electric motors on the rig. They are especially used on off-shore installations with a minimum space.

A pump is a mechanical device used to move liquids or gases. Also the heart is an essential pump in humans and animals to move the blood around. The earliest pump was described by Archimedes around 300 BC and is known as the Archime-

des screw pump. Pumps work by using mechanical forces to push the material, either by physically lifting, or by the force of compression.

Pumps fall into two categories: positive displacement pumps, which force fluid from one sealed chamber to another with little leakage, and dynamic pumps, which use the momentum of the fluid to move it across an unsealed chamber.

Задание 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

Activity 3. Answer the following questions:

1. What is substructure?

1. ………………………………………………………………………………

2. What kind of material is used for substructures?

2. ………………………………………………………………………………

3. What does double-acting mean?

3. ………………………………………………………………………………

4. How many groups of prime movers do you know?

4. ………………………………………………………………………………

5. Who described the first pump?

5. ………………………………………………………………………………


Задание 4. Выберите и подчеркните правильный вариант, употребляя Past Simple или/и Past Continuous по образцу:

Activity 4. Choose and underline the correct answer using Past Simple or Past Continouos ( see model):

Model: He (came/was coming) in and saw Mary who (drew/was drawing) a nice picture.

1. The businessman (was flying/flew) to England a week ago.

2. I (didn’t hear/ wasn’t hearing) what he (said/was saying). I ( typed/was typing) at that moment.

3. He suddenly (realized/was realizing) that he (was traveling/traveled) in the wrong direction.

4. I (looked/was looking) for you in the theatre all evening. Where (did you sit/were you sitting)?

5. The secretary (came/was coming) and (said/was saying) that a visitor (waited/was waiting) for me in the hall.

6. The train (stroke/was striking) an obstacle on the line but it (didn’t stop/wasn’t stopping) because it (was traveling/traveled) too fast at that time.

Задание 5. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим словосочетаниям:

Activity 5. Give the Russian equivalents to the following phrases:

a support on which the derrick is rested …………………………………………….

the quantity of control devices ……………………………………………………..

to transmit the rotation to the drill string ……………………………………………

the capacity of the mud pump is …………………………………………………….

it should be met …………………………………………………………………..


Задание 6. Найдите ошибки в написании слов и справа напишите правильный вариант( по образцу 0):

Activity 6. Find mistakes in the words and write them correctly in the right part:

0. Pump is a mekanical devise used to mechanical/ device

1. move lickuids or gasses. Also the ……………………………….

2. hart is an esential pump in humans. ……………………………

3. Pumps work by using mechanickal ……………………………….

4. fources to push the materiel either ……………………………….

5. by phisicaly leafting or by the force ………………………………..

6. of compresion. Pumps fall into too ……………………………….

7. categouries: possitive displacement ……………………………….

8. pumpes and dynamic pumpes. ……………………………….

Задание 7. Изложите главную идею текста (5-7 предложений). Постарайтесь осветить следующие пункты:

Activity 7. Give the main idea of the text (5-7 sentences). Try to speak about:

1. Substructure

2. Drawworks

3. Rotary table

4. Mug pumps

5. Archimedes pump

Практическое занятие 8 ( 14) Unit 8

2016-09-16 745 Обсуждений (0)


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