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Translate the English sentences into Russian

2016-09-16 494 Обсуждений (0)
Translate the English sentences into Russian 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. I always get on a bus at 34th Street. 2. John took off his hat when he entered the room. 3. Did anyone call me up while I was out? 4. The man was so weak that the nurse was unable to get him up. 5. We will wait for you on the corner of Broadway and 86th Street. 6. He has spent an hour looking for the gloves which he lost. 7. The teacher told us to look at the blackboard and not at our books. 8. I was unable to find out the name of that man. 9. I don’t want to take part in the competition. 10. Try this brown suit on, please! 11. Every student should look up new words in his dictionary every day. 12. If you go out in this rain, you should really catch cold. 13. William has made up his mind not to enter the college this year. 14. Ann, see me in at the station, please! 15. Patricia is a shy girl and doesn’t make friends easily.


2. Substitute the italicized word or words with the corresponding idiomatic expression indicated in brackets. Mind the proper form of the expression! Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. He continued talking as though nothing had happened. (keep on) 2. Marry began to love him when she was only a child. (fall in love with) 3. The major has promised to investigate the public scandal thoroughly. (look into) 4. It was difficult for him to stop the habit of smoking. (give up) 5. You must consider the fact that he has little education. (take into account) 6. We will come to pick you up at 8 o’clock. (call for) 7. John likes travelling and in this he resembles his Uncle Вill. (take after) 8. With taxes so high I will have to get along without a new car this year. (do without) 9. We went to the station to say good-bye to Helen. (see off) 10. The noise of the radio is making me nervous. (get on one’s nerves) 11. Our sales have been decreasing recently. (fall off) 12. They are hiring many new workers at that factory. (take on) 13. Now the engineers have to seek and develop a new method of construction. (work out) 14. Fortunately it is easy to communicate with my children. (get along with) 15. The plane left the ground at exactly 2 o’clock. (take off)


Find the expression corresponding to the italicized idiom above.

1. If something looks out on the park, it

a) resembles the park.

b) faces the park.

c) is as large as the park.

2. If something doesn’t make sense, it is

a) funny.

b) true.

c) logical.

3. If someone drops in on me, he

a) visits me.

b) drops me a line.

c) gives me a ring.

4. If I am named after someone, I

a) have a similar character.

b) imitate him in everything.

c) have been given the same name.

5. If I take something apart, I

a) criticize it.

b) assemble it.

c) separate the different parts.

6. If someone tells you to shut up, he wants you to

a) close the door.

b) turn off the radio.

c) stop talking.

7. If I get along with someone, I

a) know him well.

b) dislike him.

c) live and work harmoniously with him.

8. If I look after someone, I

a) take care of him.

b) call on him.

c) follow him everywhere.

9. If I eat out every night, I

a) eat a lot.

b) eat in a restaurant.

c) eat at home.

10. If a prediction comes true, it

a) turns out to be correct.

b) is false.

c) turns out to be foolish.

11. If I play tricks on someone, I

a) call him up.

b) make him a victim of my jokes.

c) laugh and joke with him.

12. To point out something is to

a) need it.

b) indicate it.

c) look it up.

13. To make up one’s mind is to

a) decide.

b) get up.

c) wait for something.

14. Men shake hands when they

a) argue.

b) become angry.

c) are introduced to each other.

15. If someone says “Look out!”, you should

a) put your head out of the window.

b) sit down.

c) be careful.


Match the meaning of English idiomatic expressions.

1. become free of, escape from a) look forward to

2. investigate, examine carefully b) call for

3. come to an office, home, store c) look into etc. in order to get

smb or smth

4. prove to be correct d) get rid of

5. expect, anticipate, usually with pleasure e) come true

6. study, begin a course leading to a career f) come from

7. visit g) keep on

8. enjoy oneself h) call on

9. originate i) have a good time

10. continue j) take up

11. begin to love k) take a seat

12. search for, seek l) look up

13. test before buying (said only of clothes) m) fall in love

14. sit down n) try on

15. search for a word, a price, a telephone o) look for number (especially

in a catalogue where one must

turn over pages)


Substitute the italicized sections with an idiomatic expression.

To get

1.That music is beginning to make me nervous. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Smith don’t live together harmoniously. 3. At what time do you arise each morning? 4. We have mice in our apartment and we can’t exterminate them. 5. William boards the subway at the same station every morning. 6. At what station do you usually leave the subway?

To take

1. The teacher didn’t participate in our discussion. 2. She removed her hat and gloves. 3. Ruth will watch the baby while we go to the movies. 4. It was much easier to disassemble the machine than to put it together again. 5. He plans to study law when he goes to college. 6. The President’s announcement came for everybody as unexpected.

to call

1. Some friends visited us last night. 2. I will telephone you at 6 o’clock. 3. We will come to pick you up at exactly 7 o’clock. 4. The chief scolded us for coming late to work every day. 5. The game was canceled because of rain.


2016-09-16 494 Обсуждений (0)
Translate the English sentences into Russian 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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