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Read the text and tell how Nick has become a collector

2016-09-16 720 Обсуждений (0)
Read the text and tell how Nick has become a collector 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


In fact I haven’t got the patience to engage myself in any regular and continuous activities. At least I thought so until … Well, I’ll tell you from the very beginning.

Three years ago our group went on a tour of old Russian towns. We took along with us a great deal of souvenirs for the boys and girls to present them with. As for me, I had bought about thirty or forty various badges and post-cards with views of our city.

Well, we enjoyed the tour very much. We saw many interesting things and tried to remember every place we visited. In those towns we were warmly received by our friends who gave us all sorts of thing in memory of our stay there.

By the end of our tour I had found myself a possessor of quite a number of different badges and each of those little pieces of iron could tell me a lot about the places I had visited. On returning home I went to see my friend who had been ill and couldn’t join us in our travel. Telling him the story of our journey I showed the badges and explained them. When my friend saw the badges which I brought his eyes sparkled. He took each of them and scrutinized it for a long time. We spent the whole evening talking about the badges. I understood that if I had presented him with the badges, that would have been a great consolation for the fact that he didn’t go with us and I said, “Alec, what if I give you all those things for good?” “Oh no”, said he, “You hardly realize what a valuable collection of badges you have. It would be very nice of you to go on collecting them. I’m sure nobody can boast of such a collection”.

I followed his advice. Last year I added to my collection a hundred of badges which I exchanged with the British, French, German and Polish students. Several Italian and Swedish badges were presented to me by my elder sister after her tour of foreign countries.

Thus I became a regular collector. Collecting badges has become my hobby. I didn’t know it was such a fascinating business.




1. Read the texts and answer their questions.

a) How do young people spend their spare time? What leisure activities do they prefer? These and other questions were asked in a sociological survey. The results of the opinion poll conducted among young people living in big cities and in the country add up to the following hierarchy of pastimes: music in combination with such forms of group activities as discos and concerts followed by the Internet, theatre and reading. Then come films, museums, amateur arts and engineering; and finally, TV and classical music. The questionnaire, circulated among pupils of 9-11 forms, students and young workers, has shown that the arts are regarded only to contacts with friends.

Most young people admit that they do not know how to plan their leisure. According to the poll, the actual priorities are as follows: TV comes first, followed by Internet, reading, films, listening to records, radio, going out to dances and discos; then come concerts, museums, amateur arts, and finally theatre.

And how do you spend your leisure time?


b) Television is a powerful means of spreading news in modern society. They show all sorts of things on TV – films, plays, ballets etc. Some people even say that the cinema and theatre have no future because of the development of television. Still there are many theatre- and cinema-goers among students. Are you one of them?



Spare = leisure time – свободное время

Sociological survey – социологическое исследование

opinion poll – опрос мнения

pastime - развлечение

amateur art – любительское искусство

questionnaire – вопросник, анкета

to circulate – распространять(ся)

To regard – относить(ся), касаться








1. Before reading the dialogue look through the topical vocabulary and try to remember it.


opera house – оперный театр

dramatic theatre – драматический театр

drama – драма, opera - опера, ballet – балет

play, performance – игра, спектакль

matinee – утренний спектакль

evening performance – вечерний спектакль

production - постановка

director – режиссер-постановщик

scenery - декорации

cast – состав исполнителей

leading role – ведущая роль

acting – игра, исполнение

stalls -партер

orchestra stalls – передние ряды партера

centre stalls – места в середине партера

rear stalls – задние ряды партера

to sit in the stalls – сидеть в партере

on the front rows – в передних рядах

on the back rows – в задних рядах

on the balcony – на балконе

in the box – в ложе

dress circle - бельэтаж

pit - амфитеатр

stage – сцена (подмостки)

to book seats – заказать билеты

to buy tickets in the box-office – купить билеты в театральной кассе

to prefer smth. to smth. – предпочитать что-то чему -то

to adore smth. – обожать что-то

to be deeply impressed by smth. – находиться под глубоким впечатлением

to be wonderful, excellent, beautiful, thrilling, exciting – быть чудесным, отличным, красивым, захватывающим, волнующим

to be popular with – быть популярным

to be on – идти, быть в репертуаре

to be a success – пользоваться успехом

to be at one’s best – быть в ударе

to be a failure – провалиться (о спектакле)


2. Read the dialogue and reproduce it.


- I say, Nick, would you like to go to the opera house next Sunday? I’ve already

booked seats by telephone.

- Thank you very much but I’d rather go to the dramatic theatre.

- Why so? Do you prefer drama and opera to the ballet?

- Nothing of the kind. I adore ballet. Just recently I’ve seen the famous ballet Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky.

- Really? Was it a matinee or an evening performance?

- An evening performance. Oh, the ballet was wonderful. I was deeply impressed by everything I saw on the stage.

- An excellent production, wasn’t it? And who was the director?

- I don’t know but the scenery and costumes were beautiful and the music was thrilling.

- Did you like the cast? Who was the main dancer?

- Maksimova. She is very popular.

- Where were your seats? Were they in the centre stalls?

- No, we had seats in the dress circle but we could see the stage well.

- OK, then. We’ll visit the dramatic theatre next time.

3. Answer the following questions:

1. Are you a theatre-fan? How often do you go to the theatre? Do you prefer evening performances to matinees or matinees to evening performances?

2. Do you prefer opera to ballet or ballet to opera? Why? Who is your favourite opera singer? Ballet dancer?

3. What kinds of theatres are there in your town?

4. What is on at the … theatre? Who is in the cast?

5. Where do you like to sit at the theatre? What are the most expensive seats? the cheapest seats?

6. Do you usually buy tickets at the box-office or book them by phone?

7. Who is your favourite theatre actor (actress)?

8. Is she (he) at her (his) best?

9. When did you go to the drama theatre last?

10. What play did you see? Was it a success?

11. Who played the leading role in it?

12. Who was the director of the play?


4. Respond to the following, using:

Yes, of course. Certainly. Not at all. Not in the least. With pleasure. Do, please. Please, don’t.


1. May I take your programme?

2. Will we go to the foyer?

3. May I use your opera glasses?

4. Don’t you think the play is a bit dull?

5. Would you mind going to a matinee on Sunday?

6. Will we take Peter to the theatre?

7. Will you book seats beforehand?

8. Do you mind sitting in the dress circle?

9. Can you let me have two seats in the centre stalls?

10. Are you greatly impressed by the play?


5. Ask your group mate and let him (her) answer:

… if he (she) is a regular theatre-goer

… if he (she) likes the theatre better than the cinema

… what his (her) favourite theatre is

… if it is difficult to get tickets to this theatre

… where he (she) usually sits

… what plays are to his (her) taste

… what play he (she) saw last

… if it was a great success with the public


6. Make up your own dialogues on the topic «Theatre»



1. Before reading the dialogue look through the topical vocabulary and try to remember it.

to go to the pictures (movies, cinema) – пойти в кино

feature film – художественный фильм

newsreel - кинохроника

animated cartoons (cartoon films) – анимационные (мультипликационные) фильмы

travelogue – кинофильм о путешествиях

horror film – фильм ужасов

popular science film – научно-популярный фильм

documentary film – документальный фильм

science fiction film – научно-фантастический фильм

black and white film – черно-белый фильм

film in technicolour – цветной фильм

to star – играть главную роль

film-star - кинозвезда

to be in the cast – быть в составе исполнителей

to have a long (successful) run – долго не сходить с экрана

to be on the programme – быть в программе

to direct a film – ставить фильм

shootings - съемки

director – режиссер-постановщик

producer - продюсер

to be on – идти (о фильме, спектакле)

camera man - оператор

to dub - дублировать

to subtitle - субтитрировать

screened version - экранизация

cinema-house, movie-theatre – кинотеатр


2. Read the dialogue and reproduce it.


- What were you doing this afternoon, Peter?

- Just imagine, Harry, I was passing by a cinema-house and I saw a poster advertising a new film directed by John Millford. I’m fond of his comedies so I decided to see the film. There were not very many people at the box-office.

- Have you enjoyed the film?

- Oh, greatly. It’s a very funny comedy.

- Was the cast good? Who was the film starring?

- The leading role was played by a young actor but I don’t remember his name. As to the cast in general, it was superb. Besides the feature film there was a newsreel and very good animated cartoons on the programme. The tickets for this show were more expensive than usual.

- And where is the film on?

- It’s on at many cinema-houses in the center.

- If I have spare time tomorrow afternoon I’ll go and see the film too. I haven’t been to the cinema for ages.

- A very good idea! I’m sure you will enjoy the film.


3. Answer the following questions:


1. Do you often go to the cinema? Do you prefer the cinema to the theatre? Are tickets to the cinema cheaper than to the theatre?

2. What does a cinema programme consist of? What events do they show in a newsreel? How long does it usually run? What is it followed by? How long does a feature film run?

3. What are travelogues about? Are you fond of them?

4. Are popular science films to your taste? Do you find them interesting or dull?

5. Animated cartoons are very amusing, aren’t they? Who was the father of the animated cartoons films? Have you seen any of them? What were they?

6. What was the last film you saw? Is it still on? Is it very popular with the public? Did you enjoy it? Who was in the cast?

7. Who is your favourite actor (actress, film director, camera man)?


4. Say what words refer only:a) to the cinema; b) to the theatre; c) to both


Stage; performance; show; box-office; animated cartoon film; act; to star; cast; producer; director; matinee; stalls; balcony; newsreel; actor; to dramatize a novel; to make a book into a film; opera-glasses; foyer; feature film; travelogue; leading role; to be on; to dub a film; scenery; screened version; scene; to make up; camera man; subtitles.


5. Ask your group mate and let him (her) answer.

… if he (she) is a cinema-fan

… how often he (she) goes to the cinema

… if he (she) reads film reviews before going to see a film

… where he (she) usually sits

… what film he (she) thinks to be one of the best releases of late

… who his (her) favorite film star is

… in what films he (she) saw him (her)

… if he (she) prefers films in technicolour to black and white films

… if he (she) prefers video films to those shown at the cinema

… if he (she) thinks that TV will replace the cinema in the long run


6. Make up your own dialogues on the topic «Cinema».


I’m a student of the Orel State Agrarian University. After finishing the secondary school I made up my mind to enter the high school because I would like to be a highly qualified specialist in the sphere of servicing and maintenance of agricultural machines.

Our University was founded in 1975. It was not very large. At first it was the Orel Agricultural Institute. There were only 3 faculties: the Zootechnical Faculty, the Agronomy Faculty, and the Farm Mechanization Faculty. But later on the field of student education was extended. In 1995 the Agricultural Institute was renamed into the Academy. In 1999 the Academy was rewarded the status of a university. Today our University offers a great variety of profession lines. In the University there are the following faculties: the Agronomy Faculty, the Economy Faculty, the Engineering Faculty, the Zooengineering Faculty. These faculties train students in several fields.

The students can study at a full time course, or take an extramural course. Our university has no evening course.

The freshers study some general subjects. They broaden and deepen their knowledge in Mathematics, Physics, History, Economics, Biology and Zoology, Philosophy, Technical Drawing, Computers, Foreign Languages and others. Later on the students study some special subjects, which will be necessary for them in the future profession.

The academic year is divided into 2 terms, at the end of each term the students have winter and summer vacations. The students’ knowledge is controlled during the course of study by practical courses and works, seminars, wide test systems; at the end of each term the students take the examinations. In the course of study the students write control papers, tests, graduation works, essays and at the end of the course of study they receive a diploma with the qualification.

Many diligent and industrious students receive a grant. Besides they can continue their education entering postgraduate courses and take a degree.

Education is closely combined with practice. The students get acquainted with their future work on the Experimental Training farm “Lavrovsky”. They work in the fields and on the cattle-breeding farms.

The university has various facilities to provide education: such as laboratories with modern equipment, large computer classes; we can find a well-stocked library with areas for individual study as well as trained librarians to offer help and support. The university provides good lodging conditions - the hostel is very conveniently located not far from the University.

The students are involved into social life of the University: sporting halls and grounds, conferences, sporting events and parties, amateur groups, concerts are at their disposal.



Active Vocabulary


leaver выпускник
to graduate from заканчивать (обычно о вузе)
to make up one’s mind решить, принять решение
to enter поступить
a highly qualified specialist высококвалифицированный специалист
in the sphere of ... В области \ в сфере чего-либо
to found to be founded основывать, образовывать быть основанным, образованным
foundation higher education faculty to study to train to educate education to deepen to broaden to offer a great variety of profession line department to carry the education program full-time course to take an extramural course an evening course subject general special to be divided term to take examinations to pass examinations graduation work / essay diploma diligent industrious to continue postgraduate courses facility to provide well-stocked library   librarian area for individual study lodging conditions convenient grant to be involved into to be at smb’s disposal основание, образование высшее образование факультет учиться учить, обучать давать образование образование углублять расширять предлагать широкое многообразие специальность отделение выполнять учебную программу дневное отделение обучаться заочно вечернее отделение предмет общеобразовательный специальный разделяться семестр сдавать экзамены сдать (с оценкой) экзамены дипломная работа диплом прилежный, старательный старательный, трудолюбивый продолжить аспирантура возможность обеспечивать хорошо укомплектованная библиотека библиотекарь место для самостоятельной работы жилищные условия удобный стипендия быть вовлеченным во что-либо быть в чьем-либо распоряжении



1. Answer the questions.

1) When was the Agricultural Institute renamed into the Academy?


2) What faculties and departments does our University have?

3) What subjects do the students study at our University?

4) Why is it necessary to study special subjects?

5) How is the students’ knowledge controlled?

6) How many terms are there in the academic year?

7) When do the students take the examinations? How often?

8) What students receive a grant?

9) What courses does the University offer?

10) Does the University have any facilities to provide education?

11) What kind of library does the University have?

12) What do the students receive at the end of the course of study?

13) What lodging conditions does the University provide for the students?

14) How are the students involved into social life?

15) What do they have at their disposal?



2. Match the Russian and English equivalents of the faculties and departments of our University.

3. Read and translate the dialogues. Dramatize some of them.

1) - I say, are you a first-year student?

-Yes, I am.

- Where’s the lecture room, do you know? It’s getting on.

- We’d better try to find it. I’m jolly glad we’re in the same group.

- Cool, isn’t it? Oh there’s the lecture room.

- This way, please.

- After you.


2) - By the way, what are you studying? It’s medicine, isn’t it? Are you going to be a doctor?

- As a matter of fact, I’m not. That was the idea when I came here, but my interest has always been in language learning and language teaching and so I changed from medicine to modern languages. I’m in my last year now.

- What do you want to do, when you leave Oxford?

- I’d like more than anything else to teach English to foreign students.

- Well, I wish you luck.


3) Between two students

- Margaret is looking very happy this evening.

- She did well in English, you know.

- What mark?

- Excellent. Worked hard at the language. And what about Lucy? Did she get through?

- On the contrary. She failed miserably.

- Oh, really?

- No, wonder! She cut lectures, did not attend seminars and was late for consultations as a rule.

- Then it serves her right.


4) Between two friends:

- Even as a girl I dreamed of becoming a teacher.

- So you did.

- Yes, my dream has come true. In autumn I’ll start working at a school.

- Fine. But wouldn’t you like a post-graduate course? You’ve always had a bent for research work, as far as I know.

- Yes, I’d gladly join a postgraduate course, but first I’d rather work for some time on my own.

- Well, then, the very best of luck you.

5). - Is it difficult to study at your Department?

- I don't think so. I do well in all subjects.

- It's a pity, but I didn't attend all classes, and as a result I failed at the exams.

- But you must do your best to get the credits and good marks.

- Let’s hope for the best.


6). - How are things?

- Thanks! Everything is OK! I'm a student.

- My congratulations! Where do you study?

- At the academy, I'm a full-time student.

- What faculty do you study at?

- I study at the Engineering Faculty. My specialty is Mechanization.

- I hope, you do your best to master your future profession.


7). - What are you going to do after graduating the academy?

- I'm going to be an Engineer. I'll do my best to master my profession.

- You must have a good command of all subjects. Have you ever operate any agricultural machine?

- Yes, we had our practice in the farm. We combine our knowledge with practice.


4. Complete the dialogues.


1. - Do you do well in chemistry?


- Last term I got an excellent mark in chemistry. What is you favorite subject?


2. - Do you attend the lectures in history?


- As for me I'd like to have a good command of mathematics...

- You see, I'm not so strong in mathematics. My favorite subject is...

3. - Where do you study?


- Who are you going to be?


4. - Are you strong in English?


- I missed several, classes, worked by fits and starts. Can I get a credit in English?


5. - What lectures do we have today?


- At the end of the term we are going to take an exam in physics.


6. - What do you think about the equipment in the University?


- Also the teaching staff does its best to train highly qualified specialists!



  1. Make up your own dialogue. Use the words and word-phrases given below:

to be good at English, I would like to have a perfect knowledge of English; the necessary books, to take exams, to be able to manage it, optional course.



Two friends meet in the library. They are speaking about books on English. They want to have a perfect knowledge of English, but there are no necessary books.


6. Speak about:

a) the system of education at our University;

b) your last session.

Use the vocabulary given below.

Additional Vocabulary


an applicant- абитуриент
a resident student- студент, живущий в общежитии
a part-time student- студент вечернего отделения
a full-time student- студент дневного отделения
a postgraduate- аспирант
a Bachelor of Arts- бакалавр искусств
an external student- студент-заочник
an old student- бывший студент
practical course- практические занятия
to attend lectures- посещать лекции
lecture-hall- лекционный зал
to work by fits and starts- работать урывками, время от времени
a lecturer- лектор
a Rector- ректор
a Dean- декан
the Dean's office- деканат
a chair (~ of Mathematics ...)- кафедра (математики)
a laboratory (lab)- лаборатория
a room (a study)- аудитория
a gymnasium (gym)- спортзал
to miss the lecture- пропустить лекцию
to fail at the exam- провалиться на экзамене
to work hard- трудиться, хорошо заниматься
to get through the exam- удалось с трудностями сдать экзамен
to do one's best- делать все возможное
to have a gilt (a bent) for smth - иметь дар, наклонность к чему-либо
to have a subject at one's fingers'ends- хорошо знать предмет
to get a mark for (a composition)- получать оценку за что-либо
to get a mark in a subject- получить оценку по ....
to be well (bad, weak) in French- иметь хорошую (плохую, слабую) подготовку
to be well grounded in a subject- иметь хорошую подготовку
to have a good command of language- свободно владеть языком
to lag behind the group- отставать от группы
to tremble- дрожать
to go a head the group- идти впереди
a credit- зачет
a credit-book- зачетка
to get a credit- получить зачет
in advance заранее, автоматом



2016-09-16 720 Обсуждений (0)
Read the text and tell how Nick has become a collector 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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