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VII. Fill in the gaps using the proper form of the verb

2016-09-16 396 Обсуждений (0)
VII. Fill in the gaps using the proper form of the verb 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Тест с учетом языковой специфики научного текста по МО

I. Translate into English.

Geographical names:

1. Адриатическое море...............

2. Балканский полуостров..........

3. Страны к югу от Сахары........

4. Византия.................................

5. Гаага.......................................



1. нидерландский........................

2. шведский.................................

3. китайский................................

4. арабский..................................

5. англо-саксонский.....................



1. Священный Союз....................

2. Кэмп-Дэвидские соглашения..

3. Теория Европейского Равновесия

4. Концерт Европы.....................

5. Ассоциация государств Юго-Восточной Азии…………………………


II. Translate into Russian.

1. no-first-use commitment...........

2. conflict-prone relations.............

3. intermediate-range nuclear-capable missiles……………………

4. high-risk activities.....................

5. oil-rich countries.......................


Contracted forms:

1. illus..........................................

2. incl..........................................

3. Lab..........................................

4. nat...........................................

5. polit.........................................

III. Match the words and phrases with the explanations:

1. civil disobedience 2. a conformist 3. a dictatorship 4. the head of state 5. the establishment a. If you are this, you like to behave in the same way as everyone else. b. This is an organized campaign involving breaking the law. c. If you live under one of these, then you live in a state controlled by one pow­erful person. d. This consists of powerful people and organizations who support the social or­der. e. If you are this, then technically you rule the country.

IV. Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.


1. The Prime Minister stated that law and order must be at all costs.

a. maintained b. imposed

c. suppressed d. conveyed


2. The National Party won the election with an increased.

a. majority b. percentage

c. score d. minority


3. The minister has....... new proposals for discussion with the union.

a. made out b. set down

c. drawn up d. worked in


4. The government has decided to send more... to Saharan countries.

a. charity b. aid

c. collections d. donations


5. Those who say that developing countries simply need more money have the problem.

a. oversimplified b. overestimated

c. overextended d. overstretched


V. Fill in the gaps with the following words:outcry; outcome; downfall; climb- down; setback.

1. What do you think will be the..... of the general election?

2. There was a general....... when the government announced its intention to

reduce pensions.

3. Nobody was sorry to see the.... of the dictator.

4. Although the Minister said he would not abandon his policy, he was finally forced into a humiliating...........................

5. The poor results in the local elections have been a serious. for the gov­ernment.


VI. The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

1. At the peace talks to discuss the war in South Africa, the British Foreign Min­ister told the press that everything was being done to put an end to the ..................... killing that was going on. SENSE


2. In my opinion, all ....... are equally bad, irrespective of which party theybelong to. POLITICS


3. The American War of....... was won in 1776. DEPEND


4. During the War, there was a great...... of sugar, coffee and other goods. SHORT


5............ uses violence rather than the political system for political ends. TERROR

VII. Fill in the gaps using the proper form of the verb.


A Postscript on Ideology: Two Views

Ideology in Decline


Since the early 1950's an increasing number of scholars (1)……..(to be concerned) with the apparent waning of ideological politics in advanced, in­dustrial societies - a concern which has resulted in a significant body of litera­ture on the "decline of ideology".

The most significant impetus to the spread and acceptance of the decline thesis (2)………(to provide) by a conference on "The Future of Freedom" held in September, 1955. After five days of discussion and debate there (3)………. (to emerge) among the Western representatives a clear consensus along the follow­ing lines: (a) extremist ideologies appeared (4)……… (to be) in a state of de­cline; (b) this decline was due largely to the increasing economic affluence in Western countries; and (c) the decline was crystallized in the fact that tradition­ally antagonistic ideologies (5)……… (to move) closer together.

The decline-of-ideology hypothesis has generated an array of criticisms, of which most important are these:

First, say the critics, the decline hypothesis is unrealistic and farfetched. Ideologies have not ended in the affluent West, as witness the race and poverty issues, the emergence of the New Left and radical right, and so on. Nor are ide­ologies about (6) ………. to disappear in the developing countries, where they are on the rise.

Second, the decline hypothesis embraces a value judgment (7). ……..(to base) on a commitment to the status quo, since it assumes that there are no longer any issues of great political consequence. It assumes, moreover, that his­tory (8)............ (to move) toward an ultimate static equilibrium in which, given economic growth, the developing countries (9)………..(to join) the ranks of Western societies. As such, the decline of ideology is itself an ideology.

Finally, the decline hypothesis confuses a shift in the arena of ideological conflict with a decline in ideology. While there has been a reduction of ideologi­cal cleavage (10).................................. ….(surround) old political issues, there has been a sharp increase of ideological dispute in new areas. ["Ideologies and Modem Politics" by Reo M. Christenson, Alan S.Engel, Dan N.Jacobs, Mostafa Rejai and Herbert Waltzer]


2016-09-16 396 Обсуждений (0)
VII. Fill in the gaps using the proper form of the verb 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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