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2016-09-17 494 Обсуждений (0)

Internet is one of the most important inventions in history. One of the biggest advantages of the Internet is “communication”. Nowadays, with the use of the Internet people can communicate with others from any part of the globe. Through the presence of the social networking sites, people can communicate with their family regardless of their distance from each other. With the help of the world wide web, you may get to know people you might have never met in person.

Many universities and research institutions are linked. They are able to exchange experience, novelties and often they start new projects together. Articles can be co-authored, business deals can be finalized, degrees can be earned and at times even medical advice can be given.

With the Internet, it has also become much easier to search for jobs, business opportunities, etc as there are many forums, communities and services which offer great assistance in this regard.

The Internet has also made lives comfortable. One doesn’t have to wait for hours in the queues to pay bills, taxes or withdraw money and buy tickets or book hotels. With the help of online services, all of these can be quite conveniently done from home. Apart from business and communication, the Internet has also gradually become the biggest entertainment medium.

One more major benefit of the Internet is information. It provides lots of information that people need. It has lots of search engines that can give different kinds of information. But, like all the technological innovations of the modern era, there are certain negative aspects of the Internet which pose great threat to its users and society as a whole.

Some Web services may be harmful because of the ways in which they offer students alternatives to doing their work. There are numerous sites on the Web that offer term papers and book reports for sale, or even for free. This raises numerous issues concerning plagiarism and work ethic.

Spammers and hackers can invade your privacy and get personal/confidential information, which otherwise they will never get access to. You are never out of anybody’s reach, unless you make a conscious decision of not checking your email, there can be always more work waiting for you in your inbox and you might never have a moment to yourself.

With social networking sites, people are getting more and more engrossed in the virtual online world. As a result, social and family ties are getting thinner by the day. Besides, there are viruses in the internet. Because of that, there is a big possibility that your computer might be infected and this can lead to loss of your important files.

Though the Internet has become a lifeline of modern economy and is an indispensable part of our daily lives, its hazards are also significant. But with moderation and discretion, people can curb the ill-effects of the Internet.

1. Match the words from the text with the definitions.

1. communicate something new and unusual;
2. experience performances that people enjoy;
3. novelties the process of taking another person’s work, ideas, or words, and using them as if they were your own;
4. assistance to express thoughts, feelings, or information to another person, for example by speaking or writing;
5. entertainment so interested or involved in something that you think about nothing else;
6. benefit help given to someone or help that allows smthing to be done;
7. harmful something that can be dangerous orcan cause damage or accidents;
8. plagiarism the quality of being careful about what you do;
9. invade knowledge and skill that is gained through time spent doing a job or activity;
10. engrossed to get involved in someone’s life without their permission;
11. hazards actions, that are not excessive or extreme;
12. moderation careful and sensitive behaviour;
13. discretion an advantage you get from a situation.

Look at the words below. With your partner, try to recall how they were used in the text.

important inventions plagiarism and work ethic
social networking sites invade your privacy
exchange experiences make a conscious decision
to search for jobs the virtual online world
online services loss of important files
the biggest entertainment medium an indispensable part of our daily lives
search engines curb the ill-effects of the Internet
technological innovations engrossed in the virtual online world

What do you like most? Rank these and share your rankings with your partner.

finding out information; reading news; shopping; e-mail; downloading music; videos; playing games; social networking

Are you dependent on the Internet? Ask your partners and complete this table. Present the results of the interview.

How often do you… Answer Is this a problem?
really want to get online?    
lie about how long you spend online?    
check your e-mail before doing other things?    
choose the Net to going out with friends?    
say “just a few more minutes” when online?    

Look at the text and write down some questions you would like to ask your partners about the text. Ask your partners your questions.

2016-09-17 494 Обсуждений (0)


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