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Праздничные дни в Великобритании и США

2016-09-17 414 Обсуждений (0)
Праздничные дни в Великобритании и США 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

(Public Holidays in Great Britain and the USA)

В Великобритании выходными являются следующие дни:

1. Новый год — New Year Day (January 1).

2. Страстная пятница — Good Friday.

3. Пасхальный понедельник — Easter Monday.

4. Первый понедельник мая — May Day.

5. Последний понедельник мая — Spring Bank Holiday.

6. Последний понедельник августа — August Bank Holiday.

7. Рождество — Christmas (December 25).

8. 2-й день рождества — Boxing Day (. December 26, or December 27 if December 26 is Sunday). Название этого праздника происходит от слова “box” (коробка), куда прячут рождественские подарки.

В Соединенных Штатах Америки количество праздничных и выходных дней в различных штатах различно. Однако есть праздники, которые являются выходными днями во всех штатах. К их числу относятся:

1. Новый год — New Year Day (January 1).

2. День Мартина Лютера Кинга — М. L. King's Day (the third Monday in January).

3. День рождения Вашингтона — Washingtoni Birthday (the third Monday in February).

4. День памяти героев—Remembrance Day (the last Monday in May).

5. День независимости — Independence Day (July 4). День подписания Декларации независимости (Declaration of Independence, 1776) и провозглашения независимости 13 британских колоний в Америке.

6. День труда — Labour Day (the first Monday in September). Отмечается как дань уважения работникам промышленности и сельского хозяйства, внесшим большой вклад в развитие Америки за последние 300 лет. Знаменует собой также начало нового учебного года.

7. День Колумба — Columbus Day (the second Monday in October).

8. День ветеранов — Veterans ’ Day (November 11). Отмечается в память ветеранов армии Соединенных Штатов.

9. День благодарения — Thanksgiving Day (the fourth Thursday in November). Отмечается в память первых поселенцев на американском континенте. Знаменует собой также окончание сбора урожая.

10 Рождество — Christmas (December 25).

Training exercises

Различия в американской и английской деловой терминологии. Переведите термины


Амер. вариант Англ. вариант
administration government in power
around (ten) about (ten)
blue-chip first-class
call loan short-term loan
checking account current account
claim letter letter of complaint
collect on delivery cash on delivery
common stock ordinary share
corporation law company law
express man carrier
to fix a meeting to arrange a meeting
freight not prepaid carriage forward
freight prepaid carriage paid
freight train goods train
government bonds government securities
in good shape in good condition
investment bank merchant bank
law business practice (law)
local taxes rates
to operate a business to run a business
operating costs running expenses
ordinance by-law
to pass up an offer to decline an offer
preferred stock preference share
president chairman
right away immediately
Shipment consignment
Stockholder shareholder
stub counterfoil
tag label
tender offer
way back some time ago


В приведенном ниже диалоге поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.

Mr Hunt, the manager of a small company (to produce) bathroom showers (to speak) to his very important customer, Mr Benedetto, the manager of a hotel.

Mr Benedetto.

Well, I (to give) one last chance. Look at this order again. No more mistakes. You last (to deliver) the showers which I even (not to order).

Mr Hunt. Mr Benedetto.

Oh, do forgive me. We never (not to repeat) that. I (to hope) so. But remember. I would (to like) to stress that I must (to get) this order by Thursday next week. It (to be) very important. 1 cannot (to accept) any other delivery time.

Mr Hunt.

Sure, sir. We (to send) it in time. We always (to deliver) your orders in time,.... we?

Mr Benedetto.

No, you.... Once I (to receive) an order with a delay of two months. Besides, packing should be excellent.

Mr Hunt.

Certainly. I guess you (to agree) that this (to be) one thing we always (to do) before.

Mr Benedetto.

But twice my surname (to write) Bereditto by your people.

Mr Hunt.

Oh, I (to be) so sorry. This time I myself (to write) your name clearly.

Mr Benedetto.

One last thing, (to call) me on Tuesday and (to inform) about the state of the order.

Mr Hunt.

Right, I (phone) you myself. The goods will definitely (to come) to right address and at the time you (to need) them.

3. Заполните пропуски словами из списка:

administration, commerce, corporate, involve, merge, white-collar, prosper, takeover, fail, continue

a) When a firm begins to do poorly on the stock market, plans are often made to change its ----------structure.

b) The board of directors -------to inform the stockholders

of the risks of investing in South Africa.

c) How many people are__________ in advertising of the new product?

d) Despite some problems the company expects to continue to ---- in the nearest future.

e) New York has always been a centre of_________ .

f) After their annual growth rate had fallen they were ----------- by a major competitor.

g) Mr Brown is too old to________ in his present position.

h) In order to deal with additional paper-work we need to expand the . staff by 10 people.

i) The management of contemporary corporations requires people who know how to------.

j) The large companies which have been successful in the past have normally ---------with their closest competitors.


2016-09-17 414 Обсуждений (0)
Праздничные дни в Великобритании и США 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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