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When did the resort appear?

2016-09-17 593 Обсуждений (0)
When did the resort appear? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

a. The resort appeared in 1755.

b. The resort appeared in 1750.

c. The resort appeared in 1570.

Who said it was healthy to swim in local warm water?

a. Dr. Russel Young.

b. The Queen.

c. Dr. Richard Russel.

Where do healistic centres crop?

a. in England everywhere.

b. everywhere.

c. everywhere in the world.

How many visitors does Brighton receive every year?

a. 1 mln. visitors.

b. 5 mln. visitors.

c. 8 mln. visitors.

Who of the celebrities performed at the resort?

a. Pavlova, Copperfield, Chaplin.

b. Copperfield, Chaplin, Pavlova.

c. Chaplin, Pavlova, Houdini.

When was the West Pier closed?

a. in 1975.

b. in 1955.

c. in 1945


Write your answers to the following questions. Then discuss your answers with the class.

a) What have you learned from this video?

b) Do you know of any resorts or spas in your country? Describe them. What sort of resorts are they? What do they offer?


c) Is it a problem to get similar holiday with treatment, and exercise in our resorts?




Read parts of the Youth Hostel Association YHA

Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-I for each part 1-7 of the leaflet.

There is one extra heading you don’t need.

Youth Hostels Association


To avoid disappointment, especially during the summer months, it is best to enquire and make sure in advance that a bed is reserved for you. Just telephone the Hostel (before 10.00 or after 17.00 hours). At most Youth Hostels you can now pay by Visa and Access credit cards.

1. …..

What you pay to stay with us entitles you to use Hostel facilities such as showers and washrooms, drying rooms, lounge, self-catering kitchen and dining areas.

2. ……

Sleeping in comfortable rooms which vary in size-from 4-6 beds to larger dormitories with around 8-16 beds. Blankets and pillows are included in the price for your overnight stay. You will need to either hire or buy a YHA sheet sleeping bag or you can bring your own sheets and pillow case.

3. ……

When staying in a Youth Hostel, we do ask you to help with some of the clearing up; usually something routine such as sweeping a floor or helping wash up. You also need to remember that youth hostels close for a period during the day – usually between 10.00 and 17.00 hours – and close for the night at 23.00 hours. This helps to keep our running costs down.

4. …….

YHA is one of the leading environmental groups in Britain, helping to conserve Britain’s unique landscape features and wildlife. Members with an interest in conversation have the chance to carryout practical work – clearing out ponds, opening up footpaths and planting trees. So if you’d like to put something back into the landscape, now’s your chance!

5. ……..

We specialize in budget residential facilities for groups of young people. 28 of our Hostels offer field facilities and many have classrooms. Datapack is a publication designed for group leaders and contains details for those Youth Hostels which are particularly suitable for groups.

6. …….

If you like meeting people with similar interests and getting out and about in the countryside, then why not join a YHA group in your area? YHA groups organize regular social events and weekend activities – from discos and barbecues to theatre trips and country walks. Details of your nearest group can be found in the YHA Accommodation Guide.

7. …….

YHA is a member of the International Youth Hostel Federation and this means that once a member in England and Wales, you can stay at any Hostel showing the YHF sigh. So whether you choose Europe or Australia, India or Peru, you can still stay with YHA. All you need to do is attach a recent photograph to your membership card and in becomes valid worldwide. And for recognized group it’s even simpler: International leader cards enable groups of non-members – aged between 10 and 20 years – to stay in Youth Hostels, as long as they are accompanied by YHA member who is aged 18 years or over!


a Group facilities

b How do we keep the prices low?

c Group prices

d Local groups

e The countryside matters

f Travel the world

g What about the accommodation?

h What does the price include?

I How to book?


2.Match the words to the definitions:

1. reserve 1. being a member, number of members, body of members
2. inquire 2. wild animals collectively
3. lounge 3. mutual activities of human beings
4. dormitory 4. make search, seek information, ask to be told
5. routine 5. preservation, especially of natural environment
6. cost 6. keep back for later occasion, set apart
7. Wildlife 7. Sleeping-room with several beds and sometimes cubicles
8. conservation 8. go lazily, idle, a place where you can do it
9. social event 9. regular course of procedure
10. membership 10. price paid for tour


3.Match the following words to their synonyms:

1.similar a. unique

2.unusual b. hospitable

3.sociable c. alike

4.rude d. amiable

5.friendly e. spectacular

6.pictureque f. ill-mannered

7.shout g. choosy

8.enormous h. yell

9.selective i. huge

10.fall (fold) j. collapse

Choose the right word

1.British tourists are attracted\fascinated to a wide variety of holidays.

2.Holidays range\ spread from the sport and activity, mass tourist holidays which are open to anyone, to the age oriented \pointed “teens and 20s” and “ over 55”markets.

3.”Elite” travelers(those who have both time and money) prefer to pursue\push on exotic and unusual destinations.

4.If you prefer complete solitude\loneliness ,take some books and catch up on your reading.

5.You should try to store up\accumilate energy and vitality to live through the winter months.

6.Many package holidays are to a single\ alone destination where the client stays in the same facilities\accomodation for the full week or longer.

7. Multi-centre\many-centre holidays are those where the client stays in two or more hotels or other accommodation, usually in contrasting areas.

8.Different tours may offer\cater for special interests as varied as golf or painting.



Module II

Choosing a Career

  EDUCAТION rapid technological change   direct grant schools tests of attainment and intelligence   maintained system voluntary bоdiеs certificated teacher parent is compelled bу law the classroom is normally free set periods aptitude selective school teachers' assessments general ability competitive examination single-sеx boarding school papers are set   pass marks staffing of schools staff-pupil ratios nullify remedial classes total influence system options (Вr. )-electives (Am.) allocation of time home economics arts-humanities crafts sciences соre (of subjects) period careers period pursue а course attendance record poor attendance balanced education specialist accommodation   tug of wаr   multiple option schemes   film studies, design for living   "mock" еxаm careers education at parental request form period-tutor period-house period to sit аn exam-take   standard for entrance   pass subject certificate recognize for admission   fill in an application form candidate overseas candidate apply for admission fee principal acknowledge one's application bear one’s name academic referee   confidential report-statement in fairness to all candidates   academic achievement positions of responsibility involvement in youth organizations aware of the demands selectors   enter in section 8 record of achievements go in а record references awards pupil's performance self-assessment techniques of assessment pupil questionnaire course work terminal periodic continuous attainment measure setting   marking day-to-day observations end-of-term half-yearly graded tests credit accumulation system limited academic ability pupil’s progress аnnuаl monitoring Deputy Head Director of Studies pastoral care form teacher science room   housecraft room commercial rooms general purposes room well-stocked library lecture (theatre) hall drama theatre staff (common) room science lecture hall technical subject assembly hall (area) tuck shop уеаr teachers offices careers masters rest-room school grounds toilet facilities in-service training of teachers   gain а valuable training in responsibility уеar block general office barrack-like buildings understaffing inappropriate stock private study pastoral head   keep discipline disciplinary powers latecomer attendance register truancy unpunctuality careers guidance extracurricular рееr content of course academic qualifications misbehavior damage and vandalism corporal punishment the range of response caning strapping detention telling-off system of rewards absence due to illness for reasons other than illness note of explanation take pride in one’s appearance physical education dress Punishment Books Physical exhaustion Guidance programme job families vocational guidance physique handicap preparation for adult life transitional phase pupil's self-consent awareness of the community survival skills Upper School Work exреrience occupational skills anticipatory placing disruptive pupil work observation holiday work workplace custodial work tasks release from school basis school-based setting а day release basis accept the routines on a part-time basis non-examination course to give priority allot teaching timetable visiting speakers groups are rotating between tutors Home Study Arrangements   have reservations game period wall bars РЕ apparatus drills balkmotor skills self-realization fair play challenge keep record for pupil track suit character building cognitive development body awareness broad range of activities open to question achieve sporting excellence total dedication ear-catching title foot care back care safety and accidental prevention deprived and handicapped relaxation   stress at parental request single-sex school aware of the demands pupil’s performance/ progress academic achievement record of achievements go in a record references and awards self-assessment measure marking day-to-day observations pastoral care forum teacher school-grounds private study keep discipline unpunctuality misbehavior tell(ing)-off disruptive pupil work tasks to give priority game periods   ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ ускоренный научно-технический прогресс независимые школы тесты на знания и умственные способности государственный сектор образования добровольные общественные органы учитель, имеющий диплом родители обязаны по закону свободная обстановка на уроке фиксированные в расписании уроки склонность школа для избранных оценки учителей (характеристика) общий уровень способностей конкурсный экзамен школа с раздельным обучением школа-интернат экзаменационные требования разработаны проходной балл штатное расписание соотношение учителя-ученики сводить на нет занятия с отстающими воспитательная система факультативы кол-во часов расширенный курс домоводства гуманитарные науки предметы практического цикла предметы естественного цикла основные предметы   занятия по профориентации изучать курс учет посещаемости плохая посещаемость с6алансированная программа материальная база/наличие кабинетов/ соревнования по перетягиванию каната учебные планы с к-вом факультативов история кино, дизайн в быту/предметы/ экзамен понарошку проф. ориентационная работа по прось6е родителей классный час сдавать экзамены в письменном виде уровень, достаточный для поступления положительная оценка аттестат по предмету признать достаточным для зачисления заполнять анкету а6итуриент а6итуриент-иностранец подавать заявление о приеме плата за обучение директор начальной школы подтвердить получение заявления с указанием имени ответственный в школе за аттестацию личное дело для соблюдения объективного подхода академическая успеваемость ответственные поручения участие в молодежных организациях знаком с требованиями специально выделенный университет. экзамен заполните графу 8 сведения об успеваемости вноситься в личное дело сведения награды успеваемость ученика самооценка методика оценки анкета учащегося курсовая работа итоговая семестровая контрольная периодический текущий достижение определить разработка контрольных мероприятий выставление оценок ежедневное наблюдение проводимый в конце семестра полугодовой серия текстов разной трудности система зачетов ограниченные способности к учению успеваемость ежегодная контрольная проверка зам. директора завуч воспитательная работа классный руководитель кабинет естественно-научн. предметов ка6инет домоводства ка6инет"коммерческого" цикла ка6инет общего назначения библиотека с хорошим фондом лекционный зал театральный зал учительская лекционный зал технические предметы актовый зал школьный буфет кабинет воспитательной работы преподаватели, ведущие профработу комната отдыха территория туалеты повышение квалификации без отрыва приобретать опыт выполнения поручений параллель общая канцелярия казармы нехватка учителей недостаточные книжные фонды самостоятельная работа зам. директора по воспитательной работе поддерживать дисциплину дисциплинарные полномочия опоздавший журнал успеваемости пропуски без уважит. причины необязательность проф. ориентационная работа внешкольная программа ровесник содержание курса академ. квалифик. требования нарушение дисциплины нанесение ущерба имуществу телесное наказание принимаемые меры порка розгами порка ремнем оставление после занятий выговор система поощрений отсутствовать по болезни по другим причинам, кроме болезни объяснительная записка тщательно следить за внешностью спортивная форма журналы физическое наказание/на физ-ре/ учебный план набор родственных предметов профориентация физические данные недостатки /физ. и умств./ подготовка к взрослой жизни переходный возраст чувство самосознания умение найти свое место в обществе   старшие классы производственная практика профессиональные умения предупреждающий определение на работу недисциплинированный ученик ознакомление/экск. на завод/ работа во время каникул рабочее место помещение под надзор рабочее задание с отрывом от школы на базе школы выделение 1 дня на практику привыкнуть к распорядку на условиях почасовой оплаты yч. курс без экзаменов отдавать предпочтение выделять расписание занятий приглашённые лекторы занятия проводятся в группах организация самостоятельной работы иметь сомнения в оценке занятие спортом шведская стенка спортивные снаряды тренировочные упражнения двигательные упражнения самоутверждение игра по правилам дух спортивной борьбы вести учет успеваемости спортивный костюм воспитание характера умственное развитие умение владеть телом широкий диапазон занятий оставаться под вопросом добиться совершенства в спорте полная самоотдача броское, привлекательное название уход за ногами гигиена позвоночника техника безопасности обездоленные приемы расслабления и снятия стресса стресс по просьбе родителей школа с раздельным обучением знаком с требованиями успеваемость академ. успеваемость сведения об успеваемости вносить в личное дело сведения и награды самооценка определить выставление оценок ежедневное наблюдение воспитательная работа классный руководитель территория самостоятельная работа поддерживать дисциплину необязательность нарушение дисциплины выговор недисциплинированный ученик рабочее задание отдавать предпочтение занятия спортом


Vocabulary Exercises

Task I: answer the questions:

1. Are there direct grant schools in Russia?

2. Is the maintained system of education large in our country?

3. What voluntary bodies dealing with education system do you know?

4. Are there many certificated teachers in the countryside region?

5. Are parents compelled by law to send their children to school?

6. How do teachers' assessments influence the competitive examination, defining the aptitude?

7. Would you like to have attended single sex college or school?

8. Are there boarding-schools in Russia?

9. What do you know of staff-student ration at school or college?

10. Were there remedial classes in your school?

11. Are all the children at school submitted to a total influence system?

12. Were there many options in your school?

13. What did you like best, when at school, arts or sciences?

14. What are your core subjects now?

15. Did you have career periods? tutor, house, period.

16. Would you like to pursue an advanced course in psychology?

17. Is the attendance poor at your course? Why? Attendance-record - is it necessary?

18. Did you sit a "mock" exam before entry applying for entry?

19. What your idea of career education at school, at the institute?

20. Where do all references go in? What goes in a record?

21. Would you like to change anything hi the credit accumulation system?

22. What is understood by pastoral care?

23. Do you know all the students in your year block?

24. How can we punish misbehavior?

25. What punishment would you prefer: corporal, moral, caning, strapping, detention, talking of, system of rewards, physical exhaustion?

26. Were you prepared for adult life when at upper school

27. Should handicapped study with normal children?

28. Have you ever stolen punishment books at school?

29. Would you prefer exam or non-exam courses?

30. Is physical education important?


Task II:

A. make up your sentences with the entries in the vocabulary;

(try to use more than one word or word-combination in one sentence if possible.)

B. explain the meaning of the following words and expressions:

Principal, peer, caning, detention, handicap, marking, unpunctuality, disruptive, pupil, pastoral care, holiday work, options/electives, sciences, graded, tests, single sex school, head teacher.

C. write out words and word combinations on the following topics:

1. appraisals 2. punishments 3. lessons 4. premises 5. assessment

D. Put the following in order of age, from the youngest to the oldest:

Undergraduates, juniors, sixth-form students, infants, nursery children, postgraduates, secondary school pupils

E. write these abbreviations in full:

1. e.g. ______________ 2. i.e. _______________ 3. NB ________________

4. PS ___________ 5. BEd ___________ 6. PE ___________ 7. max. __________

8. esp. ____________ 9. approx. _____________ 10. min. ________________

2016-09-17 593 Обсуждений (0)
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