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2016-09-17 975 Обсуждений (0)
QUOTATIONS ABOUT TEACHERS 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

– Teaching creates all other professions. ~Author Unknown

– In teaching you cannot see the fruit of a day’s work. It is invisible and remains so, maybe for 20 years. ~Jacques Barzun

– A teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary. ~ Thomas Carruthers

– Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourth theater. ~ Gail Godwin

– I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. ~Lily Tomlin

– The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called truth. ~ Dan Rather

– A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron. ~ Horace Mann

– A good teacher is a master of simplification and an enemy of simplism. ~ Lois A. Berman

– Good teachers are costly, but bad teachers cost more. ~ Bob Talbert

– Modern cynics and skeptics see no harm in paying those to whom they entrust the minds of their children a smaller wage than is paid to those to whom they entrust the care of their plumbing. ~ John F. Kennedy

– What the teacher is is more important than what he teaches.~ Karl Menninger

– The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. ~ William Arthur Ward

– What the teacher writes on the blackboard of life can never be erased. ~ Author Unknown

– The average teacher explains complexity; the gifted teacher reveals simplicity. ~ R. Brault

– When you teach your son, you teach your son’s son. ~ The Talmud

– Who dares to teach must never cease to learn. ~ John Cotton Dana

– There are three good reasons to be a teacher – June, July, and August. ~ Author Unknown

– The only reason I always try to meet and know the parents better is because it helps me to forgive their children. ~ Louis Johannot

– If you promise not to believe everything your child says happens at school, I’ll promise not to believe everything he says happens at home. ~ Anonymous Teacher


For discussion:

Work in twos.

A. Discuss with your partner how long one has to learn to become a well-educated person. What is your vision of school education in people’s life in future?

B. Find out your partner’s attitude to school studies and programs. Should one be only given factual knowledge at school or should he\she be also taught life and social skills? Give arguments to support your opinion.

C. Discuss how the Internet can be used in education. A good computer or a good language teacher? Which, in your opinion, is more important in modern language learning?

D. Can Television be educational or does it play a negative role in education? Does it compete with the Internet?

E. Is education a permanent process, or should people stop learning after getting a diploma?

F. The list is open… You can offer your own ideas for discussion.

Module III

At the Doctor’s




illness - state of being ill

disease - refers to a particular kind of illness

pain - sharp feeling of suffering in a particular part of the body, suffering of mind & body

ache - a continuous, but not violent pain; generally used in physical sense

cure - bring back to health

heal - to make healthy after wounds of any kind

treat - to try to cure by medical means, to take care with medicine


physician/general practitioner - терапевт

surgeon - хирург

throat specialist - отоларинголог

eye specialist - окулист (oculist)

nerve specialist - невропатолог

dentist - зубной врач

children’s doctor - педиатр

attending doctor - участковый врач

obstetrician - гинеколог (a specialist in obstetrics)


grippe - грипп

measles - корь

allergy (skin, food, medicine) - аллергия

tumour, swelling - опухоль

benign - доброкачественная

malignant - злокачественная

carcinoma of the breast - опухоль молочной железы

bronchitis - бронхит

cancer - рак


chicken-pox - ветрянка

diphtheria - дифтерия

dysentery - дизентерия

mumps - свинка

rheumatism - ревматизм

typhoid fever - тиф

ulcer - язва

cramp - судорога


heart attack (fit) - сердечный приступ

cold in the head - простуда/насморк

slight/bad cough - легкий/сильный кашель

to feel feverish - чувствовать озноб

cut - порез

boil - нарыв

wound - рана

abrasion - ссадина

food-poisoning - пищевое отравление

stomach-upset - расстройство желудка

bleeding - кровотечение

fracture - перелом

simple fracture - закрытый перелом

compound fracture - открытый перелом

to have one’s leg dislocated/banged - вывихнуть/ушибить ногу

strain - растяжение

heart-burn - изжога

sunstroke - солнечный удар

stroke - инсульт

allergic to pollen, odors - аллергия на пух, запахи

to scald one’s foot - ошпарить, обварить себе ногу

scald - ожог (кипящей жидкостью или паром)

burn - ожог

to set a splinter into one’s finger - загнать занозу в палец

the tongue is coated/furred - язык обложен

the nose is stuffed - нос заложен

hunchback - горбун

stammerer - заика

Exp. According to Sod’s law.

According to Murphy’s law. - По закону подлости.

When I run quickly I have a stick in my side. - колет в боку.

rash - сыпь

abscess - нарыв

blister - волдырь

chilblain/frostbite - обморожение

lame/limp - хромой

to go/walk on crutches - ходить на костылях

long/far sighted - дальнозоркий

short/near sighted - близорукий

squint - косоглазый

lazy eye - астигматизм

heart/lung/liver trouble - сердечная/боль в легких/почках

splitting headache - сильная головная боль

my eyes are watering - глаза слезятся

to be hoarse - охрипнуть

to catch a chill - простудиться

to be run down - переутомиться

faint - упасть в обморок

to come to oneself - прийти в себя

nausea - тошнота

vomiting - рвота

aversion for food - отвращение к пище

to turn one’s stomach - вызывать тошноту у кого-л.

to have a stomach-upset - расстройство желудка

to have chills - знобит

to go hot and cold by turns - бросать то в жар, то в холод

to have a runny nose - сильный насморк

my head is swimming - голова кружится


to send for/to call a doctor - вызвать врача

ambulance - скорая помощь

patient’s file - мед. карта - case history, история болезни

complaint - жалоба

reception - регистратура

consulting room - приемная

examination couch - кушетка

sick leave/sick list/to be put on... - бюллетень/больничный

maternity leave - отпуск по беременности

to keep one’s bed/to stay in bed - лежать в постели

to give/take smth. for one’s cough - дать/принять ч.-л. от кашля

compress - компресс

to be on/keep to a diet - соблюдать диету

complete blood count - общий анализ крови

bandage - бинтовать

heating pad - грелка

drops - капли

ointment - мазь

- What am I to do with this ointment?

- Just spread it over the sore parts.


- What diagnosis was she admitted with?

- Peripheral ischemia induced by long-term drug abuse (длительное злоупотребление лекарствами). Doctor B. has checked her blood pressure today and has drawn blood for lab studies (брал кровь для исследования)


- Are you uneasy? (Вам неудобно?)

- Thank you, I’m fine.


- Any trouble with your bowels? (Проблемы со стулом?)

- I usually have a bowel movement every day, but sometimes I take a laxative.


- What about your periods?

- Nothing to complain of.


- Is the blood for the patient with bleeding ulcer available?

- Yes.

- Who has typed and crossmatched the patient’s blood? (определить группу крови и исследовать совместимость крови донора и реципиента)


- Have you ever had any miscarriages?

- No, never.


How do you feel?

Much relieved, thank you.


iodine - йод

herb-beer - настой из трав

mustard-plaster - горчичный пластырь

antiseptic - антисептическое средство

laxative/purgative - слабительное

purge/enema - клизма

to give a cold water enema - сделать клизму

medicine for internal/external use - внутреннее/наружное лекарство

heal-all - панацея, универсальное средство

a pad of cotton-wool - тампон из ваты

cups/to cup - банки

to throw up - вырвать

to hold one’s breath/to breathe in/ to take a deep breath - задержать дыхание, вдохнуть, глубоко вдохнуть

medical baths - лечебные ванны

electrical treatment - физиотерапия

to dress a wound - (to wash, clean & bandage) - обработать рану

dressing - перевязка

sling in/in a sling - перевязь

pain-killer - болеутоляющее

valerian drops - капли валерианы

hot-water bottle/bag - грелка

mineral water - минеральная вода

to stitch in - накладывать швы

to take the stitches out - снимать швы

to (be) put in a cast - накладывать гипс

stretcher - носилки

vaccinate (-tion) - делать прививку

inoculate (-tion) - делать прививку

to have a tooth removed/extracted/pulled/taken out - удалить зуб

false tooth - искусственный зуб

dentures - протезы, искусственные зубы

crown - коронка

loose tooth - шатающийся зуб

wisdom tooth - зуб мудрости

molar tooth - коренной зуб

caries - кариес

gum - десна

gumboil - флюс

pus - гной



disease prevention - профилактика болезни

rest house - дом отдыха

health-resort /-spot - курорт

sanatorium - санаторий

accommodation card - путевка

to die from wounds - умереть от ран but to die of a disease

to be laid up in a hospital - находиться в больнице

to perform an operation on - сделать операцию

to undergo an operation on - перенести операцию

to amputate (-tion) - ампутировать

to be under doctor’s care - быть под наблюдением врача

to tell on one’s health/sight - сказываться на здоровье/зрении

ward - палата

to be confined to bed - быть прикованным к кровати

wheel-chair - инвалидная коляска

convalescent - выздоравливающий

to get off with a fright - отделаться легким испугом

to wash smth. down with smth. - запивать ч.-л. чем-л.

contraindication - противопоказание

side-effects - побочные явления

after-effects - последствия

I don’t have my fill of sleep - не высыпаюсь

I have to catch up on my sleep - хочу отоспаться


Exercise I. Task: choose the right word.

Cure - heal

1. Fresh air, sunshine and good food may... a patient.

2. After a fortnight of fever, the wound.... and he recovered.

3. The doctor applied a medicine which soon... the deep cut in my arm.



1. As Joe was coming home a sudden...in his heart made him stop and lean against the wall.

2. Wet weather often makes old people feel...in their bones.

3. He fell down the stairs and...his leg.

4. This heavy suit-case makes my arms....

5. Did you....yourself?



1. The nurse mixed the medicine with a teaspoon and gave it to the...man who sat up in bed.

2. When people are.... and have a tº of 39ºC we say they are in fever.

3. When I go on board a ship or a boat, I feel....

4. He was suddenly taken....



1. After scarlet fever complications developed and they had to be...for a month before the patient was completely well.

2. Open air life in the country....him of his headaches.

3. The doctor said that if I followed his instruction, I should soon be ...of the disease.



1. What did he die of? Did he suffer from any chronic... or complications after a serious...?

2. The...was catching, and the doctor said he would put me on the sick-list.

3. Grippe, scarlet fever and measles are catching....

4. His... prevented him from going to school together with his friend.


Exercise 2. Task: Supply the missing words.

1. If you have a bad tooth you must have it...

2. If you have TB you must have your chest.... regularly.

3. If you have a prescription written you must have it... ...

4. If you often have headaches you must have your blood-pressure....

5. If there is a cavity in your tooth you must have it...


Exercise 3. Task: Answer using: lame, blind, long/far sighted, deaf and dumb.

1. When is a man unable to play football?

2. When is a man unable to read at a short distance?

3. When is a man unable to cross the street alone?

4. When is a man unable to speak?

5. When is a man unable to read at a long distance?


Exercise 4. Task:

Give antonyms: Give synonyms:
medicine for internal use hurt
far-sighted to have a tooth pulled
to take off a compress an eye specialist
to undress a wound to go to a doctor
the t° rises to be unwell
to feel well a sick person
to be out of bed to get well
to come to oneself to recover consciousness
  to faint

Exercise 5. Task: Fill in blanks with words: consulting-room; pain; illness; prescription; made up

1. To tell the truth, I thought you might give me something to stop my....

2. The... that I have given you will stop the pain. Take it at once when you feel the attack coming on. If you don’t, you may have a serious...

- That would be the end of me. - She went out of the ... and into the street. She had his prescription ... .... on the way and then went round by way of the market.

Exercise 6. Task: Complete the following sentences:

1) If you have a toothache you consult....

2) If something has got into your eye you go to see...

3) If you have a sore throat you consult....

4) If you have a heart attack you call...

5) If you catch a flue you are attended by a....

6) If you have a nervous break-down you consult....

7) If your little sister has high temperature you send for...

Exercise 7. Task: Respond.

1) Do doctors use a bandage when they take a sick person’s t°?

2) Do the people use cups when they bandage a wound?

3) Do doctors use the thermometer when they put a compress?

4) Do people use a compress when they stop a tooth?

5) Do doctors use filling when they cut a finger?

6) Do people use eyeglasses when they have a cough?

7) Do people use drops when they have to bandage a wound?

8) Do doctors use iodine when they treat a patient for pneumonia?

9) Do people use pills when they are short-sighted?

10) Do people drink mineral water when they are limp?

11) Do people use medical baths when they are long-sighted?


Exercise 8. Task: Answer the questions.

1) What do you do if you break your leg?

2) What do you do if you have a light t°?

3) What do you do if you feel pain when swallowing?

4) What do you do when somebody in your family is ill with some catching disease?

5) What do you do if you have an abscess?

6) What do you do if you have liver trouble?

7) What do you do if you are short/long sighted?

8) What must we do to get a pair of eye-glasses?

9) Is short-sightedness typical for old age?

10) Why must we go to the dentist regularly?

11) Have you ever suffered from a bad toothache? What did you do about it?

12) What must old/young people do to keep in good health?

13) What infectious disease do children suffer from?

14) What diseases are typical for old age?

15) What can be done to prevent an epidemic?


Exercise 9. Task:Fill in the blanks with the words from the list

A.Diagnose\treat\ cure\heal\dress\examine

1.She needed to be________ by a specialist.

2. The doctor ________ the case as anaemia.

3.He is______ now. He’ll be back to work soon.

4.The wound is _______ nicely.

5.The doctor ordered to______ the man’s wounded arm.

B. Cramp\hay fever\phobia\migraine\heart failure

1.He has a________ about water and won’t learn to swim.

2.She gets regular attacks of _______ .

3. She gets________ every year in early summer.

4.He nearly had _________ when he heard the news.

5.Some people get_______ at night and it can be very painful.

C. Blood pressure\chill\cough\tetanus\ pneumonia.

1.She is overweight and suffers from high__________ .

2.He was given an injection against ________.

3.Put on warm clothes so that you don’t catch a ______ .

4.Poor fellow! What a bad_________ he has got.

5.His chill developed into ___________ .

D. Swelling\boil\blister\bump\tumour.

1.He died of a brain________ .

2.In this disease ________ occurs in all the limbs.

3.His heavy shoes raised ________ on his feet.

4.He got a nasty________ on his head when he fell.

5.The boy had a lot of _________ on his face.


Exercise 10. Task: Math the definition to the given words.

A. 1.a swelling on the body made by knocking a. stab

against smth, or hitting it b. pain

2.a thin watery swelling under the skin caused by c. ache

rubbing, burning etc. d. blister

3.a continuous dull pain, esp. in the body e. bump

4.a short very sharp pain

5.suffering or a great discomfort of the body or mind

B. 1.to take short quick breaths a. sniff

2.to send out air from the lungs violently and noisily b. cough

3.to have an air burst uncontrollably through the nose c. pant

and mouth d. sneeze

4.to draw in air through the nose with a slight sound e. gasp

5.to breath quickly, esp. with difficulty, making a sudden noise, esp. when coming out of water


Guess work

Task: Describe the symptoms of an illness. Ask your friends to guess what disease it is.


1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

2. A sound mind in a sound body.

3. Health is better than wealth.

4. Prevention is better than cure.

5. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

6. Health is not valued till sickness comes.

7. Time heals most troubles.

Make up situations, stories to illustrate a proverb.

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QUOTATIONS ABOUT TEACHERS 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


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