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2018-07-06 681 Обсуждений (0)
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The Russian Federation was set up by the Constitution of 1993. After its destruction in 1991, the Soviet Union was broken up into an independent Russia and 14 other new, sovereign[2] nations. The Russian Federation is a sovereign democratic presidential (or constitutional) republic.

The government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. Each of them is checked and balanced by the President. The legislative power isvested in the Federal Assembly. It consists of the Federation Council (the upper house) and the State Duma (the lower house). The members of the State Duma are elected by the popular vote for a five-year period. The Federation Council is not elected. It is formed of the heads of the regions. Each Chamber (House). Legislature is initiated in the State Duma but to become a law, a bill must be approved by both the lover and the upper houses and signed by the President. The Executive power belongs to the Federal government headed by the Prime Minister. The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and regional courts.

The President is a head of state who is elected directly by the people for a six-year term.The President is involved in the work of all the three branches of power. The President is also a commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He makes treaties and enforces laws, appoints the prime minister and key judges. The President can override and in some cases even dissolve the bicameral national parliament, called as the Federal Assembly. The President has his administration, but it is not a part of the Federal Government.



Задание 22.5*.

Используя материалы урока и план ниже, составьте сообщение по теме «Политическое устройство России».


Задание 22.6**.

Переведите афоризмы на русский язык. Выберите один из афоризмов и напишите небольшое (5-7 предложений) мини-сочинение, иллюстрирующее правдивость выбранного вами высказывания.

Задание 22.7***.

Прочтите перевод отрывка их знаменитого стихотворения Ф. И. Тютчева. Попробуйте составить собственный литературный (стихотворный) перевод одного из следующих четверостиший на русский язык и сравните его с оригинальным отрывком.

You will not grasp Her with your mind

Or cover with a common label,

For Russia is one of a kind –

Believe in Her, if you are able…

Don’t cover Russia with your mind,

Don’t use your norms for understanding:

It has its outstanding kind –

You must believe without fading.


Вариант 1

Инструкция по выполнению заданий: соотнесите левую часть с правой, составив осмысленные предложения. В результате выполнения Вы получите последовательность букв. Каждая буква может использоваться только один раз.
№ задания Вариант ответа
1 1-A,2-B,3-C…


В заданиях 1-10 соотнесите слова из левой колонки со сходными им по значению со словами из правой колонки.
thelowerhouse A period B
thehead of state B the State Duma D
the Parliament C the Prime Minister F
the currency of Russia D the President H
the chairman of the government E independent C
the upper house F the Federal Assembly J
term G coat of arms A
sovereign H the ruble E
to check I to balance I
the national emblem J the Federation Council G
БЛОК II. ВОПРОСЫ НА МНОЖЕСТВЕННОСТЬ ВЫБОРА Инструкция по выполнению заданий: в каждом из вопросов выберите букву, соответствующую правильному варианту ответа и запишите ее в бланк ответов.
В заданиях 11 – 15 ответьте на вопросы.
Who elects the members of the lower house of the parliament in Russia? A the President D
B the Chairman of Government
C the Prime Minister
D people
Name all the branches of power in Russia. A executive D
B legislative
C judicial
D all answers are correct
Who approves the chairman of the government? A the Federal Assembly A
B the President
C the State Duma
D the Federation Council
How long is the current term of service of the deputies of the State Duma? A 4 years B
B 5 years
C 6 years
D 7 years
Who can declare laws unconstitutional? A the Chairman of Government D
B the Prime Minister
C people
D The Constitutional Court
В заданиях 16 – 20 выберите правильный вариант неопределенного местоимения.
Please, tell me … about your political preferences. A something A
B anybody
C somebody
D somewhere
What do you want for your birthday? - …. that you wish. A anything A
B anybody
C anywhere
D nowhere
I didn’t know … about the party, that’s why I stayed at home yesterday. A something B
B anything
C anybody
D somebody
… makes mistakes. A everywhere D
B everything
C every
D everybody
I can’t find my keys … . A nowhere B
B anywhere
C somewhere
D somewhat
Инструкция по выполнению заданий № 21-25: Вместо пропусков вставьте some или any. В соответствующую строку бланка ответов напишите свой ответ.
I’m lucky. I have … best friends. some
There aren’t … windows in this small room. any
Weekends are often quiet. There isn’t … traffic in the street. any
I’d like … chocolate, please. some
Bring me … water, please. some

Вариант 2

Инструкция по выполнению заданий: соотнесите левую часть с правой, составив осмысленные предложения. В результате выполнения Вы получите последовательность букв. Каждая буква может использоваться только один раз.
№ задания Вариант ответа
1 1-A,2-B,3-C…


В заданиях 1-10 составьте словесные пары, соотнеся слова из левой колонки с противоположными им по смыслу или значению словами из правой колонки.
sovereign A the State Duma E
break up B lower I
upper C the president B
the State Duma D a law H
the Federation Council E dependent A
the president F deputy J
the prime minister G to dissolve C
a bill H the Federation Council D
to appoint I set up G
chairman J the prime minister F
БЛОК II. ВОПРОСЫ НА МНОЖЕСТВЕННОСТЬ ВЫБОРА Инструкция по выполнению заданий: в каждом из вопросов выберите букву, соответствующую правильному варианту ответа и запишите ее в бланк ответов.
В заданиях 11 – 15 ответьте на вопросы.
Who guarantees the basic rights of the people in Russia? A the President A
B the Chairman of Government
C the Prime Minister
D the Chairman of the regional court
Who appoints the chairman of the Government in Russia? A the President A
B the Federal Assembly
C people
D the Chairman of the Constitutional court
Who elects the President of Russia? A the Chairman of Government C
B the Prime Minister
C people
D The Constitutional Court
How long is the term of service of the President in Russia now? A 4 years C
B 5 years
C 6 years
D 7 years
Who can dissolve the State Duma? A the President A
B the Chairman of Government
C the Prime Minister
D people
В заданиях 16 – 20 выберите правильный вариант неопределенного местоимения.
You’ll have to walk, because the island doesn’t have … taxis. A some C
B no
C any
D every
I invited all my friends to come with me to Khoydart, but … of them wanted to come. A nobody D
B no
C nothing
D none of
Does Hoydart have … casinos? A some C
B no
C any
D every
Could I have … more information about the hotel, please? A some A
B no
C any
D every
How many people live in Hoydart? – I have … idea. A some B
B no
C any
D every
Инструкция по выполнению заданий № 21-25: Вместо пропусков вставьте some или any. В соответствующую строку бланка ответов напишите свой ответ.
I’m afraid, there are no … beaches out there. any
Sheiladoesn’tneed …. help. any
We need help, because … of us doesn’t understand the new topic. some
There aren’t … questions. any
… tourists prefer traveling by train. some


Грамматика: имена прилагательные. Степени сравнения прилагательных

Чтение и обсуждение текста по теме



Задание 23.1.

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