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Student waiter businessman postman

2018-06-29 599 Обсуждений (0)
Student waiter businessman postman 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


About myself

Let me introduce myself. My full name is Alexander Ivanov. I am seventeen. I am a first-year student of Tver Technical University. My family is not large. We are four. My father is an engineer. My mother is an economist. My sister is a pupil. She is ten years old. I went to school in 1997 and finished it in 2007. I studied many subjects at school but my favourite ones were mathematics and physics. As I studied well I decided to continue my education. My father graduated from Technical University (then it was called Polytechnic Institute) so he advised me to enter it. I successfully passed State Examinations at school and was taken in the university. Now I am in the first course. I study at the Automated Systems faculty; my future speciality is system engineer.

The academic year begins in September. It lasts ten months and ends in June. There are two terms in the course of the academic year. Examinations take place at the end of each term. During the terms students spend much time working: they have to attend lectures and seminars, carry out laboratory tests, work hard in libraries and at home.

The university has a five year course of study. The curriculum of the specialized higher institutions may be divided into three parts: the Humanities, General and Specialized subjects. The subjects of the first two groups give a solid basis of general education to future specialists; specialized subjects help students develop necessary practical skills. Specialization usually begins in the third year. The first year students study different subjects: higher mathematics, physics, chemistry, English, history, computer sciences and a number of other subjects. We are taught by highly qualified lecturers and professors. Usually we have one lecture and two practical classes. Our classes begin at half past eight and end at two o’clock.

In five years I shall graduate from the university. I like to study so I hope to become a highly qualified specialist in a chosen field.

I. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1) How old are you?

2) What university do you study at?

3) What faculty do you study at?

4) What is your future speciality?

5) How many members does your family consist of?

6) Is your sister younger or older than you?

7) Did you study well at school?

8) How long did you study at school?

9) What foreign language did you study at school?

10) Why did you enter this institute?

11) How is the academic year organized?

12) How many years does the university course usually last?

13) Why is it so important to be a highly qualified specialist in a chosen field?

II. Выразите согласие или несогласие.

1) Do you study at school?

2) Are you a student of the third year?

3) Do you study many subjects?

4) Did you pass your State Examinations well?

5) Do you live far from the University?

6) Is English your favourite subject?

7) Were your books borrowed from the library?

8) Do you live in the hall of residence?

III. Поставьте вместо точек предлоги of, in, to, at, from.

1) I study ... Technical University.

2) I went ... school ... 1997.

3) I studied many subjects ... school.

4) I entered ... the TSTU.

5) We are ... the first course.

6) I study ... the Humanitarian faculty.

7) I shall graduate ... the University ... five years.

IV. Перестройте русские предложения в соответствии со строгим порядком слов в английском предложении.

1. Для меня очень трудны эти упражнения. 2. Завтра на научной студенческой конференции доклад будет делать мой друг. 3. Экзамены студенты сдают в конце каждого семестра. 4. Над английским он должен много работать. 5. Эту статью она вчера начала переводить на английский язык.

V.Составьте предложения из следующих слов в соответствии с правилом порядка слов в английском предложении. Полученные предложения переведите.

1) has, buildings, our, several, institute.

2) subjects, students, many, the first-year, study.

3) the third-year, had, last, students, training, industrial, summer.

4) carry out, the students, practical, work, in, laboratories, well-equipped.

5) problems, many, scientists, important, solve, our.

6) texts, difficult, Petrov, technical, translated.

7) his, will, the teacher, translation, correct.

8) next, dean, a lecture, deliver, our, week, will.

9) students, more, institutes, this, entered, one, a million, than, year.

V. Прочитайте и переведите предложения. Преобразуйте их в вопросительные и отрицательные.

1.1. I study English and French. 2. They attend English classes regularly. 3. Bob and Mike often miss lectures. 4. These students make reports at scientific conferences every year. 5. We study at the Engineering Ecology Faculty.

2.1. She shows brilliant progress in her studies. 2. Professor Ivanov works at our University. 3. He makes a lot of experiments. 4. Roger likes philosophy very much. 5. Helen makes reports at students’ scientific conferences every year.

3.1. They entered the University three years ago. 2. He defended his thesis for a scientific degree last month. 3. She failed her English exam yesterday. 4. They began to study English at the University. 5. Our descriptive geometry teacher gave a consultation to our group yesterday.

4.1. He will take a post-graduate course after graduating from the University. 2. The academic year will finish at the end of June. 3. We shall discuss this question at our seminar tomorrow. 4. Extra-mural students will study on Sunday. 5. I shall finish this work next week.

5.1. We are doing grammar exercises now. 2. He is working at this problem at present. 3. Sam was writing down the data during the experiment. 4. They were working at 6 o’clock yesterday. 5. She will be working at her graduation project the whole evening tomorrow. 6. They will be analysing the results of the experiment after they finish their work.

6.1. He has done all his homework. 2. We have finished discussing the problem. 3. The conference had begun by the time we came. 4. They had arranged everything for the experiment by 2 o’clock yesterday. 5. Ann will have finished her work by 5 o’clock tomorrow.

VI. Определите глагольную форму. Добавьте возможное обстоятельство времени из предложенных ниже.

1. ... he comes to the University in time. 2. I have not seen him at the University ... 3. Where is Helen? – She is working in the library ... . 4. The lecture had been over ... . 5. They had no lessons ... . 6. He will be taking his mathematics exam again ... . 7. ... he works much at his thesis. ... he worked 10 hours a day. Now he has an interval in his work. ... he will continue his work.


usually: now; as a rule; for the last few days; by 3 o’clock yesterday; last week; yesterday; when I met you; in some days, at 3 o’clock tomorrow.

VII. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужном времени.

1. He (attend) all lectures regularly. 2. We already (decide) to join the Students’ Scientific Society of our University. 3. The students of our group (carry out) a laboratory test now. 4. I left the library after I (finish) reading the book. 5. They (write) a test in English next week. 6. The lessons at our University (begin) at 8 a.m. 7. By the end of the year they (graduate) from the University. 8. All my friends (pass) their examinations well last week. 9. When we came to the dormitory to visit our friends, Irene (translate) a text and Ann (write) a letter to her parents.

VIII. Задайте все возможные вопросы к следующим предложениям.

1. Paul attends lectures at the Institute every day. 2. They have always passed

examinations successfully. 3. Peter is translating a new text. 4. They took the books from the library of our University. 5. Our lectures begin at 8 o’clock in the morning. 6. I shall have an English class tomorrow. 7. She has entered the Institute this year. 8. We are listening to the teacher.

IX. Чем жизнь студента отличается от жизни других людей? Подберите заголовки следующим текстам в соответствии с родом занятий:

student waiter businessman postman

1. I start work at nine. I finish at about seven. I often work late, and I sometimes work at home too. I usually have lunch in a restaurant because my company pays. I always wear smart clothes like a suit, to work. I go to work by train. I never go by car there’s too much traffic.

2. My job is an evening job. I start at six o’clock in the evening and finish at about two o’clock in the morning. I have a break at about ten and I always eat in the kitchen. I wear a uniform, of course.

3. I go in when there are classes. They sometimes start at nine. Sometimes at ten. I usually have lunch in the cafeteria, but some days I don’t have lunch. In the evening I often work in the library. I usually wear casual clothes like jeans.

4. I start early – at five o’clock in the morning and I usually finish at about one o’clock in the afternoon, so I always have lunch at home. I wear a uniform at work.

X. Расскажите, что вы обычно делаете в университете и в свободное время. Используйте данные слова и словосочетания.

at the English lesson to read the texts, to ask and answer questions, to learn new words, to translate from Russian into English and from English into Russian, to listen to the tape, to repeat after the speaker, to write tests.
at the lecture to listen to the lecturer, to take notes, to ask questions
at the seminar to make a report, to ask the teacher to explain something, to take part in discussions, to write tests
in the pastime to have a good time, to go for a walk, to play chess (tennis, football, etc), to watch TV, to listen to records, to go to the cinema (theatre, concert), to go fishing (hiking, swimming, etc.)



As long as we live we continue to study and the education we receive when we are young helps us to continue studying.

September the 1st is an important day in Russia. It is the first day of a school year. Russia has a unified system of public education. Characteristic features of our public educa­tion are:

1. The equal right to education for all citizens as guaranteed by the Russian Constitution.

2. Co-education. But in some places pupils attend separate men's and women's schools.

3. Generally, the tuition is free throughout the system. But now in some educational institutions people pay for education.

4. Almost all the schools belong to the state, and we also have private and church schools.

The unified system of public education in Russia consists of the following chief types:

1. Secondary education

2. Specialized secondary education

3. Technical vocational education

4. Higher education

There are some types of higher educational schools in our country: Institutes, Universities and Academies. Entrance to them is by competition which is open to anyone between the age of 17 to 35 who has finished secondary school and passes State Examinations successfully. A complete course at higher schools usually lasts 5 years; in some it may be a little longer or shorter.

Universities train highly qualified specialists in sciences and humanities. The specialized institutes train specialists for one of the fields of culture or national economy. The characteristic features of Russian higher education are the following. First, it trains specialists in a variety of subjects and, second, graduates from our higher schools are broad specialists.

Education plays an important part in the life of any country as it provides the country with highly-qualified specialists for its future development and progress.

I. Проверьте по словарю и прочитайте следующие слова.

education, educational, unify, unified, character, characteristic, school, technical, church, chief, machinery, right, high, higher, institute, institution, institutional, tuition, variety, special, specialize,specialized, specialist, course, sciences, qualify, qualified, qualification.

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту.

1) What is the first day of a school year in Russia?

2) What are characteristic features of our public education?

3) Do people pay for their education?

4) Are there private schools in Russia?

5) What chief types does the system of education in Russia consist of?

6) How many groups are higher schools divided into? What are they?

7) Who can enter a higher school?

8) How many years does the course of education last?

9) When do applicants take exams?

10) What specialists do the higher schools train?

11) What are the characteristic features of Russian higher education?

III. Прочитайте следующие предложения, вставив вместо точек нужные предлоги: in, for, of, to, throughout, at, into, by

1) The Russian Constitution guarantees the equal right ... education ... all citizens.

2) The tuition is free ... the system.

3) Almost all the schools belong ... the state.

4) The system ... public education ... Russia consists ... several chief types.

5) Russian higher schools are divided ... two basic groups.

6) Entrance ... the University is ... competitive examinations.

7) The complete course ... the university usually lasts five years.

8) Some applicants fail ... this or that subject.

IV. Вопросы для обсуждения

1) Is it important to get higher education nowadays?

2) Do you think it is easy to study at university?

3) Do you have any of the following study problems? Discuss them with the group.

In class - It is difficult to concentrate - You cannot follow the lesson - You do not like the subject - Other students are much better than you - Other problems (What?) Outside class - You have nowhere quiet to study - You lack self-discipline - It’s difficult to begin studying - You do not have enough time - Other problems (What?)

V. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

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