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LISTENING 1                                                                          Оксфордские тесты для подготовки к ЕГЭ

2019-05-24 177 Обсуждений (0)
LISTENING 1                                                                          Оксфордские тесты для подготовки к ЕГЭ 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

LISTENING 1                                                                             Оксфордские тесты для подготовки к ЕГЭ

Friends (SCRIPT) Home

АУДИО : Friends - https://soundcloud.com/user-239414508/friends-listening-1-oxford-exams

A. I don’t see this person anymore.

B. I have not always liked this person.

C. My friend sometimes get angry with me.

D. Some people didn’t like my friend.

E.        My friend’s character has changed.

F.        This person and I are not friends any more.




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1 2 3 4 5 6


  Speaker 1 Put lots of friends and we all go out together quite often. But I suppose she's the one I feel closest to and I spend more time with her than with any of the others. We tell each other everything even our most embarrassing secrets! She knows things about me that nobody else knows but I know she won't tell anyone. I like all my friends but I'd be completely lost without her.

Speaker 2

My family can't understand why I am friends with him. They think I shouldn't spend time with him and that he could be a very bad influence on me. I keep telling them that they have the wrong idea about him. Just because he doesn't look like everyone else, it doesn't mean he's a bad person.  In fact, he's always been a very good friend to me and he's helped me in lots of ways.

  Speaker 3 We used to spend all our time together. I was always at her house or she was always at my house. We had the same interests and we liked the same things. But she moved it to another area and we couldn't continue like that. We still meet up occasionally, and we phone and write to each other from time to time, but it's not the same. It's a shame because we still get on the very well.  

Speaker 4

We had a big argument a few weeks ago and we haven't spoken to each other since then. He really made me so angry and I am still annoyed with him now. Where is really horrible to me and he hasn't phoned to say "sorry". We used to get on really well and we went out together a lot, but I don't care if I never see him again.

  Speaker 5 When I first met her I thought she was horrible and I didn't want to spend any time with her. I thought she was a really arrogant person and that she thought she was better than everyone else. But I was wrong. After a few weeks, I realized that she was really nice, and really funny too. One day, she was with me and a group of other people, and she made us all laugh a lot. I've been good friends with her since the↓→n.

Speaker 6

When I first met her, she was a really kind and pleasant person and we quickly became friends. But she's completely different now. She helped me a lot in all sorts of ways. She's become really selfish and she only does what she wants to do - she doesn't care what I want to do. I haven't said anything to her, though. I still want to be friends with her because she is one of my oldest friends and I don't want to fall out with her.




LISTENING 1                                                                 Оксфордские тесты для подготовки к ЕГЭ

Parties (SCRIPT) Home


АУДИО : Parties -  https://soundcloud.com/user-239414508/track-5

A. There were too many people at the party. B. It was the best party I've ever been to. C. The party was better that I had expected. D. I stayed at the party longer than most people. E.        The party was not very well organized. F.        I met some interesting new people at the party.     Чтобы увидеть SCRIPT, выделите участок документа ниже и поменяйте цвет шрифта.


1 2 3 4 5 6


Speaker 1 I must say that I wasn't looking forward to going to Julie's party. I felt that I had to go because Julia is a very good friend of mine. But I thought it would be really boring. Julian knows lots of people I don't really like and I thought I wouldn't have anyone to talk to. But in fact, I had really good time. There was a band playing, and they were great, and I spent the whole time dancing. It was great fun and I really enjoyed myself.   Speaker 2 They were is a very friendly atmosphere at Kim's party, with lots of people who all get on very well together. But she obviously hadn't paid much attention to planning because there wasn't enough for everyone to eat and drink. The food ran out after about an hour and one or two people went out and vote their own drinks. But people didn't leave because they were having a good time with each other.
Speaker 3 Most people at Suzanne's party had a really good time, as far as I could see, but unfortunately I didn't. Apart from Suzanne and the couple of all the people I know a bit, they weren't anybody that I'd met before, and they were all in their own groups chatting to each other. I tried to join in, but they weren't particularly friendly, so I spent most of the evening standing against a wall on my own watching everyone else, and I left as soon as I could. Speaker 4 I can't say that I particularly enjoyed Michael's party. He told me that he only invited 30 people but they were far more than that there. It was really crowded and I felt very uncomfortable. It was difficult to talk to many people because everyone was packed together and you could hardly move. After about an hour I decided I couldn't stay any longer and I left. 
Speaker 5 I knew that Olivia had some other friends that I didn't know and I met them at her party. I got on really well with them. They had a really good sense of humor and they told some great stories - I was laughing all the time. It was good to spend time with some different people - people I hadn't met before. When we were leaving, we exchanged phone numbers and I think I'll get together with them again. Speaker 6 Tom's party was in a hotel and it took me ages to find the place because I got lost on the way. And it was very nicely decorated. By the time I go there, everyone else had arrived and the party was in full swing . I met lots of people I knew and it was good to see them. I was one of the last to leave and they were only a few of us at the end.



LISTENING 1                                                                          Оксфордские тесты для подготовки к ЕГЭ

2019-05-24 177 Обсуждений (0)
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