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Mr. Payne Goes Shopping

2019-05-24 793 Обсуждений (0)
Mr. Payne Goes Shopping 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Mr. Roger Payne lives in London. He is a teacher of English. He teaches English to foreign students at St. Giles School of Languages. Mr. Payne has four classes three times a week. He likes teaching English.

Mr. Payne has a wife, a daughter and a son. His wife, Grace Payne, is a teacher, too. She teaches French at London University. His daughter Jane is fifteen and his son Dick is twelve. They are at comprehensive school.

Mrs. Payne usually goes shopping on Monday and Wednesday. Mr. Payne does shopping on Saturday morning.

It is Saturday today. Mr. Payne is going shopping now. He usually goes to the supermarket. He can buy all they need there. He walks along the counters and puts his purchases into the basket. He buys two white loaves and one rye loaf. The bread is always fresh there. Then he buys some meat, fish, bacon, sausage and cereals. He also buys vegetables and fruit; potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, oranges and lemons.

Today Mr. Payne must go to a department store. Tomorrow is his son’s birthday. Dick is inviting a few friends to his birthday party. Mr. Payne must buy a present for his son. He wants Jane to go to the department store with him.

They are going to a big department store in Oxford Street. There are a lot of departments in the store: women’s clothes, men’s clothes, shoes, sports goods, leather goods and so on.

One the ground floor Mr. Payne buys a tie and Jane buys a pair of gloves. Then they go to the second floor, to the Men’s Department and buy a blue sweater for Dick. Dick likes that colour. They also buy a box of paints for him. They are a bit tired. Now they can go to a café and have tea.


1) Where do the Paynes live?

2) What is Roger Payne?

3) Who does he teach English to?

4) How many times a week does he have English classes?

5) Is Mr. Payne’s family large?

6) What is his wife?

7) Are his children at college or at school?

8) How many times a week does Mr. Payne go shopping?

9) What day is it today?

10)  Who is going shopping today?

11)  Where does he usually go shopping?

12)  Can he buy all they need in the supermarket?

13)  Where does Mr. Payne put his purchases?

14)  What does he usually buy?

15)  Why must Mr. Payne go to the department store today?

16)  Whose birthday is it tomorrow?

17)  What do they buy in the department store?

18)  What colour does Dick like?

19)  Where do Mr. Payne and Jane have tea?

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Shopping in London

Most of London’s big department stores are in Oxford Street and Regent Street. They are always crowded, but at sale times, in January and July, there are so many people that it is difficult to move and it is usually safer to go in the direction of the majority!

These days, it is often difficult to distinguish the goods in the one large store from those, in another. If you are looking for something “different” (but cannot afford the prices of Bond Street) it is certainly worth going to New Covent Garden. This used to be England’s biggest fruit and vegetable market, but a few years ago, the market was moved to a new site on the other side of the River Thames. The old market, now called “New Covent Garden”, was restored and converted into a shopping centre. There are now more than forty shops of many different kinds, and there are several places to eat and drink. The opening hours are different from most other shops: they open at 10 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. As well as shopping, there is entertainment with lunch-time theatre groups and classical, jazz, folk and pop music.

Kensington and Knightsbridge is an exclusive area of London. There you can find the department store that is the symbol of expensive and high-class living – Harrods. People say you can buy anything in Harrods, including wild animals – they even have a zoo, which will sell you lion cubs as well as more common pets such as dogs, cats or parrots.

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The Big Stores

I went into one of the big London stores today and enjoyed myself very much walking from one department to another looking at various articles on the counters. I thought the shop-assistants were very helpful. There were hundreds of salesmen and dozens of different departments. I went from one department to another – from umbrella to gloves, up and down, in lifts and on escalators. I was surprised to meet an old friend of mine whom I hadn’t met for years. We talked a little and then did some shopping together. I helped her to buy some presents for her children. I was so glad to meet her again after twelve years and invited her to our place on Sunday.

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Shop-assistant: Are you being served?

Customer: No, I’m looking for a navy blue raincoat, size 44.

Shop-assistant: How do you like this raincoat?

Customer: Well, I like it. How much is it?

Shop-assistant: £55.99p.

Customer: Where must I pay?

Shop-assistant: At the cashier’s desk over there.


Shop-assistant: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes. How much is this street-guide to London?

Shop-assistant: It’s 99p.

Customer: I’d like two guides, please. How much is it altogether?

Shop-assistant: £1.98p. Here’s your change: £3.02p.

Customer: Thank you.

Shop-assistant: It’s a pleasure.


Shop-assistant: What kind of shoes do you want, madam?

Customer: I’d like walking shoes with a low heel. High heels are no good for country wear. You see I have rather small feet.

Shop-assistant: Here is a pair about your size. Try them on. How are they?

Customer: They are rather comfortable, but they are a little tight, will you show me another pair a size bigger, please.

Shop-assistant: Certainly, madam. Will these do?

Customer: They fit me very well, thank you.

Shop-assistant: You are welcome.


Shop-assistant: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, please. How much is this handbag?

Shop-assistant: It’s six pounds.

Customer: And I’d like an umbrella to match.

Shop-assistant: What about this one?

Customer: A lovely one! I’ll take it. How much is it altogether?

Shop-assistant: Eight pounds seventy-four pence. Will you pay in cash or in check?

Customer: In cash. 10 pounds, please.

Shop-assistant: Here is your change.

Customer: Thank you.



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2019-05-24 793 Обсуждений (0)
Mr. Payne Goes Shopping 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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