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Выражение признательности

2019-05-24 259 Обсуждений (0)
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Авторы хотели бы поблагодарить экспертов, которые нашли время и затратили свою энергию на редактирование этой Белой книги, среди них: Inger Benkel, Karl Bitschnau, Marilene Filbet, Mai-Britt Guldin, Christine Ingleton, Saskia Junger, Don Tullio Proserpio, Lukas Radbruch, и Esther Schmidlin.

Авторы также выражают признательность Совету директоров ЕАПП за их участие в рецензировании настоящего документа.




1. Council of Europe. Recommendation Rec (2003) 24 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the organisation of palliative care, 2003. www.coe.int/t/dg3/health/Source/Rec(2003)24 en.pdf


2. Centeno C, Clark D, Lynch T et al. EAPC Atlas of palliative care in Europe. Houston: IAHPC Press, 2007.

3. Radbruch L, Payne S, Bercovitch M, et al (2009) White Paper on standards and norms for hospice and palliative care in Europe: part 1 European Journal of Palliative Care 16 (6) 278-289.


4. Radbruch L, Payne S, Bercovitch M, et al (2010) White Paper on standards and norms for hospice and palliative care in Europe: part 2 European Journal of Palliative Care 17 (6) 22-23.


5. The WHO definition of palliative care is available at: http://www.who.int/cancer/palliative/definition/en/.




Белая книга: Основные компетенции, необходимые для оказания паллиативной помощи

6. Frenk J, Chen L, Bhutta ZA, et al. Health professionals for a new century: transforming education to strengthen health systems in an interdependent world. Lancet 2010 Dec 4;376(9756):1923-58.


7. Murray SA, Kendall M, Boyd K, Sheikh A. Illness trajectories and palliative care. BMJ 2005; 330: 1007-1011.

8. Higginson I. Palliative and terminal care. Health care needs assessment, 2nd series. Oxford: Radcliffe Medical Press, 1997.

9. Janssen DJA. Daily symptom burden in end-stage chronic organ failure: a systematic review. Pall Med 2008;22:938-48.

10. Whitty G. Competence-based teacher education: Approaches and issues. Cambridge Journal Of Education November 1991; 21:309.

11. Stoof A., Martens R.L., Jeroen J. G., et al. The Boundary Approach of Competence: A Constructivist Aid for Understanding and Using the Concept of Competence. Human Resource Development Review. Vol. 1, No. 3 September 2002, 345-365.


12. Parry, S.B. The quest for competences: Competency studies can help you make HR decision, but the results are only as good as the study. Training 1996, 33: 48-56.


13. Harvey Singh. Building Effective Blended Learning Programs. Issue of Educational Technology. Vol 43, Number 6; 51-54.

14. Zwarenstein M, Goldman J, Reeves S. Interprofessional collaboration: effects ofpractice-based interventions on professional practice and healthcare outcomes. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009 Jul 8;(3) CD000072.


15. Taylor,J, Swetenham K, Myhoill K, Picot S, Glaezer K, Loon AV.IMhPaCT: an education strategy for cross-training palliative care and mental health clinicians. Int J Palliat Nurs 2012, 18(6): 290-4.


16. Mason, SR, Ellershaw, JE. Preparing for palliative medicine; evaluation of an education programme for fourth year medical undergraduates. Palliative Medicine, Sep 2008; vol. 22: pp. 687-692.


17. Wee, B, Hillier, R, Coles, C, Mountford, B, Sheldon, F, Turner, P. Palliative care: a suitable setting for undergraduate interprofessional education. Palliative Medicine, Sep 2001; vol. 15: pp. 487-492.


18. Von Gunten CF, Mullan P, Nelesen RA, et al. Development and Evaluation of a Palliative Medicine Curriculum for Third-Year Medical Students. Journal of Palliative Medicine. -Not available-, ahead of print. doi:10.1089/jpm.2010.0502.


19. Bosma H, Johnston M, Cadell S, et al. Creating social work competencies for practice in hospice palliative care. Palliat Med. 2010 Jan; 24(1):79-87.

20. Junger, S., Payne, S. Guidance on postgraduate education for psychologists involved in palliative care. European Journal of Palliative Care (2011)18(5):238-252.


21. Kizawa Y, Tsuneto S, Tamba K, et al. Development of a nationwide consensus syllabus of palliative medicine for undergraduate medical education in Japan: A modified Delphi method Palliative Medicine, Jul 2012; vol. 26:744-752.


22. McConigley, R, Aoun, S, Kristjanson, L, Colyer, S, Deas, K, O’Connor, M, Harris, R, Currow, D, Yates,P. Implementation and evaluation of an education program to guide palliative care for people with motor neurone disease. Palliative Medicine, Nov 2011online.



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23. Pulsford, D, Jackson, G, O’Brien, T, Yates, S, Duxbury, J Classroom-based and distance learning education and training courses in end-of-life care for health and social care staff: A systematic review. Palliative Medicine, November 2011online.


24. van Boxel, Patris, Anderson, Keith, Regnard, Claud. The effectiveness of palliative care education delivered by videoconferencing compared with face-to-face delivery Palliative Medicine, Jun 2003; vol. 17:344-358.


25. Ellman MS, Schulman-Green D, Blatt L, et al. Using online learning and interactive simulation to teach spiritual and cultural aspects of palliative care to interprofessional students. J Palliat Med 2012.


26. Dando, N, d’Avray, L, Colman, J, Hoy, A, Todd, J Evaluation of an interprofessional practice placement in a UK in-patient palliative care unit Palliative Medicine, Mar 2012; vol. 26: pp. 178-184.


27. Haugen, DF, Vejlgaard, T The Nordic Specialist Course in Palliative Medicine: evaluation and experiences from the first course 2003-2005 Palliative Medicine, Apr 2008; vol. 22: pp. 256-263.


Claudia Gamondi, врач паллиативной помощи, отделение паллиативной помощи, Онко-логический институт г. Тицино, Тицино, Швейцария;


Philip Larkin, профессор кафедры клинической сестринской практики в паллиативной помощи, Школа медицинских сестер, акушерок и систем здравоохранения, Дублин-ский университетский колледж и Хоспис Пресвятой Богородицы (Our Lady’s Hospice and Care Services), Гарольд Кросс, Дублин, Ирландия;

Sheila Payne, профессор, директор Международной обсерватории по вопросам ока-зания помощи в конце жизни, Университет Ланкастера, Ланкастер, Великобритания


Перевод статьи, впервые опубликованной в Европейском журнале паллиативной по-мощи (European Journal of Palliative Care ) в 2013 г., выпуски 20(2): 86-91 и 2013; 20(3): 140-145. Публикуется с разрешения издателей журнала « European Journal of Palliative Care », которые сохраняют за собой авторское право. Все права защищены. ХейвордГруп Лтд, www . ejpc . eu . com. Этот документ может быть загружен только для индивиду-ального использования в образовательных целях. Воспроизводство для любых других целей запрещено. Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, обра-щайтесь к издателю.


This is the translation of the article first published in the European Journal of Palliative Care 2013; 20(2): 86-91 and 2013; 20(3): 140­145. Kindly reproduced by permission of thepublishers of the EJPC, who retain the copyright. All rights reserved’. Hayward Group Ltd. www.ejpc.eu.com. It may be downloaded for single academic use only. Reproduction for any other purpose is not allowed. For further information please contact the publisher.




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