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Who is the current monarch of the UK?

2018-06-29 457 Обсуждений (0)
Who is the current monarch of the UK? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

I. Вводная часть.

Звучит музыка. Ребята входят в красиво украшенный зал, держась за руки. Юноши проводят девушек до своего места.

(Слайд №1)

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear friends!Today we all have gathered here to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day. To name this event I’ve used the words of a nice English proverb “Above all, love all”. Love! Happiness! Beauty! There’re not so many days in a year when we pronounce these pleasant words. Today, you have an excellent chance to plunge into the atmosphere of love and camaraderie, to take part in the games, to practice the use of some pleasant words and expressions on this special occasion. Happy St. Valentine’s Day!

Выходят ведущие - юноша и девушка:

Pupil 1: Ladies and gentlemen! Goodafternoon!

Pupil 2: It’s lovely to meet you here, at St. Valentine’s Games.

Pupil 1:Now let’s listen to History of Valentine’s Day: Ever wonder who St. Valentine was? Or why so many people get all mushy around the second week of February? Here’s a brief synopsis: St. Valentine was actually two people (that weren’t romantically involved) who were martyred on the same day. Feasts commemorating them were celebrated on February 14. One was a priest and physician who died in Rome during the persecution of Christians by Claudius II Grothicus. The other was the bishop at Terni, Italy who was also martyred in Rome. Both have been buried at different places along the Flaminian Way.
Pupil 2:So why do people send “valentines” or “love tokens” to one another on that day? The origin of that tradition is not thought to have any connection with the saint’s day. Rather it comes from an early European belief that the second week of February was when birds began to mate. The idea suggests that lovers should probably exchange notes and gifts on February 14 in conjunction with what nature practiced.
Nowadays, Valentine’s Day is observed as a special day for love and romance. This topic is one of the oldest, and probably most discussed, issues in history!

II. Представление команд.

Pupil1: Now we suggest that you should be divided into 3 teams. "Cutie Pies (Обояшки!)" is the name of the 1st team. ''Sweeties (Милашки!)” is the name of the 2nd team. And ''Hot Stuff (То, что надо! С огоньком!)'' is the name of the 3rd team.

Pupil2: The captain of Cutie Pies is … . The captain of Sweeties is … . The captain of Hot Stuff is … . The members of the jury are … .

Pupil1: The motto of Cutie Pies is …

Cutie Pies: Cutie Pies! Cutie Pies! Tons of love from all of us!

Pupil2: The motto of Sweeties is …

Sweeties:Sweeties make you smile! Sweeties warm your hearts!

Pupil1: The motto of Hot Stuff is …

Hot stuff:Hot stuff’s cool! We make you squeal!

II. Конкурсы.

Pupil2: (Quiz 1) (Слайд №2)Match the male names to the female ones so that to make up the famous couples in love. (Приложение 1)

Командам предлагаются карточки с именами известных людей разных эпох. Команды должны из этих персон составить пары. Командам даётся 1 минута. За каждый правильный ответ команда получает по 1 баллу. (Слайд №3)

Pupil1: (Quiz 2) (Слайд №4) Unscramble the words and write them correctly in 1 minute. (Приложение 2)

Командам предлагаются карточки со словами, состоящими из перепутанных букв. За 1 минуту команды должны составить слова. За каждый правильный ответ команда получает по 1 баллу. (Слайд №5)

Pupil2: (Quiz 3)Find as many words as you can while the music is playing on. Words can be read in any directions. (Приложение 3)

Командам предлагаются сканворд. За 5 минут команды должны найти слова, расположенные в любом направлении. За каждый правильный ответ команда получает по 1 баллу. Группы поддержки в это время придумывают воображаемый город любви с красивыми названиями. Ключи: (Слайд №6)

Pupil1: (Quiz 4 is for Support groups.) (Слайд № 7)

Now, this quiz is for fans of each team. Just imagine that you build a Town of Love. You will name streets, squares, alleys, parks, lakes, rivers, monuments. Then in 5 minutes fans of each team will tell their variants, and get a paper heart for each nice name. At the end of the contest the paper hearts will be turned into some additional scores for their teams.

Pupil1: (Quiz 5-“The love letter”)Once upon a time there lives a boy who loved a girl very much. But the girl’s father didn’t like the boy and didn’t want his daughter to meet him. One day the boy decided to write the girl a love letter. He knew that the girl’s father would read it first, so he used one simple trick. When the letter arrived both the girl and the father were happy. The girl knew that the boy still loved her and the father decided that he didn’t like his daughter any more. Can you guess why they are so happy? (Приложение 4)

Каждая команда передаёт свой ответ членам жюри в письменной форме. После чего на экране появляется правильный ответ. (Слайд № 8)

Pupil2: (Quiz 6 - Captains’ contest - Конкурс капитанов)It is Captains’ contest. Find Russian equivalents to the English proverbs. (Приложение 5)

III. “Своя игра” (Слайд № 9)

Pupil2: Here comes the high spot of our event today. It is Captains’ contest. There are 3 categories such as “The Royal Family and the Government”, “Tourist Attractions” and “Love is…” with 4 questions in each. The teams in turn will choose the category and the question and try to answer it and collect as many scores as possible.

Category: The Royal Family & the Government

(Слайд № 14)

Who is the current monarch of the UK?

A) King George; B) Queen Elizabeth I; C) Queen Elizabeth II

(Слайд № 17)

2018-06-29 457 Обсуждений (0)
Who is the current monarch of the UK? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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