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Уровень, 60 вопросов, (6 ответов, 2 правильных)

2019-05-24 222 Обсуждений (0)
Уровень, 60 вопросов, (6 ответов, 2 правильных) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


281. Which are the Shakespeare‘s works?

a) Hamlet

b) Romeo and Juliet

c) Kozy-Korpesh Bayan sulu

d) KyzZhibek and Tolegen

e) Estai and Korlan

f) White fun


282. Find the plural form of nouns.

a) Leaves, potatoes

b) Babies, grasses

c) News, photo

d) Wolf, sheep

e) Flower, chair

f) University, college


283. Ann is …person in her group.

a) The youngest

b) The most beautiful

c) Younger

d) Beautiful

e) More beautiful

f) Young


284. Find the ordinal numerals

a) The first, the fourth

b) The second, the fifth

c) Four, three

d) Fifty, fifteen

e) The third, two

f) The second, one


285. Find the cardinal numerals

a) Twenty one, hundred

b) One thousand, sixty seven

c) One hundreds one, second

d) The first, twenty third

e) Ninety, ninth

f) Zero, seventh


286. Find the synonym of the little.

a) Small

b) A few

c) High

d) Big

e) Large

f) Huge


287. Which are the uncountable nouns?

a) Water, bread

b) Tea, rice

c) Library, book

d) University, college

e) Children, school

f) Shoes, trousers


288. Add the suffix –ful to the necessary word.

a) Help

b) Colour

c) Pollute

d) Weak

e) Big

f) Huge


289. Find the uncountable nouns

a) Flour

b) Sheep

c) Student

d) Silver

e) Map

f) Patience


290. Add prefix – im to the necessary word.

a) Possible

b) Polite

c) Comfort

d) Help

e) Colour

f) Regular


291. Put the correct degrees of adjective or adverbs.

She did her homework really ….

a) Well

b) Badly

c) Bad

d) Goodly

e) Worse

f) Good


292. Choose the right variant.

There are many ….and …..in my flat

a) Windows, Doors

b) Chairs, tables

c) Garage, garden

d) Sofa, arm-chair

e) Pictures, wall

f) Roof, floors


293. Choose the correct possessive case.

This is my … car.

a) Father’s, brother’s

b) Sister’s, mother’s

c) Mine’s, our

d) Yours, myself

e) Fathers, his

f) Mothers, hers


294. Find the sentences with ordinal number

a) In 1893 New Zealand was the first country in the world to grant the right for women to vote.

b) Australia is the sixth largest country in the world.

c) Canada is one of the largest countries in the world.

d) The USA is a federal union of fifty states.

e) The territory of Scotland consists of 12 countries.

f) Poland drew one-one with Greece.


295. Complete the sentence. There are two main rivers in Great Britain. They are ….

a) The Severn

b) The Thames

c) Aral

d) Balkash

e) Volga

f) the Mississippi


296. Find the right variant. Kazakhstan borders with …

a) Uzbekistan

b) Russia

c) The USA

d) Great Britain

e) France

f) Canada


297. Choose the right variant: My parents’ parents are my …..

a) grandparents

b) grannies

c) grandchildren

d) grandmothers

e) grandfathers

f) great grandparents


298. Choose the right demonstrative pronoun:

         Take ….apples

a) These

b) Those

c) Their

d) Them

e) Myself

f) His


299. Traditionally London is divided into City…, … and …

a) East end

b) West end

c) Brooklyn

d) Manhattan

e) Queensland

f) Center


300. Choose the right answer in a possessive case:

a) Victor’s neighbor

b) Ann’s neighbor

c) Victores neighbor

d) Victor neighbor

e) Ann neighbor

f) Annes neighbor


301. Parliament in our country consists of two parts…

a) Senate

b) Mazhilis

c) House of Commons

d) House of Lords

e) House of Representatives

f) House of deputies


302. Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland situated?

a) On the British Isles

b) In Europe

c) In Kazakhstan

d) In America

e) In Australia

f) In Canada


303. Which of the noun is used with an:

a) Orange

b) Umbrella

c) Lemon

d) Car

e) Telephone

f) Bag


304. Find the synonym of the adjective Big .

a) Huge

b) Enormous

c) Tidy

d) Well

e) Dull

f) Wonderful


305. Find the adjectives with negative meanings.

a) Useless

b) Impossible

c) International

d) Famous

e) Regular

f) Eatable


306. Complete the sentence. Scotland’s regions are …, …and …

a) The Sothern Uplands

b) The Lowlands

c) The Scottish Midlands

d) The central valleys

e) The northern Icebergs

f) The Great steppes


307. Complete the sentence.

The … also known as…as, symbolizes the union of the three countries of the UK.

a) Union Jack

b) Union Flag

c) Stars and stripes

d) The old Glory

e) The uncle Sam

f) The star Spangled Banner


308. Parliament in the UK consists of two parts…

a) House of Commons

b) House of Lords

c) Mazhilis

d) Senate

e) House of Representatives

f) House of deputies


309. USA Congress consists of two parts…

a) The Senate

b) House of Representatives

c) House of Commons

d) House of Lords

e) Mazhilis

f) House of deputies


310. Put the appropriate pronouns.

The police stopped …car to warn…about…speed.

a) Our, us, our

b) Their, them, their

c) His, he, his

d) Theirs, they, theirs

e) Her, she, herself

f) You, yourself, you


311. Gerund is used after the verbs:

A) to enjoy

B) to postpone

C) to decide

D) to plan

E) to forget

F) to agree


312. Sentences with progressive Infinitive:

A) I noticed that he seemed to be smoking a lot.

B) It is nice to be sitting here with you.

C) She likes going to the cinema

D) They want to study abroad.

E) My son has already done his homework.

F) Look! They are swimming in the sea.


313. Sentences with perfect Infinitive:

A) I am sorry not to have come on Tuesday.

B) I meant to have telephonedut I forgot.

C) The main thing is to relax.

D) You have the right to remain silent.

E) I’d like to really understand philosophy.

F) We were right to start early.


314. Infinitive is used after the verbs:

A) to hope

B) to afford

C) to give up

D) to deny

E) to fancy

F) to risk


315. Verbs used in Infinitive without to:

A) make

B) hear

C) read

D) speak

E) advise

F) hate


316. Non-finite forms of the verbs are:

A) Infinitive

B) Gerund

C) Object

D) Subject

E) Adverbials

F) Predicate


317. Gerund in the function of the attribute:

A) There is no hope of our getting the tickets.

B) They have an idea of going to England.

C) After saying this he left the room.

D) He caught cold through getting his feet wet.

E) He went out without waiting for a reply.

F) He improved his article changing the end.


318. Sentences with infinitives without to:

A) Why won’t you let me explain?

B) I heard her open the door and go out.

C) She’s certain to win.

D) You are welcome to stay as long as you like.

E) It’s very likely to rain.

F) I have no wish to change.


319. Gerund in the function of the subject:

A) Reading is her favorite occupation.

B) Swimming is a good exercise.

C) She is fond of singing.

D) They like travelling abroad.

E) Almas hates watching horror films.

F) I’m thinking of opening my business.


320. Prepositions used with Gerund:

A) without

B) besides

C) with

D) across

E) along

F) straight


321. Sentences with Present Participle:

A) They looked at the flying plane.

B) He sat at the table thinking.

C) They are going to the mountains.

D) The children are playing in the yard.

E) The boy is repairing his bike.

F) I’m going to read this book.


322. Sentences with Past Participle:

A) A broken cup was lying on the floor.

B) The letter received from them greatly surprised us.

C) He has lost his keys in the street.

D) They were informed about the news.

E) The students were going to pass exams.

F) My family moved to Shymkent ten years ago.


323. Sentences with Complex Object:

A) I saw Tom get into his car.

B) We heard him come up the stairs.

C) I decided to become a teacher.

D) She is interested in buying a car.

E) I am sorry to phone you late.

F) He succeeded in solving this problem.


324. Sentences with Complex Object:

A) I felt somebody touch my shoulder.

B) Mother watched her children playing.

C) I’m looking forward to seeing you.

D) He doesn’t enjoy sightseeing.

E) We’re afraid of missing the train.

F) Peter failed in solving the problem.


325. Gerund in the function of the adverbials:

A) Before leaving for London he called me.

B) After reading the letter I put it into the drawer.

C) I think of going to the south this summer.

D) He likes being invited by his friends.

E) I remember having shown her the letter.

F) Loading heavy weights requires great skill.


326. On the purpose adverbs are classified into following types:

A) adverbs of place

B) adverbs of time

C) adverbs of reason

D) adverbs of mood

E) adverbs of intention

F) adverbs of exclamation


327. Adverbs of place are:

A) there

B) below

C) usually

D) rarely

E) always

F) never


328. Adverbs of time are:

A) today

B) lately

C) here

D) there

E) where

F) above


329. I have … money today.

A) much

B) little

C) -

D) less

E) the least

F) much less


330. Adverbs of manner are:

A) fast

B) slowly

C) much

D) very

E) still

F) since


331. Correct word order of the adverb in the sentence:

A) Helen always drives to work.

B) Lucy hardly ever watches TV.

C) I won’t probably see you.

D) I have usually shower in the morning.

E) Steve gets hardly ever angry.

F) We soon found the solution of the problem.


332. The place of following adverbs may come at the beginning and end of the sentence:

A) tomorrow

B) today

C) quietly

D) always

E) seldom

F) never


333. Derivative adverbs are:

A) monthly

B) annually

C) now

D) since

E) so

F) well


334. Sentences with adverbs:

A) He speaks very fast.

B) I always get up early.

C) We have very little time.

D) He drew a straight line.

E) It is a daily newspaper.

F) He is a hard worker.


335. Simple adverbs are:

A) soon

B) almost

C) hardly

D) quietly

E) easily

F) daily


336. Adverbs in the comparative degree:

A) sooner

B) quicker

C) early

D) hardly

E) ever

F) seldom


337. The places of these adverbs are always before verbs except to be:

A) generally

B) ever

C) every day

D) today

E) tomorrow

F) yesterday


338. Sentences with adverbs in the correct position:

A) My coat is warm enough.

B) The sun shines brightly.

C) She already has left.

D) He doesn’t any more work in the shop.

E) Is dinner yet ready?

F) They speak fast very.


339. Correct written sentences are:

A) Ben walks to work every morning.

B) Everybody enjoyed the party very much.

C) I met on my way home a friend of mine.

D) Did you go late to bed last night?

E) He doesn’t like very much football.

F) Are you going to invite to the party a lot of people.


340. Sentences with adverbs of places:

A) I left my umbrella somewhere.

B) She can’t find her dictionary anywhere.

C) I want to see him so much.

D) I could hardly understand him.

E) I like my work very much.

F) Have you finished already?


2019-05-24 222 Обсуждений (0)
Уровень, 60 вопросов, (6 ответов, 2 правильных) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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