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Задания к контрольному тесту по чтению:

2019-07-03 407 Обсуждений (0)
Задания к контрольному тесту по чтению: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

· Диагностирование количества незнакомой лексики:

 Read the following text and write down all unknown words.


(By Nigel Balchin)

Among the passengers travelling home by train from
Florence there was a certain Miss Bradley.
  I only noticed her when passing down the corridor,
because of her really remarkable plainness. She was rather
a large, awkward woman of about thirty-five with a big, red nose, and large spectacles.

 Later on, when I went to the dining car, Miss Bradley
was already seated, and the attendant placed me opposite

  I think we may have exchanged half a dozen words at
dinner, when passing one another the sugar or the bread.
But they were certainly all we exchanged, and after we
left the dining-car, I did not see Miss Bradley again until
we reached Calais Maritime.

And then our acquaintance really began, and it began
entirely on my initiative. There were plenty of porters, and
I called one without difficulty from the window of the train.
But as I got off, I saw Miss Bradley standing on the platform
with two large very old suit-cases. The porters were passing
her by.

I am quite sure that had she been an even slightly attracive woman, I should not have gone up to her, but she was
so ugly and looked so helpless that I approached her, and

"My porter has a barrow. Would you like him to put your
cases on it too?" Miss Bradley turned and looked at me.

"Oh — thank you. It is very kind of you."

My porter, without great enthusiasm, added her luggage
to mine; and in a few minutes we found ourselves on board
the Channel ferry.1

Before the boat had been under way for ten minutes, I
realized that Miss Bradley was a remarkable bore. Shyly
and hesitantly she kept on talking about nothing, and made
no remark worth taking notice of.

I learned that she had been in Italy a fortnight, visiting
her sister who was married to an Italian. She had never been
out of England before.

I did not look forward to travelling to London with her
for another four hours, so excusing myself I went along to
the booking-office on board the boat and booked myself a
seat on the Golden Arrow.

Miss Bradley was travelling by the ordinary boat train,
so this would mean that we should part at Dover.

At Dover I hired one of the crew to carry our luggage.

Normally, passengers for the Golden Arrow are dealt
with by the customs first, as the train leaves twenty minutes
before the ordinary boat train. When the boy asked if we were
going on the Golden Arrow, I hesitated and then said

It was too difficult to explain that one of us was and one
of us wasn't, and then it would get Miss Bradley through the
customs quickly.

As we went towards the Customs Hall, I explained care-
fully to her that my train left before hers, but that I would
see her through the customs; the boy would then take the
luggage to our trains, and she could sit comfortably in hers
till it left. Miss Bradley said, "Oh, thank you very much."

The boy, of course, had put our suit-cases together on the
counter, and Miss Bradley and I went and stood before them.
In due course the customs examiner reached us, looked at
the four suit-cases in that human X-ray manner which customs examiners must practise night and morning, and said,
"This is all yours?"

I was not quite sure whether he was speaking to me, or me
and Miss Bradley. So I replied, "Well — mine and this lady's".

The examiner said, "But you're together?"

"For the moment," I said rather foolishly, smiling at Miss

"Yes," said the customs man patiently. "But are you travelling together? Is this your joint luggage?"

"Well, no. Not exactly. We're just sharing a porter."

I pointed my cases out. I had nothing to declare, and
declared it. Without asking me to open them, the examiner
chalked the cases and then, instead of moving to my left
and dealing with Miss Bradley, moved to the right, and began X-raying somebody else's luggage.

The boy took my cases off the counter. I hesitated for a
moment, but then decided it was no use waiting for Miss
Bradley since we were about to part, so I said:

"Well, I'll say good-bye now, and go and find my train.
I expect the examiner'll come back and do you next. The
porter will stay and bring our luggage up to the trains
when you're through. Good-bye."

Miss Bradley said, "Oh... good-bye and thank you so
much." We shook hands and I left.

I found my seat in the Golden Arrow and began to read.

It must have been about twenty minutes later that I suddenly realized the train was due to leave in five minutes and
that the porter had not yet brought my luggage. I was just
going to look for him when he appeared, breathing heavily,
with my suit-cases. I asked him rather what he had
been doing.

"The lady is still there," said the boy, "and will be for so-
me time, I think. They are going through her things properly.'

"But why?"

"Well, they'd found forty watches when I came away, and
that was only the start, so I thought maybe you wouldn't
want me to wait."

I have often wondered whether, when Miss Bradley stood
so helplessly on the platform at Calais, she had already chosen me as the person to come to her rescue, or whether she
was just sure that somebody would.

Looking back, I think she must have chosen me. I am
fairly sure of that though exactly how, I have never been
clear. I am quite sure she never made the slightest effort
to make my acquaintance.


· Уровень глобального понимания.

Answer the following questions, using the active vocabulary of the lesson.

1. From which town was travelling the train?

2. Describe the appereance of Miss Bradley.

3. How did the acquaitance between Miss Bradley and the author begin?

4. How did Miss Bradley look?

5. Why did Miss Bradley stay in Italy?

6. By which was travelling the author and by which Miss Bradley?

7. Through which did the customs officer examine the luggage?

8. What did the author declare?

9. How long did the author waited for his luggage?

10.  What did the customs officers find in Miss Bradley luggage?

11.What did the customs officers find in Miss Bradley luggage?

12.What had the author often wondered about Miss Bradley?


2) Задания к контрольному тесту по говорению:


· Make up a dialogue using the following vocabulary:

1. an accident, to break one’s leg, a difficult (serious) case; to treat, to have a slight pain;

2. to seem ordinary, to bore, to attract one’s attention, to get very interestedin, to prove to be;

3. to have plenty of, to wait patiently, to be due, to get through the customs, to have something (nothing) to declare;

4. to be due, patiently, to share, joint luggage, to get through;

5. to share one’s opinion, to go through the customs, to be under way, plenty of, to declare;

6. to declare, not to examine, properly, to pay duty on, to fill in a declaration form.



· Answer the following questions proving your statements and using the active vocabulary. Enlarge your answer.


1. Do you agree with the author that he was specially chosen
by Miss Bradley at Calais Maritime to get her through
the customs? Was it a happy choice?

2. Do you think it was the first time Miss Bradley was doing
that kind of thing?

3. What would you have done if you had found yourself
in the author's place?

4. Why is the story called "A Custom House Inci-

5. Have you read or heard of any similar incidents? Describe

6. What should devoted friends share?

7. Can you remember an important event? Why did you pay attention to it?

8. Do you usually feel calm of do you get slightly impatient on the day of your departure? Give examples.

9. What would you call a happy (sad) occasion. Give examples from your own life.

10.  What would you do to attract the attention of a person standing at a distance from you?

11.  How are you getting on with your English? Can you make practical use of it?

12.  Can you describe a case when the result was worth the effort?

3) Задания к контрольному тесту по письму:

· Write a composition (100 words). Try to imagine why there were watches in Miss Bradley luggage. 

4) Задания к контрольному тесту по a удированию:

· Текст для аудирования.


Honesty as the readers demonstrated by leaving eighteen wallets containing ₤ 30 around the country is both absent and alive in the most surprising places. The poor like Glasgow student Andrew Pride who had only had ₤ 10 to spend on food that week often found it in themselves to return the wallet. While those who are obviously much better off sometimes “trouser” the money without second thought.

Trouser is the right word here because it seems that women are far more likely to be honest than men. Two thirds of women who found a wallet handed it in compare to little more than half of men.

Imagination often seems to separate people in experiment. The Glasgow student wondered if the wallet might have sentimental value while an unemployed man in Baseldon speculated that it might have been dropped by someone else who was unemployed. 

What would you do in the following situations:

1) You find a ₤ 5 note lying in the street. Do you:

a) Hand it in to the police?

b) Pocket it and thank your good fortune?

c) Give it to charity or the next homeless person you meet? 

2) You have filled in a ₤ 5 national lottery ticket for a friend who has asked you to choose his numbers. And at the same time you have completed your own ticket. Three days later you discover that one of the tickets has come up with five numbers but you can’t be absolutely certain whether it is your ticket or your friend’s. A prize of more than ₤ 100.000 is involved. Do you:

a) Suggest that you’ll split the prize?

b) Make the claim yourself and keep the whole amount?

c) Insist that your friend take the whole amount?


· Уровень глобального (общего) понимания текста:

Listen to the following monologue about women’s position in the world and say

whether the statement is true or false.

1. There were left 18 wallets.

2. Andrew Pride studies in Glasgow.

3. He had only ₤ 10 to spend on food.

4. Women are far more likely to be honest than men.

5. Little more than half of men handed a wallet in.  

6. Imagination often seems to separate people in experiment.

7. The Glasgow student wondered if the wallet might have historical value.


· Уровень детального (полного) понимания текста:

Listen to the monologue and then complete the text.

Honesty as the readers demonstrated …(1) leaving eighteen wallets containing ₤ …(2) around the country is both …(3) and alive in the most …(4) places. The poor like Glasgow …(5) Andrew Pride who had only …(6) ₤ 10 to spend on …(7) that week often found it …(8) themselves to return the wallet. …(9) those who are obviously much …(10) off sometimes “trouser” the money …(11) second thought.

Trouser is the right word …(12) because it seems that women …(13) far more likely to be …(14) than men. Two thirds of …(15) who found a wallet handed …(16) in compare to little more …(17) half of men.

Imagination often …(18) to separate people in experiment. …(19) Glasgow student wondered if the …(20) might have sentimental value while …(21) unemployed man in Baseldon speculated …(22) it might have been dropped …(23) someone else who was unemployed.

…(24) would you do in the …(25) situations:

1) You find a ₤ …(26) note lying in the street. …(27) you:

a) Hand it in to the …(28)?

b) Pocket it and thank your …(29) fortune?

c) Give it to charity …(30) the next homeless person you …(31)? 

2) You have filled in a ₤ …(32) national lottery ticket for a …(33) who has asked you to …(34) his numbers. And at the …(35) time you have completed your …(36) ticket. Three days later you …(37) that one of the tickets …(38) come up with five numbers …(39) you can’t be absolutely …(40) whether it is your ticket or …(41) friend’s. A prize of …(42) than ₤ 100.000 is involved. Do you:

a) …(43) that you’ll split the prize?

b) …(44) the claim yourself and keep the …(45) amount?

c) Insist that your friend …(46) the whole amount?


· Уровень критического понимания текста:

Listen to the cassette and answer these questions.

1. Say would you do in the first situation presented in the text. Why?

2. Say would you do in the second situation presented in the text. Why?

3. What do you think about honesty in general?

4. Who are honest people? Why do you think so?

5. Why some people feel better to trouser the money than to hand it in?

6.  Why do you think women are more honest than men?

7. Is it possible to justify dishonesty in some cases? In which cases and why?


Результаты заключительного контрольного теста:

Чтение Таблица №1

Фамилия Кол-во правильных ответов Уровень глобального понимания Кол-во неизвестных слов Незнакомая лексика в %
Барацявичюс Виктор   11 100% 10 1%
Войтенко Юлия   11 100% 11 1.2%
Герасимов Владимир   10 91% 20 2.1%
Колесникова Ирина   11 100% 13 1.3%
Кромин Виктор   11 100% 6 0.6%
Кудилова Татьяна   9 82% 25 2.6%
Кудрявцев Юрий   11 100% 16 1.7%
Кузнецов Евгений   8 73% 30 3.1%
Латушкина Лилия   11 100% 18 1.8%
Маринина Мария Палий Соня   10 91% 20 2.1%
Палий Соня 9 82% 27 3%
Пуцило Сергей   11 100% 9 0.9%
Средний показатель 10 90% 17 1.8%

Говорение: Диалог.Таблица №2

Фамилия Количество новых слов Новая лексика в %
Барацявичюс Виктор   5 100%
Войтенко Юлия   5 100%
Герасимов Владимир   3 60%
Колесникова Ирина   5 100%
Кромин Виктор   5 100%
Кудилова Татьяна   3 60%
Кудрявцев Юрий   4 80%
Кузнецов Евгений   3 60%
Латушкина Лилия   5 100%
Маринина Мария Палий Соня   3 60%
Палий Соня 3 60%
Пуцило Сергей   5 100%
Средний показатель 4 80 %

Говорение: монолог Таблица №3

Фамилия Количествоновых слов Новая лексика в % Количество слов в высказывании
Барацявичюс Виктор   10 13% 78
Войтенко Юлия   9 12% 76
Герасимов Владимир   8 12% 65
Колесникова Ирина   8 11% 75
Кромин Виктор   12 13% 90
Кудилова Татьяна   6 10% 60
Кудрявцев Юрий   9 13% 69
Кузнецов Евгений   4 10% 40
Латушкина Лилия   8 11% 70
Маринина Мария Палий Соня   7 10% 67
Палий Соня 5 9% 51
Пуцило Сергей   10 13% 80
Средний показатель 8 13% 68

Письмо Таблица №4

Фамилия Количество новой лексики в единицах Количество граматических ошибок высказывании Количество орфoграфических ошибок
Барацявичюс Виктор   12 1 2
Войтенко Юлия   14 0 1
Герасимов Владимир   11 2 4
Колесникова Ирина   12 0 2
Кромин Виктор   18 0 0
Кудилова Татьяна   8 3 5
Кудрявцев Юрий   10 1 1
Кузнецов Евгений   7 5 7
Латушкина Лилия   11 2 2
Маринина Мария Палий Соня   9 3 5
Палий Соня 8 3 6
Пуцило Сергей   15 0 1
Средний показатель 11 1 3

Аудирование Таблица №5



глобального понимания

Уровень детального понимания

Уровень критического понимания

Барацявичюс Виктор   7 100% 35 76% 5 71%
Войтенко Юлия   7 100% 37 80% 5 71%
Герасимов Владимир   5 71% 26 56% 3 43%
Колесникова Ирина   6 86% 30 65% 4 57%
Кромин Виктор   7 100% 42 91% 6 86%
Кудилова Татьяна   4 57% 20 43% 2 29%
Кудрявцев Юрий   6 86% 24 52% 3 43%
Кузнецов Евгений   2 29% 12 26% 1 14%
Латушкина Лилия   6 86% 25 54% 3 43%
Маринина Мария Палий Соня   4 57% 22 48% 2 29%
Палий Соня 3 42% 15 32% 2 29%
Пуцило Сергей   7 100% 40 87% 6 86%
Средний показатель 5 72% 26 56% 3.5 48%

Список использованной литературы



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