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Текст 2 General Functions of a Lawyer

2019-07-03 3733 Обсуждений (0)
Текст 2 General Functions of a Lawyer 5.00 из 5.00 6 оценок

Задание: прочитать и перевести тексты №1- №5 в письменной форме с помощью словаря и слов после текстов

Текст 1 Legal Profession

1.    Lawyer is a person whose profession is to advise clients as to legal rights and obligations and to represent clients in legal proceedings. A lawyer applies the law to specific cases. He investigates the facts and the evidence by conferring with his client and reviewing documents, and he prepares and files the pleadings in court. At the trial a lawyer introduces evidence, interrogates witnesses, and argues questions of law and fact. If he does not win the case, he may seek a new trial or relief in an appellate court.

2.    A lawyer, as a member of the legal profession, is a representative of clients, an officer of the legal system, and a public citizen having special responsibility for the quality of justice.

3.    As a representative of clients, a lawyer performs various functions. As advisor, a lawyer instructs a client in his legal rights and obligations and explains their practical implications. As advocate, a lawyer zealously asserts the client’s position under the rules of the adversary system. As negotiator, a lawyer seeks a result advantageous to the client but consistent with requirements of honest dealings with others. As evaluator, a lawyer acts by examining a client’s legal affairs and reporting about them to the client or to others.

4.    As an officer of the legal system, a lawyer in all his professional functions should be competent, prompt and diligent. A lawyer should use the law's procedures only for legitimate purposes and not to damage others. A lawyer should demonstrate respect for the legal system and for those who serve it, including judges, other lawyers and public officials. In addition, lawyers have a responsibility to keep information about their clients confidential as part of the client-lawyer relationship.

5.    As a public citizen, a lawyer should seek improvement of the law, access to the legal system, the administration of justice and the quality of service rendered by the legal profession. In addition, a lawyer should further the public’s understanding of and confidence in the rule of law and the justice system because legal institutions in a constitutional democracy depend on popular participation and support to maintain their authority.

6.    The role of lawyer, of course, will vary from one legal system to another. But some general characteristics can be identified. Lawyers bring the law to non-lawyers by advising clients and by drafting legal documents on their behalf. Lawyers make the system of justice work. Lawyers also play an important role in law making. Many lawyers serve in parliaments and often lawyers are called upon to advise parliaments on the details of new laws.

7.    Lawyers obviously play different roles depending on their place in the legal profession and the nature of their law practice or activity. Judges and prosecutors have fundamentally different roles from those of private lawyers. Criminal defense lawyers have some special responsibilities and duties; in-house counsels have their own functions; lawyers for government agencies serve somewhat different interests than do private lawyers.

Слова из текста

evidence – доказательства

confer with - советоваться с

pleadings - состязательные бумаги

interrogate witnesses - допрашивать свидетелей seek – добиваться, требовать

relief - удовлетворение требования

public citizen –представитель общества

rights and obligations - права и обязанности implications - последствия

zealously - усердно

assert – доказывать, отстаивать, утверждать,

adversary system - система состязательности

advantageous – выгодный, предпочтительный negotiator - участник переговоров, посредник

consistent with – соответствующий

honest dealings – честные деловые отношения evaluator - эксперт по оценке

legal affairs - юридические вопросы

should – должен, следует

prompt and diligent - проворный и старательный

legitimate purpose - законная цель

damage - причинять вред

judge - судья

public official - государственный чиновник confidential – секретный, не подлежащий оглашению

client-lawyer relationship - отношения юрист-клиент

improvement – совершенствование, улучшение

 access to - доступ к

administration of justice - обеспечение правопорядка

further – содействовать, способствовать confidence – доверие, уверенность

rule of law - верховенство закона

popular participation - участие населения

vary – различаться, отличаться

bring the law to non-lawyers – доносить смысл правовых норм до обывателей

law making – правотворчество

called upon - пригласить высказаться, привлечь

prosecutor – прокурор, обвинитель

criminal defense lawyer – адвокат по уголовным делам

in-house counsel – штатный юрисконсульт

somewhat – отчасти, в некоторой степени


Текст 2 General Functions of a Lawyer


1.    Working     as a lawyer involves     the  practical     application of abstract legal theories and knowledge to solve specific individualized problems, or to advance the interests of those who hire lawyers to perform legal services. As a professional, the lawyer is usually permitted to perform the following functions:

2.    Providing the client with legal advice concerning actions that need to be taken - after due research into the law or constitution with regard to a particular situation at hand, the lawyer advises the client on what best course of action to take to best resolve the situation by legal means.

3.    Negotiating and drafting contracts - in many countries the negotiating and drafting of contracts is considered to be similar to the provision of legal advice.

4.    Conveyancing is the drafting of the documents necessary for the transfer of real property, such as deeds and mortgages. According to the law, all real estate transactions must be carried out by a lawyer.

5.    Procurement of patents, trademarks and copyrights is aimed at protection of intellectual property of the client, which includes the rights to literary and artistic works, industrial design, brand names, trade secrets, or inventions. The lawyer helps the client formally register the products with the government agency to receive the highest level of protection under law.

6.    Executing the last wishes of the deceased - such as a will stating the testator’s precise desires in black and white. The lawyer helps to supervise that these wishes are carried out to the letter.

7.    Representation of clients in court in civil and criminal cases

-      arguing a client's case before a judge or jury in a court of law is the traditional province of trial lawyers who specialize in trying cases in court. During the pretrial stages the lawyers draft court papers and do legal research on behalf of the client. At trial, lawyers select a jury, present opening and closing statements, produce evidence of their version of the case, examine and cross-examine witnesses and give the legal reasons why they should prevail.

8.    Prosecution of criminal suspects in court - this is applicable if the lawyer is working for the government agency, such as the police department, the department of justice, or the procurator's office.

Слова из текста

advance - защищать

 hire - нанимать (на работу)

situation at hand - рассматриваемая ситуация

legal means - законные средства

negotiating - ведение переговоров

drafting - составление проекта документа, формулировка

provision - обеспечение, предоставление


conveyancing - составление актов передачи прав собственности на недвижимость

deed - документ за печатью, документ скреплённый печатью

mortgage - заклад недвижимого имущества, ипотечный залог

 transaction – сделка, соглашение

procurement – получение, приобретение

trade secret - коммерческая тайна

 executing – оформление (в виде документа)

deceased – покойный, умерший

will – завещание

testator – наследодатель, завещатель

in black and white - в письменной форме, «чёрным по белому»

 to the letter - в точности, буквально

representation – (судебное) представительство

province - сфера деятельности, компетенция pretrial stage - досудебная стадия процесса

court papers – документы (бумаги) для судебного заседания

opening and closing statements – вступительная и заключительная речь (адвоката) в процессе

cross-examine - подвергнуть перекрёстному допросу

prevail - одержать победу

prosecution - уголовное преследование, государственное обвинение

criminal suspect - лицо, подозреваемое в совершении преступления

police department - полицейское управление department of justice - министерство юстиции procurator's office – прокуратура


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Текст 2 General Functions of a Lawyer 5.00 из 5.00 6 оценок

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