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Necessity to study this discipline

2019-08-13 292 Обсуждений (0)
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Министерство образования и науки РФ

Федеральное государственное бюджетное

Образовательное учреждение высшего образования

«Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М.Ф.Решетнева»






Учебное пособие



Министерство образования и науки РФ

Федеральное государственное бюджетное

Образовательное учреждение высшего образования

«Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М.Ф.Решетнева»


Кафедра Лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации


лингвостРановедение и страноведение английского языка





Учебное пособие

для студентов направления 45.03.02 «Лингвистика»

 очной и очно-заочной формы обучения


Красноярск 2017

УДК 81.1


Лингвострановедение и страноведение английского языка: Учебное пособие для студентов направления 45.03.02 Лингвистика очной и       очно-заочной формы обучения/ И.В. Дрыгина. - Красноярск: СибГУ, 2017 - 103 с.

Табл. 1. Ил. 9. Библиогр.: 28 назв;


Автор: канд.пед.наук, доцент Дрыгина Инна Валерьевна






В учебном пособии дана общая информация о географическом положении и символах Великобритании и США, раскрываются основы и современное состояние политических систем, систем образования и экономики, культурные традиции и праздники, показано развитие средств массовой информации в изучаемых странах. Учебное пособие содержит текст, к каждой теме – вопросы для контроля.

Рекомендуется как для использования в учебном процессе, так и для самостоятельного изучения дисциплины не только бакалаврами, но и магистрантами, аспирантами и всем интересующимся данными вопросами.



© И.В. Дрыгина, 2017

© «Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М.Ф.Решетнева», 2017



Introductory ………………………………………….…..…………..…….  5
Theme 1. Lingvocultural notion. Sociocultural condition for the existance of language …………………………………………………….…………..    9
Theme 2. Great Britain in the 20th century. Geographical position, climate and national symbols……….………………………………………………   13
Theme 3. Monarchy, parliament and government of Great Britain ……… 21
Theme 4. System of education in Great Britain…………………………...  37
Theme 5. Economical development of the UK. Holidays and traditions.….  46
Theme 6. United States of America in the 20-21th centuries, geographical position, climate, national symbols……………..……………….…….……    53
Theme 7. Political system of the USA. Political parties……..…………….  62
Theme 8. System of education in the USA………………..……….………  70
Theme 9. Development of economy in the USA. Holidays and traditions...  74
Theme 10. Mass media (TV, press,radio) of Great Britain and the United States of America ………………………………………...………….….….   83
Theme 11. Everyday life, sport of Great Britain and the USA.Places of interests ………………………………..……………………….……...…...   89
List of topics for report ……………………………………………………. 98
Bibliographical list ………..……………………………………….…….. 99
Supplement A. List of key words ………….…………………..….…….… 102





Введение ……………………………………………………...………...…  5
Тема 1. Лингвострановедческие понятия. Социокультурные условия функционирования языка ………………………………..………………   9
Тема 2. Великобритания в 20 веке. Географическое положение, климат, национальные символы …………………….…….………….…   13
Тема 3. Монархия, парламент и правительство Великобритании ……. 21
Тема 4. Система образования в Великобритании ……………………… 37
Тема 5. Экономическое развитие Великобритании. Праздники и традиции. ……………………………….…..………………...………...…   46
Тема 6. США в 20-21 веках. Географическое положение, климат, национальные символы ……………………………………..….……...…    53
Тема 7. Политическая система США. Политические партии…….….… 62
Тема 8. Система образования США ……………..……………………... 70
Тема 9. Развитие экономики США. Праздники и традиции ……….….  74
Тема 10. Средства массовой информации (телевидение, газыты, радио) Великобритании и США  ………………………………....…...…   83
Тема 11. Повседневная жизнь, спорт Великобритании и США. Достопримечательности ……………………………………………….....   89
Перечень тем для докладов ……………………………………………… 98
Библиографический список ………………………………….………….. 99
Приложение А. Список ключевых слов …………………….……..…. 102




Развивающиеся международные отношения между странами и активное участие России в международной жизни предъявляют высокие требования к уровню профессиональной подготовки переводчиков, работающих в различных сферах деятельности. Без грамотного устного или письменного перевода, невозможно принимать правильные решения и активно участвовать в жизни той или иной страны.  

Необходимость ведения курса «Лингвострановедение и страноведение английского языка» заключается в повышении качества подготовки квалифицированных специалистов в области лингвистики, способных правильно переводить и отображать социокультурные реалии.   

Учебная задача данного пособия состоит в приобретении и развитии знаний в области лингвострановедения и страноведения стран изучаемых языков, а именно Великобритании и Соединенных Штатов Америки, а также некоторых других англо-говорящих стран.

Учебное пособие подготовлено для студентов очной и очно-заочной форм обучения, обучающихся по направлению 45.03.02 Лингвистика.

Общее количество часов для изучения дисциплины «Лингвострановедение и страноведение английского языка» на очной форме обучения – 108, в том числе лекционных часов – 18, практические занятий – 36, самостоятельной работы – 54. Учебное пособие охватывает весь курс изучения данной дисциплины.

В пособии «Лингвострановедение и страноведение английского языка» рассматриваются основные вопросы по истории, политике, экономике, системе образования, культуре и традициях Великобритании и США.

При изучении курса необходимо использовать также литературу, рекомендованную для чтения, периодические источники, представленные в библиографическом списке.

Профессиональные компетенции (ПК), формируемые в результате работы с учебным пособием:

ПК-16: владение необходимыми интеракциональными и контекстными знаниями, позволяющими преодолевать влияние стереотипов и адаптироваться к изменяющимся условиям при контакте с представителями различных культур;

ПК-17: способность моделировать возможные ситуации общения между представителями различных культур и социумов;

ПК-18: владение нормами этикета, принятыми в различных ситуациях межкультурного общения (сопровождение туристических групп, обеспечение деловых переговоров, обеспечение переговоров официальных делегаций);

Курс «Лингвострановедение и страноведение английского языка» для студентов направления 45.03.02 завершается экзаменом, написанием и защитой курсовой работы при очной и очно-заочной форме обучения в шестом семестре.

Результаты усвоения учебного материала контролируются. Формы текущего контроля – индивидуальный и фронтальный опрос, тестирование.




The developing international relations between different countries and active participation of Russia in international life put forward high demands to the level of professional education of interpreters working in different spheres.

It is impossible to make right decisions and to participate actively  in the life of this or that country without professional oral or written interpretation.

Importance of the course “Lingvo-countrystudy and countrystudy of the English language” lies in necessity to rise the quality of education of specialists in linguistics capable to adequate interpretation of sociocultural reality.

The educational task of this textbook consists of getting and developing knowledge in lingvo-countrystudy and countrystudy of the learning countries – Great Britain and United States of America and some other English speaking countries.

The course is prepared for the students of day and part-time department of specialty 45.03.02.

The total amount of hours for the learning of the disciple “Lingvo-countrystudy and countrystudy of the English language” on the day department is 108 among them: 18 – for lectures, 36 – for practical lessons, 54 – for self-education. The textbook covers all course of this disciple.

The main questions about history, politics, economy, system of education, culture and traditions of Great Britain and USA are described in the textbook “Lingvo-countrystudy and countrystudy of the English language”.

While learning the course is necessary to use also recommended literature on the course and the periodic materials which are presented in the bibliographic list.

Professional competences (PC), formed after studying this textbook are:

PC-16: possession of the necessary interactional and contextual knowledge to overcome the influence of stereotypes and to adapt to changing conditions in contact with different cultures;

PC-17: the ability to simulate possible situations of dialogue between different cultures and societies;

PC-18: possession of etiquette rules adopted in various situations of intercultural communication (support for tourist groups, provision of business negotiations, ensuring negotiations of the official delegations);

The textbook “Lingvo-countrystudy and countrystudy of the English language” for the students of specialty 45.03.02 of day and part-time department ends with exam and writing of the course paper in the 6th term.

The results of learning are controlled. The forms of control are the following: individual, class, tests.




1. Necessity to study this discipline

2. Interpretation of the terms “lingvo-countrystudy” and “countrystudy”


Necessity to study this discipline

The persons whose future profession is foreign language, will hardly remonstrate against need of deep and extensive knowledge of varied aspect, anyway connected with country of the studying language. In concrete, we are speaking about history, geography, economy, culture and other elements of foreign country.

Who is important and necessary to study these discipline?

At first, we are speaking about people, who by circumstances must visit other country with different purpose: business, cultural and so on. More often similar contacts are often connected with professional activity of the person. In this case knowledge of culture of the other country is very important.

Knowledge of culture of the other country has the special importance for the teacher of the foreign language. He is a conductor for children or students in the world of the someone else culture. It is possible to connect learning of the language and study of the culture. On the help comes discipline “lingvo-countrystudy”, which will unite the disciplines “foreign language” and “countrystudy”.

Lingvo-countrystudy presents itself the area of the knowledge and, accordingly, the subject, which is called to help the students to possess the foreign culture, using herewith foreign language, which itself is a part of culture of the language studying country. This is the general understanding of this discipline.

The persons who have been born and grown in one culture adopt it already in childhood. As to the foreign language, the assimilation of the basic points of it ends to 10-11 years old. The assimilation of national culture is an essential component of the child socialization.

The assimilation of the someone else culture can occur in any age, when person by force of circumstances changes the living place, falls into the other culture and have to be adapted to it. Such process in science can be called accommodation. There are two types of accommodation: full and partial. Full accommodation takes place when the person falls into the other country and is completely adapted to life in other conditions. We speak about partial accommodation when living in another country the person preserves his language and national culture and simultaneously follows the culture of the country he lives in.

The personality, which possesses his own culture and someone else, is identified in sociology as the personality on border of the cultures.

Except natural accommodation the similar processes can occur in artificial conditions, first of all during education. Studying foreign language and bases of the foreign culture, a pupil or student falls into the world of other culture, consequently, occurs accommodation. At condition of the positive motivation and correct organized scholastic process such accommodation can be efficient enough. In reality the process of studying of foreign languages must occur under sign of the forming the personalities on border of the cultures. Such personality must be ready to cross-culture communication, when we speak about mutual understanding of two participants of the communication act, belonging to different national cultures.

1.2  Interpretation of the terms “lingvo-countrystudy” and “countrystudy”

Now we will return back to interpretation of the terms “lingvo-countrystudy” and “countrystudy” and try to clarify what is general and what is different between them. As we have already realized, in countrystudy we deal with different aspect of the life in the country. Studying of this subject can be organized on native language. Certainly, herewith “aroma of country” can be lost, but information itself will not be damaged.

The subject “countrystudy” unites and presents all material about the country. This subject is taught by different forms and methods on native language. For high school we mean lectures and seminars, on which can be used as traditional, so as modern methods of the education.

Lingvo-countrystudy is also connected with life in the countries but teaching is lead on foreign language.

The main reason, why lingvo-countrystudy must use the philological methods different from countrystudy, is concluded in indissoluble relationship of the culture and language. The person who already knows foreign language, while studying the culture begins “to feel” it and perceive as personally interested.

The content of scholastic texts used on lessons on lingvo-countrystudy promotes this. If on the lessons of countrystudy we use texts belonging, as a rule, to reference-encyclopedic genre of the scientific literature and to specially scientific stile of speech, peculiar to any textbook of the histories, geographies etc., the texts used on the lingvo-countrystudy lessons belong to newspaper and art stiles and to colloquial style of speech peculiar to artistic products, newspapers or journals. The different influence of this or that text on reader is obvious.

If the first inform the reader and act upon intellect and rational memory, the second influence upon feeling, develop the imagination, figuratively-artistic memory, form the aesthetic taste, cause the emotional response, bring up the respect to “other” culture and develop “feeling of the language”, which allows to understand the culture of other folk deeper. Accordingly the different lexicon is used. While studying the countrystudy the use of special terms (geographical, economic and so on) is necessary, but in the course of lingvo-countrystudy studies we address to commonly used, the most wide-spread words and expressions.

Both disciplines add each other and in total help to form the quality required for specialist in the field of foreign language and foreign culture.


1. What this subject is necessary for linguists?

2. What is studied in the course of “countrystudy”?

3. What is studied in the course of “lingvocountrystudy”?



1. Geographical position

2. Water resources of Great Britain

3. Mountains in Britain

4. Mineral resources of the country

5. Climate of Great Britain

6. Flora and fauna of the United Kingdom

7. National symbols of Great Britain

Geographical position


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of the country. Unofficially it is often called the UK, Great Britain, Britain or England, as the largest part of Great Britain. It is sometimes also referred to by its old and romantic name – Albion.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the country situated on the north-west coast of the continent of Europe. Look at the map of the UK on the picture 2.1. The British Isles are composed of about 4000 islands of different size. The largest of the British Isles is Great Britain which contains England, Wales and Scotland. The second largest island is Ireland. It is shared by two separate and independent states. The larger part of Ireland is the Republic of Ireland, an independent state with its capital in Dublin. Northern Ireland, which occupies north-eastern part of the island, remains a part of the United Kingdom with London as its capital.

Picture 2.1 – Map of the UK

Some small islands off the coast of Great Britain are part of the UK (e.g. the Isle of Wight, the Orkneys, Shetlands, Hebrides), whereas others are not even part of the Commonwealth although they have very close political, economic, and cultural relations with Britain, and recognise the Queen as Head of State (e.g. the Channel Islands of Jersey and Guernsey, and the Isle of Man). These latter have their own legislatures and administration. The number of islands and islets of the British Archipelago amounts to 750.

The total area of the UK is 244,820 square kilometres. However, there are only nine other countries with more people, and London is the world's seventh biggest city. The population of Great Britain is 59,647,790 (2001 estimate). The area of England is 130,423 sq km; that of Scotland 78,080 sq km; Wales 20,766 sq km; Northern Ireland 13,483 sq km.

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