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Догадайтесь о значении выделенных слов и выражений, используя определения на английском языке:

2019-11-13 622 Обсуждений (0)
Догадайтесь о значении выделенных слов и выражений, используя определения на английском языке: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Junior - having a low rank in an organization or profession: a ju­nior student.

Senior - having a higher position or rank: a senior lecturer, a se­nior student.

Associate professor - a professor at an American university whose job is above the level of assistant professor and below the level of full professor.

Assistant professor - the lowest rank of professor at an American university.

Timetable - a list of the times of classes in a school, college, etc.

Curriculum - the subjects that are taught by a school, college etc, or the things that are studied in a particular subject

To play truant - to stay away from classes without permission.

To cheat - to behave in an dishonest way, especially in an exami­nation.

A crib - a book giving a translation or answers to questions, often used dishonestly by students.

To cram - to prepare yourself for an examination by learning a lot of information very quickly.

A postgraduate - someone who is studying after graduating from the university.

An undergraduate - a student.

To graduate with honours - to finish the university at a level that is higher than the most basic level.

Graduation dissertation - a long research work that you do to grad­uate from the higher educational establishment.

Finals - the exams that students are supposed to take at the end of their studies.

Note : that postgraduates often study for: an MA (Master of Arts), (I'm doing a Masters in English) or an MSc (Master of Science) (She did a Masters in biology) or a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) (He's got a PhD in computer science).

20. Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово (в скобках).

1. (Full-time, part-time) students have their classes two months a year. 2. (An applicant, an undergraduate) is a person who is taking his or her entrance exams. 3. (A postgraduate, an undergraduate) is some­one who is studying for their high academic degree. 4. (A monitor, a tutor) usually hands out student membership cards. 5. To be admitted to the library you need a (a student record book, a library card). 6. Fresh­men are (junior, senior) students. 7. If you missed the lecture, it means that you (attended it, played truant). 8. If a person has only excellent marks in his or her record book, it means that he or she is going to (be expelled, graduate with honours). 9. If you cram while reading up for an exam, it means that you (learn everything thoroughly, make cribs).

21. Изучите следующие варианты перевода местоимения one в функции подлежащего.

One never knows what his answer may be. - Никогда не знаешь, что он ответит.

One should be careful when crossing the street. - Следует быть осторожным при переходе через улицу.

Переведите следующие предложения.

    One must always keep one's word.

One must never cross the street when the traffic lights are red.


22. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

College Life


The merry-go-round of college life is something that one never forgets. It's a fascinating, fantastic, fabulous experience, irrespective of the fact whether one is a full-time or a part-time student.

Who can forget the first day at the university when one turns from an applicant who has passed entrance exams into a first-year student? I did it! I entered; I got in to the university! A solemn ceremony in front of the university building and serious people making speeches. Hey, lad, do you happen to know who they are? The rector, vice-rectors, deans, subdeans ... and what about those ladies? Heads of departments and sen­ior lecturers? Okay. Some of them must be professors, some - associate or assistant professors, but, of course, all of them have high academic degrees. And where are our lecturers and tutors? Oh, how nice...

The monitors hand out student membership cards, student record books and library cards - one feels like a real person. First celebrations and then days of hard work. So many classes, so many new subjects to put on the timetable! The curriculum seems to be developed especially for geniuses. Lectures, seminars and tutorials. Home preparations; a real avalanche of homework!

If one cannot cope with the work load of college he or she imme­diately starts lagging behind. It is easier to keep pace with the programme than to catch up with it later. Everyone tries hard to be, or at least to look, diligent. First tests and examination sessions. The first successes and first failures. "I have passed!" or "He has not given me a pass!" Tears and smiles. And a long-awaited vacation.

The merry-go-round runs faster. Assignments, written reproduc­tions, compositions, synopses, papers. Translations checked up and marked. "Professor, 1 have never played truant, I had a good excuse for missing classes." Works handed in and handed out. Reading up for ex­ams. "No, professor, I have never cheated - no cribs. I just crammed."

Junior students become senior. Still all of them are one family -undergraduates. Students' parties in the students' club. Meeting people and parting with people. You know, Nora is going to be expelled and Dora is going to graduate with honours. Yearly essays, graduation dis­sertations, finals...

What? A teacher's certificate? You mean, I've got a degree in Eng­lish? I am happy! It is over! It is over...Is it over? Oh, no...

A postgraduate course, a thesis, an oral, and a degree in Philology. The first of September. Where are the students of the faculty of foreign languages? Is it the English department? Oh, how nice...


1. What subject has the author chosen to major in?

2. Would you compare college life with a merry-go-round or with something else?

3. What do you think of the first months at the Academy?

4. Is there any difference between college life in America and in Russia?

5. What special subjects will you study in future?



2019-11-13 622 Обсуждений (0)
Догадайтесь о значении выделенных слов и выражений, используя определения на английском языке: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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