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II . Составьте пять вопросов к тексту. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Ш. Переведите прямую речь в косвенную:

 1. She says, “I learn English.”

 2. The girl said, “I learnt French at school.”

 3. Tom said, “I did not see Helen there.”

 4. My friend said, “I didn’t recognize her.” 

 5. The teacher said, ”The Earth orbits the Sun.”    

IV . Раскройте скобки. Переведите предложения на русский язык:  

1. If he (to leave) at eleven last night, he (to catch) the train. 

 2. If I (to know) the number of his phone, I (to ring) him up. 

 3. If it (to be) just a whim, he (to get) over it. 

 4. I wish I (to be told) that news. 

 5. I wish I (to work) there. 

V. Переведите на английский язык, используя активную лексику:

1. Она говорит, что сделает эту работу сама. 

 2. Я думал, что ты занят.

 3. Мы знаем, что концерт Вам понравится.   

 4. Жаль, что мы не можем ехать загород. 

 5. Если бы у меня прошлым летом была такая возможность, я бы поехал в Москву.

 6. Мы знали, что выставка Вам понравится.

 7. Жаль, что у меня нет хорошего автомобиля.  

 8. Если погода будет хорошая, мы пойдём в лес.

 9. Они думали, что я знаю французский язык.    

10. Она говорит, что летом поедет на море.  




Variant V

I. Translate the text into Russian


A plant is a member of the kingdom Plantae, a living organism that utilizes

photosynthesis, a process in which energy from sunlight is converted to chemical

energy (food). Plants are at the base of the food web and are autotrophs (or

producers – organisms that make their own food).

Plants vary greatly in size, shape, and the type of environment in which they

live. But the structure of many plants is the same.

Take a typical flowering plant. It consists of a stem (also called the axis), roots, lateral shoots (also called the branches), leaves and flowers.

The stem is the main supportive part of the plant. The roots are used for obtaining food and water from the soil. Also they store energy and provide support for the plant. Most roots grow underground.

The main root of some plants is called a tap root; the tap root extends straight down under the plant. At the ends (tips) of the roots there is a structure called a root cap. It covers and protects the apical meristem (the actively growing region) of the root.

Lateral shoots or branches are offshoots of the stem and are covered with leaves, supported by a petiole, a leaf stalk, which attaches the leaf to the plant.

The leaf is an outgrowth of a plant that grows from a node in the stem. Most

leaves are flat and contain chloroplasts; their main function is to convert energy

from sunlight into chemical energy (food) through photosynthesis.

Each plant has many nodes. The node is the part of the stem from which a

leaf, branch, or aerial root grows. The area of the stem between any two nodes is

called internode.

The angle between the upper side of the stem and a leaf, branch, or petiole is called an axil. A bud that develops in the axil has a name of axillary bud. A bud located at the apex (tip) of the stem is a terminal bud. Terminal buds have special tissue, called apical meristem, consisting of cells that can divide indefinitely.

The reproductive unit of angiosperms is a flower. It is supported by a flower stalk.


II . Составьте пять вопросов к тексту.

Ш. Переведите прямую речь в косвенную:

1. The teacher said, “Water boils at 100 C.”

 2. She said, “We’ll start early in the morning” 

 3. He says, ”I am doing my homework now.”

 4. He said, “I was in Berlin in 2010.” 

 5. Mary said, ”I don’t want to buy this dress.”   

IV . Раскройте скобки. Переведите предложения на русский язык:  

1. If I (to go) abroad, I (to see) many places of interest.  

 2. If I (to be) there last month, I (to visit) the art gallery. 

 3. If it (to be) you, I (to buy) that bag.  

 4. I wish I (to work) here.  

 5. I wish I (not to go) to the party last night.  

V. Переведите на английский язык, используя активную лексику:

1. Она сказала, что ничего не купила в этом магазине.

 2. Том сказал, что он знает несколько иностранных языков.

 3. Она говорит, что её сестра работает в школе.     

 4. Жаль, что мы не починили свою машину прошлым летом. 

 5. Если бы у меня была возможность, я бы учил немецкий язык.

 6. Он сказал, что его отец работал на заводе.

 7. Жаль, что у меня нет свободного времени.  

 8. Если ты приедешь в наш город, позвони мне.

 9. Она думала, Вы позвоните ей.    

10. Мы знаем, что ты занят.   


Variant VI

I. Translate the text into Russian


Wheat-growing was extensively practiced throughout Europe in prehistoric

times and this cereal was of great importance in the ancient civilizations of Persia,

Greece and Egypt. It spread to all the temperate countries where it now plays a

major part in the food supply of many nations and it is also widely cultivated in

Cultivation. It is often said that winter wheat does best on a well-formed

seed-bed. Ploughing should be done as early as possible and the normal depth

would be in the region of 6 inches. The type of seed-bed required for winter wheat

can be described as one with a reasonable tilth in the top 2-3 inches, with a surface

containing a high proportion of clods, the largest of these being about the size of a

man's hand. This is to prevent capping, a condition which can easily arise with

heavy rain, when the soil surface runs together forming a crust.

Manuring. With all crops it is essential to ensure that adequate supplies of

phosphate and potash are available during the first few weeks of growth. Once

observed it is not possible to correct properly any deficiency and both of these

major elements are required either in advance of drilling or they may be combine-

drilled with the seed. Combine-drilling is the most economical way of applying

these fertilizers, but with winter wheat time of sowing being of prime importance,

the faster method of application using fertilizer spinners is more often preferred.

Harvest. Winter wheat is normally harvested from August to October (in

Britain), depending on the type of summer experienced and also the geographical

location. Spring wheat matures much later than winter wheat and later than the

other cereals.

Following a hot, dry summer grain may be combine-harvested under very good conditions; and if the moisture does not exceed 14% then it can be stored without drying. Moisture tests can be carried out at harvest and these are often used to indicate the stage of ripeness or readiness for combining


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