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Задание 2. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

2019-11-21 985 Обсуждений (0)
Задание 2. Выберите правильную форму глагола. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Министерство науки и высшего образования РФ


«Уральский государственный горный университет»


Кафедра иностранных языков и деловой коммуникации



По дисциплине

Иностранный язык

Направление подготовки:

Техносферная безопасность




Безопасность технологических процессов и производств

форма обучения: заочная



Выполнил: Иванов Иван Иванович

Группа БТП-1


Преподаватель: Безбородова Светлана Анатольевна,






Номер варианта контрольной работы определяется для студентов в соответствии с начальными буквами их фамилий в алфавитном порядке. Например, студенты, у которых фамилии начинаются с букв А, выполняют контрольную работу № 1 и т.д. (см. таблицу №1).

Таблица №1

начальная буква фамилии студента № варианта контрольной работы
А, Г, Ж, К, Н, Р, У, Ц, Щ №1
Б, Д, З, Л, О, С, Ф, Ч, Э, Я №2
В, Е, И, М, П, Т, Х, Ш, Ю №3

Вариант №1

Задание 1. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав один ответ.

1. Michael _________ everyone he meets because he is very sociable and easygoing. He has five brothers and two sisters, so that probably helped him learn how to deal with people.

A. gets divorced;     B. gets along well with;    C. gets married;

2. My _________ and I are planning on getting married in June. I'm a teacher, and I don't have classes during the summer, so that is the best time for us to tie the knot.

A. wife;                   B. husband;           C. fiancée;

3. When I ask my girlfriend to marry me, I had to talk with my future ___________ to get his permission.

A. father-in-law;                  B. widow;             C. cousin;

4. Laurie decided to take up _______________ as a hobby because she has always been fascinated with old money.

A. knitting;              B. coin collecting;             C. dancing;

5. I developed an interest in ____________ after my grandmother told me about our ancestors.

A. genealogy;          B. gardening;         C. cooking;

6. It's my job to _____________ the table before dinner with utensils, cups, and napkins.

A. set;          B. clean off;          C. put away;

7. Please ______________ now. The garbage truck will be coming down the street at any minute.

A. sweep up the mess;         B. take out the trash;         C. clean up the room;

8. You need to _____________ if you're not going to read them. They're scattered all over your floor.

A. pick up your clothes;                  B. tidy up your closet;      C. put away your books;


9. Oh, are you talking about that guy? He's only ________________ I met at a party last week. Actually, I don't even know him that well, and I can't remember his name.

A. my roommate;                B. a co-worker;      C. an acquaintance;

Всего 9 баллов

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some , any , no или их производными.

Например: A: Is ...anything... the matter with Dawn? She looks upset.

         B: She had an argument with her friend today.

1       A: I think … is trying to break into that house.

         B: You're right. We should call the police.

2       A: We've got … time to make a cake before the party!

         B: I'll go out and buy one then.

3       A: I'm thinking of moving to London.

         B: Really? My boss has a house … near London.

4       A: It was very busy in town today.

         B: I know. There was hardly … to park.

5       A: I suppose I should make … for dinner.

         B: I'll help you if you like.

6       A: What's on TV tonight?

         B: I looked in the TV guide. There's hardly … good on tonight.

7       A: Do you like living in Brighton?

         B: Yes, but … will ever mean as much to me as my home town:

8       A: Did you have a good holiday in England?

         B: Yes. There was hardly … rain all week.

9       A: Did you call Sarah this evening?

         B: Yes, but … was at home, so I left a message on the answering machine.

10.    A: Can you pass me … salt, please?

         B: Sure. Here you are.

Всего 10 баллов

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями (I, we, you, he, she, it, they, me, us, him, her, them).

Например: My teacher is very nice. I like … . – I like him.

1. I work for my mother. I help … in the shop. And she gives … some money.

2. We have two dogs. We often take … for a walk. We also take a ball and our dogs like to play with … .

3. My brother works at the hospital. … is a doctor.

4. My favorite subject is History. … is very exciting.

5. Tom is a good lawyer. Do you know …?

6. Look at her. … is so beautiful!

7. Where is my notebook? I can’t find … .

8. We are going to the beach. You can join … .

9. I like Kate’s hair. … is so thick and long.

10. These are my souvenirs. … bought … in England.

Всего 10 баллов

Задание 4. Поставьте в правильную форму глагол, представленный в скобках, обращая при этом внимание на использованные в предложениях маркеры.

1. Every morning George … (to eat) cereals, and his wife only … (to drink) a cup of coffee.

2. Jessica and Christina … (to go) to the seaside next Saturday.

3. Last month Kate … (to decide) to learn French, so she … (to go) to Paris.

4. Peter … (to meet) his schoolmate in the street yesterday.

5. She … (to do) everything to become his wife.

6. Jude … (to drive) his car very fast last evening.

7. He usually … (to play) tennis on Sunday mornings.

8. My friends … (to like) the celebration of my birthday last month.

9. My friend … (to pick up) my mother from the bus station last Wednesday.

10. We … (to go) to the cinema next Friday.

Всего 10 баллов

Задание 5. Составьте вопросительные предложения и дайте краткие ответы на них.

Например: Paul was tired when he got home. - Was Paul tired when he got home? Yes, he was…

1. They live in London.

2. She can't play the piano.

3. The film starts at nine o'clock.

4. You had an English lesson last night.

5. She has got blue eyes.

Всего 5 баллов

ИТОГИ Контрольной работы

Всего 40-44 баллов - «отлично» 31-39 баллов – «хорошо» 22-30 баллов - оценка «удовлет-но» 0-21 балла оценка «неудовлетворительно»

Вариант №2

Задание 1. Заполните пропуск, выбрав один вариант ответа.

1. A British university year is divided into three _____.

1) conferences; 2) sessions;            3) terms;     4) periods

2. My favourite _______at school were history and geography.

1) tasks;        2) subjects;            3) lessons;  4) periods;

3. Ann has just ____ from the University of London with honours.

1) finished;              2) graduated;         3) left;        4) ended;

4. 29% of students do two or more hours of ____ daily.

1) schedule;             2) mark;                 3) homework;        4) subject;

5. The active process by which physical, biological & social phenomena are studied is known as ___.

1) consulting;           2) teaching;            3) science;              4) survey;

6. Please pay ____ to what I’m saying.

1) meaning;              2) knowledge;       3) model;               4) attention;

7. The typical modern university may ____ both undergraduates & graduate students.

1) educate;               2) learn;                 3) graduate;           4) apply;

8. Her current interest was _____ and development, but she has changed fields.

1) resistance;            2) research;            3) residence;          4) reputation;

9. There are some ______ at the modern University which train engineers in different specialities.

1) buildings;             2) groups;              3) offices;              4) faculties;

Всего 9 баллов

Задание 2. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

Например: A: I have a Physics exam tomorrow.

                     B: Oh dear. Physics is/are a very difficult subject.

1       A: My office is three miles from my house.

         B: Three miles is/are a long way to walk to work.

2       A: My little brother has got measles.

         B: Oh dear. Measles is/are quite a serious illness.

3       A: Jane looked nice today, didn't she?

         B: Yes. Her clothes were/was very smart.

4       A: I've got two pounds. I'm going to buy a CD.

         B: Two pounds is/are not enough to buy a CD.

5       A: The classroom was empty when I walked past.

         B: Yes. The class was/were all on a school outing.

6       A: Have you just cleaned the stairs?

         B: Yes, so be careful. They is/are very slippery.

7       A: Did you ask John to fix your car?

         B: Yes. His advice was/were that I take it to a garage.

8       A: Did you enjoy your holiday?

         B: Yes, thank you. The weather was/were wonderful.

9       A: These trousers is/are very old.

         B: You should buy a new pair.

10     A: How is/are the company doing lately?

         B: Great. We opened up two more branches.

Всего 10 баллов

2019-11-21 985 Обсуждений (0)
Задание 2. Выберите правильную форму глагола. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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