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Pre-Reading Activities

2019-11-22 1062 Обсуждений (0)
Pre-Reading Activities 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. Give Russian equivalents to the words and word combinations : pace of life, to juggle, a commute, to affect, to chill out, and lack of time, flexibility, generation, to fit.

2. Make adjectives from the followings nouns: comfort, value, knowledge, society, education, faith, culture, tradition, technology, behavior.

3. Complete the sentences using the following words: cars, ovens, washer dryers, third world countries, hasn't made things easier, traditional lifestyle, daily activity, living requirements, acquiring and maintaining, watching television or playing video games.


1. Traditional lifestyles were centered on … … … food, shelter, water, sanitation, etc.

2. In other words … … in almost all ways was centered on survival.

3. Everyone's effort would have been needed to meet the … … of the group.

4. This can still be seen today in a number of tribal societies as well as some. … … … .

5. …, …, …, … have enormously cut down on the time frame for transportation, cooking, cleaning.

6. Sometimes it may feel like stuff … … … … and to some extent, from an emotional perspective there may be some truth to that for some people, as it gives them an excuse to try to take on even more.

7. But for those people it is a matter of choice whereas those restricted to a … … must stay constantly busy of a necessity.

8. Hopefully the extended leisure of a modern life style will begin to find better uses than … … … … … … .

Answer and discuss the following questions:

1. What is modern life? How do you describe it?

2. How does technology help modern life?

3. Is the pace of life - juggling childcare, a commute, work, and exercise – affecting individuals' happiness in Russia?

4. What are the different ways of modern life killing us?

5. Is modern life making us lonely?

6. How to find a better work/ life balance in modern life?

7. How to chill out in modern life?

8. Does modern life affects more women’s health than men’s health?

9. Does modern life kill relationships and make couples unfaithful?

10. What is the relationship between parents and children in modern life? Do parents get enough time to spend time with children?

11. Do women have more freedom of choice in modern life than men?

12. In modern life there is too much of work and lack of time, do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?

13. Does modern life give us flexibility of working hours?

14. Are there more opportunities in modern life than earlier?

15. How to lead good and successful life in modern generation?

16. What kind of lifestyle fits you?

           5.Match the English word combinations in the left-hand column with the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column:

rural area городская местность
the perfect way of быть зависимым
fade off портить
urban area сельская местность
to be addicted социальные сети
in different ways угасать, исчезать
to louse идеальный способ
social network по разному


6. Scan Text A below to determine whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) and if they are false say why. Use suitable clichés of opinion expressions: In my opinion, it is true that…, I’m afraid it is false that …,  because… .


1. The lifestyle of the humans is based on the location they live and their growth.

2. The rural area members are so good in trend setters because there will be more population when compared to urban areas and they maintain their lifestyle constant.

3. Way of living becomes changing by the time when the people think it is the worst way to live.

4. People choose the perfect way of speaking and learn to use new languages.

5. People are indifferent to the new technology and new behavior which may cause to louse the humanity of living.

6. Materials and machines are getting less expensive [15].


Text A.



Modern lifestyle is the human daily work and their use on the products that they eat or live with them and anything that made them feel comfortable by using them. The lifestyle of the humans is based on the location they live and their growth. Some humans live in rural area and there lifestyle is different when compared to urban area. They change their lifestyle in different ways. But when compared to rural areas the urban areas are the trend setters. The rural area members are not so good in trend setters because there less population when compared to urban areas and they maintain their lifestyle constant, they will not change their lifestyles in different location. The modern lifestyle is an impact on one’s way of life, attitude, values and the knowledge on the world. One’s lifestyle can be easily determined by other person by seeing his dressing, way of talking and more. Every individual has unique lifestyle. Let us see some advantages and disadvantages of modern lifestyle.



There are more advantages than disadvantages on modern lifestyle:

- The humans use modern machining for their work to save time and energy. Humans use different machines for different work. They follow the companies which make them more comfortable by using new machines.

- Way of living becomes changing by the time when the people think it is the perfect way to live.

- Eating habits and way of talking keep going on changing. People choose the perfect way of speaking and learn to use new languages.

- Modern Lifestyle is making the people stress less; it is getting tough to burn calories in body by doing work with their body. They use machines to reduce the stress.

- Social network made the people to talk, chat, and many other things in their hands by using the devices called mobiles.

- In the modern life, education has developed with the use of internet.


There are many advantages of modern lifestyle than disadvantages:

- While entering into the darker side, due to modern life style, the culture and tradition is fading off.

- People are addicted to the new technology and new behavior which may cause to louse the humanity of living. Modern lifestyle is good but it is about certain level. Humans should check that modern lifestyle should not let the humans down.

- It is not reaching to some rural areas, in which people live, they are backward than people in urban areas.

- Materials and machines are getting expensive [15].


2019-11-22 1062 Обсуждений (0)
Pre-Reading Activities 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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