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Библиографический список

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1. Большая советская энциклопедия. М., 1974.- Т. 17. 195 с.

2. Гальскова Н. Д. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам. – М. : Арти-Глосса, 2000

3. Гусейнова А.А. и Кона И.С. Словарь по этике. – 6-е изд. – М.: Политиздат, 1989., С. 354.

4. Есаджанян Б.М «К вопросу о критериях анализа и оценки урока неродного языка// Общая методика обучения иностранным языкам: хрестоматия – М.: Рус.яз., 1991

5. Зимняя И. А. Психологические аспекты обучения говорению 2-е изд. М., 1985. С. 143.3.

6.  Каменецкая Н.П. : науч.-метод. журн.“Инстранные языки в школе” - М.: Министерство образования российской Фелерации. ООО «Методическая мозайка» 2005, Изд. №2 – 112 с.

7. Климентенко А. Д, Миролюбова А. А. Творческие основы методики обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе.. – М. : Педагогика, 1981

8. Колкер Я. М. , Е. С Устинова Е. С. , Еналиева Т. М. Практическая методика обучения иностранному языку. – М. : Академия, 2000.

9. Конышева А. В. Игровой метод в обучении иностранному языку. – СПб.: КАРО, Мн.: Издательство «Четыре четверти», 2006. – 192с.

10. Краткая философская энциклопедия. – М.: «Прогресс» - «Энциклопедия», 1994., С. 459.

11. Ляховицкий М. В. , Миролюбов А. А. и др Методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе: Учебник/. – М. : Высшая школа, 1982.

12. Маслыко Е.А., Бабинская П.К., Будько А.Ф.,Петрова С.И. «Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка» – М.: «Высшая школа», 1997.

13. Николаева Ж.В. ВСГТУ Основы теории коммуникации. Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов специальности 350400 «Связи с общественностью»: Улан-Удэ,2004

14. Пассов Е.И. «Урок ин.языка в среденей школе – М: просвещение. 1990.

15. Прохоров А.М. . Советский энциклопедический словарь/ – Изд. 4-е. – М.: Сов. Энциклопедия, 1987., С. 1348.

16.  Рогова Г. В., Рабинович Ф. М., Сахарова Т. Е. Методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе. – М: Просвещение, 1991.

17. Щукин А.Н. «Обучение иностранным языка. Теория и практика» Учебное пособие для преподавателей и студентов.2-е изд., испр.и доп. – М.: Филоматис, 2006г. – 480 с.

18. http://festival.1september.ru

19. http://www.repetitor.org/steng1.html

20. http://Letopisi.Ru   

21. http://school11-okt.ucoz.ru/ped_idei/majorova1



                                                                                                           Приложение 1.





Задачи урока:

1) познавательная: развитие социокультурной компетенции через знакомство учащихся с культурой страны изучаемого языка;

2) развивающая: развитие психических функций, связанных с речемыслительной деятельностью;

3) воспитательная: воспитание толерантности к стране изучаемого языка.


Оснащение: карта Великобритании; карта Лондона; картинки с достопримечательностями Лондона; класс оформлен в виде экскурсионного автобуса; классная доска, куда проецируются поочередно изображения, играет роль лобового стекла автобуса.

“Экскурсию” проводят наиболее подготовленные ученики класса. Для “экскурсии” выбираются наиболее известные места и достопримечательности Лондона.

При рассказе о каждой достопримечательности но доску проецируются картинки, фотографии с ее изображением.

Ход урока:

Teacher: Good afternoon, my dear friends! Today we`ll make a tour around London. We`ll visit the most famous sights of London. I hope that you`ll get a great pleasure from this travelling.

Экскурсовод (Э): London is one of the world`s greatest cities and is an important centre of art, entertainment and high finance. Its attractions include royal pageantry, architectural masterpieces, first-class museums and art galleries. Well, let`s start our travelling.


The "City" is the oldest area of London. Today it is one of the world`s leading financial and commercial are represented. The first citizen of the City is the Lord Mayor. He has keys of the City.


The next item of our excursion is the Tower of London. The Tower was built by William the Conqueror. It has served as fortress, palace and state prison. Today The Tower is guarded by the Yeomen Warders, or Beefeaters, who give tours telling the history of the Tower. The large black ravens live in the Tower. It is believed that if they disappear England will fall, so their wings are clipped.


St. Paul`s Cathedral is one of the most famous buildings in the world. It was built by sir Christopher Wren. One of its unplanned features is the famous "Whispering Gallery", where a message whispered into the wall on one side can heard clearly on the other side.


Westminster Abbey has been the coronation place of all 39 English monarchs. Many of the monarchs are buried here. It was called the West Monastery. The Abbey contains about 1000 monuments. They commemorate many great names from British history: ministers, writers and poets.


Here you can see Buckingham Palace, the London residence of the Queen. The first Queen to live there was the young Queen Victoria. Above the State Entrance is the central balcony where the Royal Family appear on occasions of national importance. The Royal standard flying over Buckingham Palace is the sign that the Queen is in the residence.


This Gothic building is the Houses of Parliament, seat of government. The design was made by Charles Barry and Augustus Pugin. The building contains over 1000 rooms, 100 staircases and two miles of corridors. Every year the Queen drives in a horse-drawn carriage amid much pomp and ceremony to open the new session of Parliament.


The clocktower of the Houses of Parliament is known as Big Ben. It was named after sir Benjamin Hall, the First Commissioner of Works. The clock is wound by hand, and tells the precise time.


Look, this is Trafalgar Square. The square was created to commemorate Nelson`s naval Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The great admiral stands on top of Nelson`s Column, with four lions on guard at the base. Every December, the city of Oslo sends a giant fir tree which is erected in the square to act as a focus for Christmas celebrations.


London has a rich cultural heritage. The British Museum houses one of the greatest collections of antiquities representing all the World`s great civilizations. Among its many treasures are the Rosette stone, the Elgin Marbles, the Portland Vase and the collection of Egyptian mummies outside Egypt. British library is situated in the British Museum.


The National Gallery has a collection of Italian, Dutch, German and French pictures. The National Gallery is rich in painting by Italian masters, such as Raphael and Veronese. It also has the pictures of Rembrandt, Rubens and El Greco.


The Tate Gallery opened in 1897 and is named after Sir Henry Tate, who donated his collection of 65 paintings to the nation. Now it is the National Gallery of Modern Painting.


London has many parks and gardens. Hyde Park is one of the best known parks. Originally it was a hunting forest where Henry VIII hunted wild animals. Now it`s popular with horse-riding. In the middle of the park there is the serpentine lake.


Regent`s Park is the home of the London Zoo. There are more than 6000 animals and birds in the Zoo.


В процессе экскурсии учащиеся задают вопросы учащимся. Но если у них возникают затруднения, учитель им помогает.

Teacher: I`d like to thank our guides for an interesting tour. But now we`ll go back to our class-room. Imagine that I am your ill classmate and I couldn`t take part in the tour. I`d like you to tell me what you have seen and show me the photos you have taken. (В качестве фотографий ученики могут использовать картинки с достопримечательностями Лондона).

"Больной" ученик может задать следующие вопросы:

1. What are your general impressions of London?

2. What places did you visit?

3. What sights did you like best? Why?

                                                                                     Приложение 2



                            Урок-спектакль (по сказке О. Уайльда "Счастливый принц")



Задачи урока:

1) развивающая: развитие творческих способностей учащихся; развитие психических функций, связанных с речемыслительной деятельностью: внимания, памяти;

2) воспитательная: воспитание у учащихся нравственных качеств, таких как добро, сострадание, сопереживание;

3) познавательная: привитие интереса к художественной литературе страны изучаемого языка.

Перед распределением ролей необходимо ознакомить ребят с биографией Оскара Уайльда и содержанием сказки.

Работа над спектаклем ведется поэтапно, по мере подготовки текстов ролей, которые учащиеся разучивают самостоятельно. Для того, чтобы соединить все части в единое целое, достаточно двух-трех репетиций.

Знакомство учащихся со сказкой является одним из факторов его эстетического воспитания. Инсценировка сказки, где в одно целое соединяется английский язык, изготовление костюмов, общение детей, эмоциональное переживание за героев сказки и друзей на сцене – все это способствует повышению интереса ребят к английскому языку, раскрытию и развитию его природных творческих способностей, учит общению и совместной деятельности.



Ход урока:

Characters: Mayor, Statue of the Happy Prince (Prince), street children, Fairy, Swallow, Child, Poet, Little girl, poor people.

Part 1.

В центре сцены – статуя Счастливого Принца. Мэр города выходит на сцену, подходит к статуе, осматривает ее со всех сторон.

Mayor: What a beautiful statue this Happy Prince is! As Mayor of this town I must say that it`s a masterpiece of art and of our town, of course. It gladdens our eyes and makes people happy. Sapphire eyes and gold leaves all around his body. He is so beautiful. Pity, he is not useful.

Happy Prince: Why should I stay here? Why should I stay here, above the people and see their sufferings and sorrows all the year round?

На сцену выбегает ребенок. Прячется за статуей и зовет своих друзей

Street child: Come here! I`m here!

Выбегают дети, начинают петь и танцевать. Потом с криками убегают.

Happy Prince: Why should I stay here? Why ...?

Выходит фея.

Fairy: Don`t cry, dear Prince. When you were alive and had a human heart you, didn`t know the tears, the sorrow. You lived in the Palace of Sans-Souci, where sorrow and misery are not allowed to enter. But now it`s time to know the other side of life. You can see all the ugliness and all the misery of your city.

Фея уходит. На сцену "выбегает" ласточка и садится у подножия статуи.

Swallow: I`m so tired! I need some rest.What a beautiful statue! Oh! I have a golden room. What`s this? Where are these drops from? Oh! It`s you. Why are you crying?

Prince: I`m crying because I observe people`s life with its troubles, sorrows, sufferings. And I can`t do anything: my feet are fastened to this pedestal, I cannot move. Look, far away there is poor house...


Part 2.

В правом углу сцены сидит за шитьем бедная женщина. На кроватке больной ребенок – ее сынишка.

Mother: What should I do? My child is ill, he` s got a fever... I have to make a dress for a court lady to earn a little money, but I can`t. My hands are all pricked by the needle, I`m so exhausted.

Child: Mummy, mummy...! I want oranges ... oranges...

Mother: Go to sleep, my baby.


Prince: Swallow, little Swallow. Will you not stay with me for one night and be my messenger? Far away in a little street there is a poor house. I see a woman seated at a table. In a bed in the corner her little boy is lying ill. The boy is so thirsty and the mother so sad. Will you not take the ruby out of my sword – hill? I cannot move.

Swallow: Tonight I`ll go to Egypt. And I don`t think I like boys. They throw stones at birds. But you look so sad. I will be your messenger for this night. See you.

Ласточка выклевала большой рубин из шпаги Принца и полетела к убогому дому, влетела в каморку и положила рубин на стол.

Mother: Thank God! Thank God!

Part 3

Когда взошла луна, Ласточка вернулась к Принцу.

Swallow: I come to bid you good-bye. It`s winter, I must go to Egypt. Have you any commissions for Egypt? I am just starting.

Prince: Swallow, little Swallow, won`t you stay with me for one more night and be my messenger? There is a talented but poor poet in a small house.

На сцену выходит поэт.

Poet: Oh! What should I do? I will not finish my play by tomorrow and I will not get the money. It`s too cold to write any more. Hunger makes me faint, the light of the candle is fading away. Why must everything depend on money? Love, happiness, talent and even life... What should I do?

Prince: Swallow, won`t you stay me for one more night more.

Swallow: Don`t weep, dear Prince. I will stay with you for one night more.

Prince: Oh! Thank you! My eyes are all that I have left. They are made of sapphire. Pluck out my sapphire eye and take it to him.

Swallow: See you.

Ласточка полетела к жилищу поэта и положила сапфир ему на стол.

Poet: Thank God! Thank God!


Part 4

Ласточка вновь вернулась к Принцу.

Swallow: I came to bid you good-bye.

Prince: Swallow, little Swallow, won`t you stay with me for one night more?

Swallow: It is winter, and the snow will soon be here. I am waited for in Egypt. Dear Prince, I must leave you, but I will never forget you.

Prince: In the square below there stands a little match- girl. She has let her match fall in the gutter, and they are all spoiled. Her father will beat her if she does not bring home some money and she is crying. Pluck out my other eye and give it to her.

Swallow: I will stay with you one night longer, but I cannot pluck out your eye. You would be quite blind then.

Prince: Swallow, little Swallow, do as I command you.

Ласточка полетела к девочке и положила сапфир в ее руку.

Little girl: What a lovely bit of glass! Thank God!

Девочка, смеясь, побежала домой. Ласточка возвратилась к Принцу.

Swallow: You are blind now. So I will stay with you always.

Prince: No, little Swallow, you must go away to Egypt.

Swallow: I will stay with you always.

Prince: Dear little Swallow, fly over my city and tell me what you see there.


Part 5

Ласточка пролетела над городом и вернулась к Принцу.

Swallow: I saw the rich making merry in their beautiful houses. The beggars were sitting at the gates. I saw the white faces of starving children. Hear! Hear! A lot of poor people pray to survive and earn their living. Hear! Hear!

Бедные люди вместе с детьми выходят на сцены и начинают молиться.

I lay me down to sleep,

I ask Good God my soul to keep,

And if I die before I wake,

I ask Good God my soul to take.

Prince: Swallow, little Swallow, I`m covered with gold. Take it and give it to the poor.

Ласточка снимала со статуи золото и раздавала его бедным людям с детьми.

People: We have bread now! Thank God!

Выпал снег, за снегом пришел мороз. Ласточка мерзла, но не хотела покинуть Принца, так как очень любила его. Только и хватило сил у ласточки взобраться на плечо Принцу.

Swallow: Good-bye, Prince! Will you let kiss your hand?

Prince: I am glad that you are going to Egypt at last, little Swallow! You have stayed too long here; but you must kiss me on the lips, for I love you.

Swallow: It is not to Egypt that I am going. I am going to the House of Death.

Она поцеловала принца и мертвая упала к его ногам.


Part 6.

Мэр города выходит на сцену и подходит к статуе, осматривает ее со всех сторон.

Mayor: Dear me! Is this the statue of the Happy Prince? How shabby he looks! His eyes are gone, he is not golden any more. He is little better than a beggar! He is not beautiful. He is ugly. Take him away. Oh! What`s this? Dead bird? Birds aren`t allowed to die here. Take it away.

Fairy: Don`t worry, little Swallow, don`t worry, Happy Prince.

 People don`t know what beauty is. You are the two precious things in the city. I shall take you to the sky , for in my garden you`ll be happy. You really deserve your happiness!

Все "актеры" выходят на сцену, кланяются.

                                                                                                              Приложение 3



"William Shakespeare". Задачи урока: 1) познавательная: знакомство учащихся с творчеством писателей страны   изучаемого языка; 2) развивающая: развитие навыков актерского мастерства; 3) воспитательная: воспитание художественного вкуса у учащихся;   воспитание межличностных отношений. Ход урока:  Teacher: Good morning, dear friends! Today we are going to speakabout the greatest English writer W. Shakespeare. Everyone, I think, has afavourite Shakespeare play in his memory: Othello, King, Lear, Romeo andJuliet. We don`t know a lot about Shakespeare`s biography, but today we aregoing to imagine some moments from his life. (Танцуют девушки. МолодойШекспир подходит к одной из них). William: Excuse me, young lady! I don`t know your name. You dancedso gracefully. You look like a tender flower! Anna: Oh, no, sir. Please, don`t joke. I can`t talk to you. William: Don`t be shy. What`s your name? Anna: My name is Anna, Anna Hathaway. William: Your name is so sweet, so lovely. And I am WilliamShakespeare. Anna: Ive heard that surname. Your father is a famous glovermaker,isn`t he? William: You are right. And what about your family? Anna: My parents are only farmers. William: But my mother is a farmer`s daughter. Anna: I`m sorry, but I must go. My father is very punctual. Good bye! William: Good bye, my rose, I expect to meet you again. Pupil 1: William married Anna in November, 1582, and she came to livein Henley street. William`s father was pleased that his eldest son gotmarried; but William`s mother didn`t want him to marry so young: Will wasonly 18. The first daughter – Susannah – was born the next year. And in1585 the twins – Hamnet and Judith – were born. William: Twins! A girl and a boy! Anna, I`m pleased. Anna: Quiet, Willy ! You`ll frighten them. (Стук в дверь). William: Who`s that, I wonder? Anna: That`s one of your wild friends, I think. William: I`ll open the door. Toby: Good morning, Anna. How are you? William: We are happy. It`s two of them. Twins! A girl and a boy. Wecall them Hamnet and Judith. Toby: Are you really happy? William: Yes and no. Stratford is too small, too quiet, too boring.I`ve got to leave it. Toby: But how? You`ve got a family. Pupil 1: In the summer months, companies of actors came to Stratford.William liked to talk to the actors and to listen to all the stories ofLondon. Pupil 2: But William didn`t like those plays. He said they werestupid plays, with not a word of truth in them. He wanted to write his ownplays. William: Anna, listen to me. I`m going to leave for London. I want tobe actor, and to write plays. Anna: Plays! Acting! Actors are dirty, wicked people. They never go tochurch. William: Don`t be stupid. You know that`s not true. Anna: How can you tell this to me? And what about the children?  William: I`ll come home, when I can, but I must go to London. I can`tdo anything in Stratford.  Pupil 1: In 1587 Shakespeare went to work in London leaving Anne andthe children at home. Pupil 2: In London Shakespeare began to write plays and soon became animportant member of a well-known acting company. His life was very hard; but he was young, talented, romantic. Pupil 3: The first tragedy that brought great popularity toShakespeare was Romeo and Juliet. This tragedy was the first play thatreflected the real feelings of love.  Pupil 4: The last part of our lesson is devoted to Shakespeare`ssonnets. Today we`d like to read and discuss only one sonnet, number 130. Teacher: William Shakespeare describes his beloved woman in thissonnet. She is not beautiful. Can you imagine this woman? She was not perfect and beautiful, but Shakespeare loved her. Hecompared her with a godness. What do you think? Why did he love her? Shakespeare`s love was love to an ordinary woman. Teacher: Dear friends! It was a very interesting lesson and I hopeyou`ll remember it for long time.

                                                                         Приложение 4








                                                                                      Приложение 5






                                                                                         Приложение 6



"Only love is spoken here".


Задачи урока:

1) познавательная: знакомство с культурой страны изучаемого языка;

2) развивающая: развитие у учащихся эстетического вкуса; привитие интересе к музыке;

 3) воспитательная: воспитание у учащихся нравственных качеств.


Ход урока:

Greeter: Hi! My name is Vladimir.Welcome to "Only love is spoken here" – a musical program presented by our class. You won`t see any scenery – only love; no costumes - only love. There isn`t any Storyline - only love. So, if you are bitter, pessimistic, angry, selfish – outside! Only love is spoken here.

Song 1.


Only love is spoken here.

Only hope and joy and cheer,

Only love is spoken, love is spoken here!


Only love is spoken here.

There`s no doubt not hate nor fear,

Only love is spoken, love is spoken here!


Treating others like they are your brothers

Is the only way to live.

Always caring, yes, and always sharing, yes,

The secret is to give.


Only love is spoken here.

Only hope and joy and cheer,

Only love is spoken, love is spoken here!

Pupil 1: Love – L –O- V – E only four letters, but it`s a big word. A lot of people have their idea about what it means.

Pupil 2: Albert Schweitzer said that as long as there are people in the world, who are hungry, sick, lonely or living in fear, they are my responsibility. That is love.

Pupil 3: Robert Frost said, "We love the things we love for what they are".

Pupil 4: Someone once said, "Love is not getting, but giving – it is goodness, honour and peace".

Pupil 5: And speaking of peace and goodness, have you looked at the newspaper lately? There`s lot of poverty, hunger and crime out there.

Pupil 6: I wish more people would care about one another, be givers – not takers. Let`s sing about how it should be – that`s what our play is all about.

Song 2.

Let`s sing about you,

Let`s sing about me,

Let`s sing about things

We fell and we see.

Let`s sing about you,

Let`s sing about me,

Let`s sing about things,

The way they should be.

Let`s sing about the world

That`s always happy,

Sing about the world,

That`s always fair,

Sing about the world,

That`s always giving,

Sing about the world,

Where people care,

So, let`s sing about you,

Let`s sing about me,

Let`s sing about things

Wie fell and we see.

Let`s sing about you,

Let`s sing about me,

Let`s sing about things,

The way they should be.

Pupil 7: I guess before we try to change the whole world, we`ve got to like ourselves first – starting with the way that we look.

Pupil 2: It`s amazing, how many kids don`t like the way they look.

Pupil 3: But not we! Right?

All: Right !!!

Song 3.


I like the way that I look,

The things from my parents I took.

I like the way that I

I like the way that I

I like the way that I look.


I like my nose and my face,

I take them with my every place.

I like the way that I

I like the way that I

I like the way that I look.



Don`t get me wrong I`m not perfect,

Faults I`ve got me a few,

But I`ll never let them stop me.

From doing what I what to do!

I like the way that I am,

And all other feelings can scram.

 I like the way that I

I like the way that I

I like the way that I look.


You can`t judge a book by its cover,

We`re all a one of a kind.

There`s beauty in all of us.

You just got to look and you`ll find!

I like myself, I like me.

T here`s no one that I`d rather be,

I like the way that I

I like the way that I

I like the way that I look.

All: I look!

Pupil 8: How you look on the outside isn`t all that important – it`s what`s on the inside that counts. So, stop knocking yourself – in fact, do the opposite – be good to yourself.


Song 4.

Be good to yourself – 2 times

Remember each day - 2 times

That working is fine - 2 times

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