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2019-12-29 302 Обсуждений (0)
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Ø The British Isles lying off the north-western coast of the continent of Europe are composed of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and a number of small islands.

Þ Британские острова, расположенные на северо-западном побережье Европы, состоят из двух больших островов, Великобритании и Ирландии, и нескольких небольших.

· Are the British Isles lying off the north-western coast of the continent of Europe composed of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and a number of small islands?

· The British Isles lying off the north-western coast of the continent of Europe are not composed of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and a number of small islands.

Ø The official title of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Þ Официальной название страны Объединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии.

· What is the official title of the country ?

· The official title of the country is not the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Ø The United Kingdom includes England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Þ Объединенное Королевство включает в себя Англию, Уэльсы, Шотландию и Северную Ирландию.

· What does the United Kingdom include?

· The United Kingdom doesn’t include England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Ø England, the southern and central part of the island, forms the main part of the entire country.

Þ Англия, южная и центральная часть острова, формирует главную часть всей страны.

· England, the southern and central part of the island, forms the main part of the entire country doesn’t it?.

· England, the southern and central part of the island, doesn’t form the main part of the entire country.

Ø Wales lies on the mountainous peninsula in the west.

Þ Уэльсы лежат на горном полуострове на западе.

· Where does Wales lie?

· Wales does not lie on the mountainous peninsula in the west.

Ø Politically Wales is a part of England and has no independent government.

Þ С политической точки зрения Уэльсы являются частью Англии и не имеют независимого правительства.

· Does Wales have independent government?

· Politically Wales isn’t a part of England and has independent government.

Ø Scotland is in the northern part of the island.

Þ Шотландия – северная часть острова.

· What part is Scotland?

· Scotland is not in the northern part of the island.

Ø Its original inhabitants are of Celtic origin.

Þ Его коренные жители - кельты.

· Its original inhabitants are of Celtic origin, aren’t they?

· Its original inhabitants aren’t of Celtic origin.

Ø Northern Ireland is a part of the United Kingdom as an autonomous region with its own Parliament.

Þ Северная Ирландия – это часть Объединенного Королевства, автономный округ с собственным Парламентом.

· What is a part of the United Kingdom as an autonomous region with its own Parliament?

· Northern Ireland is not a part of the United Kingdom as an autonomous region with its own Parliament.

Ø Great Britain is surrounded by water.

Þ Великобритания окружена водой.

· Is Great Britain surrounded by water or by mountains?

· Great Britain is not surrounded by water.

Ø It has an insular climate.

Þ Она имеет обособленный климат.

· What has an insular climate?

· It has not an insular climate.

Ø The summers are cooler and the winters are warmer than in central Europe.

Þ Летняя погода более прохладна, а зимы мягче чем в центральной Европе.

· Are the summers cooler and the winters warmer than in central Europe?

· The summers are not cooler and the winters are not warmer than in central Europe.

Ø The warm Gulf Stream washes the coasts of the British Isles and gives the country a mild climate.

Þ Теплое течение Гальф Стрим омывает побережья Британских островов и дает стране мягкий климат.

· The warm Gulf Stream washes the coasts of the British Isles and gives the country a mild climate doesn’t it?

· The warm Gulf Stream doesn’t wash the coasts of the British Isles and gives the country a mild climate.

Ø The climate on the continent is not so mild as that of England.

Þ Климат на континенте не такой мягкий как в Англии.

· What is not so mild as that of England?

· The climate on the continent is so mild as that of England.

Ø The best season is spring.

Þ Лучшее время года – это весна.

· Is the best season spring or summer?

· The best season is not spring.

Ø In the lovely month of May the weather is the finest.

Þ В милый майский месяц стоит самая чудесная погода.

· In the lovely month of May the weather is the finest, isn’t it?

· In the lovely month of May the weather is not the finest.

Ø The insular climate is also moister than the continental climate.

Þ Обособленный климат более влажный, чем континентальный.

· What climate is also moister than the continental climate?

· The insular climate is not also moister than the continental climate.

Ø It rains very often in England.

Þ В Англии очень часто идет дождь.

· Does it often rain or snow in England?

· It does not rain very often in England.

Ø In London, for instance, it rains more than a hundred and eighty days in the year, and in winter the brown London fog comes very often.

Þ В Лондоне, к примеру, идет дождь чаще ста восьмидесяти дней в году, и зимой очень часто появляется коричневый туман характерный для Лондона.

· In London, for instance, it rains more than a hundred and eighty days in the year, and in winter the brown London fog comes very often, doesnt it?

· In London, for instance, it does not rain more than a hundred and eighty days in the year, and in winter the brown London fog does not come very often.

Ø The London fog “as thick as peasoup” is an extraordinary thing.

Þ Туман в Лондоне как густой гороховый суп необычайная вещь.

· Is the London fog “as thick as peasoup” an extraordinary thing?

· The London fog “as thick as peasoup” is not an extraordinary thing.

Задание 8

2019-12-29 302 Обсуждений (0)
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