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Exercise X. Retell the text according to your plan.

2019-12-29 556 Обсуждений (0)
Exercise X. Retell the text according to your plan. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

The speciality of defectology

Text A

Read and translate the text:                                           


Defectology a branch of science that is concerned with the study of the principles and characteristics of the development of children with physical and mental defects and the problems of their training and upbringing. There are a number of special pedagogical sciences in defectology, including surbopedagogy (for bringing up and training children with hearing defects), typhlopedagogy (for children with visual defects); oligophrenopedagogy (for mentally retarded children); and logopedics (for children with speech defects). Defectology also includes problems of training and bringing up children with compound defects (blindness with deafmutism, blindness or deafmutism with intellectual impairments). Defectology includes in addition a special branch of psychology that deals with psychological study of the development of children with the abovementoined defects, as well as surdotechnology and tuphlotechnology, with are involved in the development of the technical means of training, correcting, and compensating for the defects. In defectology there is a continual differentiation and development of new fields (for example, the study of children with temporary arrests in mental development and of children with motor impairements); included in defectology are problems connected with the general education and vocational training of adults with defects, such as vision or hearing impairements. As an integrated branch of knowledge, defectology takes shape as a result of the development and convergence of its various fields and the establishment of general principles for the developments, training, and upbringing of children with different types of defects. Of great significance in elucidating these principles is the adoption of a complex, multilateral approach to the study of anomalous children, with the participation of eduators, physicians, physiologists, psychologists, and other specialists                                           

 Active vocabulary

[i] Read and learn by heart:

branch- ветвь отрасль                                              education-образование

principle- главный ,принцип                                        adult- взрослый

development- развитие                                                 vision-зрение

physical- физический                                                  knowledge-знание

mental-  умственный                                                   shape- форма

training-  обучение                                                       adoption- принятие

ubringing- воспитание                                                  approach- приближение

surdopedagogy- сурдопедагогика                                 anomalous- аномальный

differentiation- различие                                                  educator- воспитатель                                             participation- участие                                                       physician- врач

logopedics- логопедия                                                    psychologist- психолог

blindness- слепота                                                         specialist- специалист                                            


Exercise I. Supply answers to the following questions:


  1. What is defectology?
  2. What types of pedagogical sciences in defectology are there?

3. What does defectology include?

4. What does defectology study? 

5. What defects does defectology study?

6. What specialists do work in defectology?

Exercise II. Put 6-8 more questions to the text.

Exercise III. Give Russian\ Kazakh equivalents for:

To be concerned, the development of children, speech defects, problems of training and bringing up, compound defects, in addition, deal with, as well as, to be connected with, general principles, the adoption of a complex, the study of anomalous children.

Exercise IV. Make up sentences of your own with the expressions above.

Exercise V. Find in the text English equivalents for:

отрасль науки, относиться, характеристика развития детей, физические и умственные дефекты, проблемы воспитания и обучения, включая сурдопедагогику, слепота с интеллектуальными отклонениями, различие и развитие новых сфер, зрение и слух, рост детей с различными типами дефектов.

Exercise VI. Give nouns to the following verbs:

To develop, to train, to include, to bring up, to correct, to compensate, to differ, to establish, to participate,.

Exercise VII.. Finish the following sentences from the text:

1.  There are a number of special pedagogical sciences….2. Defectology includes problems of training….3. Defectology includes in addition a special branch….4. In defectology there is a continual differentiation and development…..5. Defectology takes shape as a result of ……6. Of great significance in elucidating these principles is …..

ExerciseVIII. Translate the sentences into Russian\ Kazakh:

1.  Defectology a branch of science that is concerned with the study of the principles and characteristics of the development of children with physical and mental defects. 2. There are a number of special pedagogical sciences in defectology. 3. Defectology includes ptoblems of training and bringing up children with compound defects. 4. In defectology there is a continual differentiation and development of new fields. 5. Defectology takes shape as a result of the development and convergence of its various fields and the establishment of the general principles for the development , training and ubringing of children with different types of defects.

Exercise IX. Make up a plan of the text.                                                               

Exercise X. Retell the text according to your plan.

Exercise XI. Give a short summary of the text using the key words and expressions:

To be concerned, the development of children, speech defects, problems of training and bringing up, compound defects, in addition, deal with, as well as, to be connected with, general principles, the adoption of a complex, the study of anomalous children.


Text B

 Read and translate the text.

                        Connection defectology with other sciences

Defectology is closely allied with a number of related sciences, including neuropathology, pathophysiology, general and medical genetics pathopsychology, educational and child psychology, general pedagogy, and linguistics. It in turn provides unique material for these sciences and for the theory of knowledge. Defectology was formed in the struggle against idealist concepts in the principles of the development of the anomalous child; these concepts had given birth to a theory about the severe limitiation of possibilities of development in anomalous children, reducing the principle task of defectology to the adaptation of anomalous children to elementary physical labor. Favorable to the development of old defectology were the legislative acts of the government, whereby the training and education of anomalous children were included in the national system of public education; later, general compulsory education of these children was instituted, and special scientific research institutions and educational institutions for training defectology specialists were created as well. Considerable scientific methodological work is being conducted by the teachers of special schools. The journal Defectology has been published since 1969. Abroad instead of the concept of defectology, the more limited concept of the special education is applied, which narrows the field of defectology as a science and which has to a considerable degree a pragmatic tendency.


Active vocabulary:

Read and learn by heart:

Closely- тесно

Neuropathology- невропатология

Pathophysiology- патофизиология

Genetics- генетика

Psychology- психология

Linguistics- лингвистика

Struggle- борьба

Birth- рождение

Possibility- возможность

Adaptation- адоптация

Labor- труд

Favorable- благоприятный, подходящий

compulsory- обязательный

research- исследовательский

considerable- значительный

abroad- за границей

instead of- вместо

degree- степень, уровень                                                                

Exercise I. Supply answers to the following questions:

1. What science does defectology connect with?

2. How was defectology formed?

3. When was the journal Defectology published?

4. What was used instead of defectology abroad?

2019-12-29 556 Обсуждений (0)
Exercise X. Retell the text according to your plan. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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