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Put all possible questions to the following (поставьте предложения в четыре формы вопроса ).

2019-12-29 322 Обсуждений (0)
Put all possible questions to the following (поставьте предложения в четыре формы вопроса ). 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1) You have looked through them.

2) We’ve studied them closely.

3) We’ve already received a lot of orders.

4) They’ve just started producing the model.

5) You have seen our contract form.

Insert prepositions where necessary (вставьте предлоги ).

1) Let’s meet again … next Tuesday.

2) I’d like to look … it.

3) We are interested … buying them.

4) We’ve received a lot … orders.

5) The new model … tools is certainly good.

Open the brackets using the Present Perfect tense (откройте скобки , используя Present Perfect).

1) I’m afraid. / I(forget) my book at home.      

2) … the secretary (yet/come)?

3) … you (ever/be) to Italy?

4) Kelvin (already/leave for) Manchester.

5) I (not/see) Tom for ages.

6) … you (have) a holiday this year?

7) Alan (work) in the bank for a year.

8) They (already/inform) her about the accident.


Grammar: Past Simple.


Discussing contract terms

Mr. Blake studied the Buyer’s contract terms and on Tuesday he came to the Russian Trade Delegation to discuss it with Mr. Voronin.

Voronin: Good morning, Mr. Blake.

Blake: Good morning, Mr. Voronin.

Voronin: May I offer you a cup of coffee?

Blake: Yes, thank you. Well, Mr. Voronin, I think we can discuss business now. I'd like to clarify some details with you. How many machines would you like to buy?

Voronin: We can buy 40 machines.

Blake: And when do you require the goods? 

Voronin: As soon as possible, say, in December.

Blake: In December? Let me see. I'm afraid, that's impossible. Our machines are selling very well, and we are heavy with or­ders. We can deliver only 15 units in December.

Voronin: And what about the other 25 units?

Blake: We can deliver them only in 6 months.   

Voronin: All right. And how about the terms of delivery? I hope they suit you. 

Blake: Yes, we agree to sell the goods FOB English port and we can accept payment for collection too.

Voronin: Fine. Now comes the question of price. I must say that your price is not attractive to us. Can you give us a 10% discount?

Blake: That's a bit difficult. The fact is our machines are in great demand at this price. However we can offer you a discount of 5% as we've been good part­ners for a long time.

Voronin: I think we can agree to a 5% discount. Could we meet tomorrow at 10 to sign the contract?

Blake: Yes, certainly. Good buy.

Voronin:  Good buy. See you tomorrow.



1. a buyer                       – покупатель

2. a seller                        – продавец

3. can (could)                 – мочь, уметь, быть в состоянии

4. to offer                       – предлагать

5. to clarify                     – уточнять, вносить ясность

6. in detail                      – подробно

7. to require [ri’kwaiә]   – требовать

8. as soon as possible     – как можно скорее

9. to be heavy with orders – иметь много заказов

10. to deliver                   – поставлять

11. to suit                         – устраивать, подходить

12. to agree (to smth).      – согласиться на что-либо

         (with smb).   – согласиться с кем-либо

13. to accept                     – принимать

14. payment for collection – платеж в форме инкассо,

                                      платеж по факсу

15. attractive                    – привлекательный, приемлемый

16. a discount                   – скидка

17. the fact is                   – дело в том, что

18. a demand                              – спрос

19. however                                – однако

20. to sign                        – подписывать



Insert a word or a word combination from the text (вставьте слово или словосочетание из текста ).

1) I’d like to … some … with you.

2) Could we meet … at 10 … the contract?

3) I hope they … you.

4) I’m … that’s impossible.

5) And when do you … the goods?

6) We can … payment … too.

7) Can you give us a 10% ... ?

8) Let me ... .

9) As soon as ... .

10) Now comes the ... of price.


Make up words out of the letters (составьте слова из предлагаемых букв ).

1) c e a c t p

2) e g a e r

3) t u s i

4) r e i d e y l

5) g s n i

Fill in the prepositions where necessary (вставьте предлоги ).

1) I’d like … clarify some details ... you.

2) ... December.

3) We are heavy ... orders.

4) What about the other ... 25 machines?

5) How about the terms ... delivery?


Open the brackets using the Past Simple (раскройте скобки, ставя глаголы в правильное время ).

1) I walked quickly because I (fell) cold.

2) It (take) him 2 hours to get to London.

3) My husband (speak) to his boss last week.

4) Yesterday Mr. Blake (drink) too much at the party.

5) Ten minutes ago I (hear) a strange noise.

6) I sleep well, but last night I (not / sleep) at all.

7) He (not / play) tennis yesterday.

8) They (live) in a small house last year.

9) It seemed impossible for him to win, but he (win).

10) My dad always goes to work by car, but last week he (go) to work on foot.

6. Present Perfect / Past Simple. Choose the correct variant (используйте правильный вариант ).

1) We (not / have) a holiday last year.

a) didn’t have

b) haven’t had

c) hadn’t have


3. … it (stop) raining yet?

a) didn’t stop

b) is it stopped

c) has it stopped


4. Don’t worry about your letter. I (send) it the day before yesterday.

a) sanded

b) have sent

c) sent


5. I can’t find my umbrella. I think somebody (take) by mistake.

a) took

b) takes

c) has taken


6. – Are you tired?

– Yes, a little. I (paint) the ceiling today.

a) have painted

b) painted

c) paint


Grammar: Future Simple Tense.


At the Airport

Heathrow Airport in London is a very large and busy place. Hundreds of planes land and take off and thousands of passengers get on and off planes at Heathrow every day. They fly to and from ninety countries. People usually make reservations for flights in advance, especially in summer time.

Voronin has been to London for a year and today he is going to fly back to Moscow. He has just arrived at Heathrow. He is speaking to a clerk at the check-in desk.

Voronin: Can I check in for the flight to Moscow here?

Clerk:    Yes, sir. May I see your ticket and passport, please?

Voronin: Certainly. Here you are.

Clerk:    Will you put your luggage on the scales? Oh, it's too heavy. You must pay an extra charge for overweight, I'm afraid.

Voronin: I'll take out a couple of the catalogues then.

Clerk:    Can you put the luggage on the scales again, sir? It’s all right now. You may take your ticket and passport and here is your boarding pass.

Voronin: Thank you.


1. hundred ['h۸ndrәd] – сто, сотня

2. to land                   – приземляться,

                                   совершать посадку

3. to take off              – вылетать, отправляться

4. a thousand (of)      – тысяча

5. a passenger            – пассажир

6. to get on                – садиться (на самолет, поезд)

7. to get off               – сходить, выходить

                                   (из транспорта)

8. a reservation (for) – предварительный заказ

9. a flight                   – рейс, полет

10. in advance             – заранее

11. to fly                      – лететь

12. back                       – обратно, назад

13. to arrive                 – прибывать, приходить

14. to check in             – регистрироваться

15. a check in  desk     – место регистрации

16. luggage                  – багаж            

17. scales                     – весы

18. to pay (for)            – платить 

19. extra                       – дополнительный (сверх нормы)

20. a charge [tʃa:dз]    – цена, плата

21. to take out             – вынимать

22. a couple (of)          – пара, два

23. then                        – тогда

24. a boarding pass      – посадочный талон

25. an information desk – справочное бюро

26. on time                   – вовремя

                                   (в точно назначенное время)

27. in time                    – вовремя (заблаговременно)

28. a delay [di’lei]       – задержка, опоздание

29. a departure lounge – зал для отъезжающих пассажиров

[di’pa:tʃә ’laundз]

30. to wait (for)           – ждать

31. a duty-free shop    – магазин беспошлинной торговли

32. an announcement   – объявление


2019-12-29 322 Обсуждений (0)
Put all possible questions to the following (поставьте предложения в четыре формы вопроса ). 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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