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Military to Military Cooperation

2019-12-29 305 Обсуждений (0)
Military to Military Cooperation 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

A key objective of military-to-military cooperation is to improve interoperability between Russia and Allied forces, since modern militaries must be able to operate within multinational command and force structures when called upon to work together in peace-support and other crisis-management operations.


Progress in arms control

NATO and Russia also discuss issues related to arms control and confidence-building measures. Within this framework they reaffirmed their commitment to the Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) as a cornerstone of European security.


Civil emergencies and disaster relief

The countries coordinate assistance from member countries to refugee relief operations during different conflicts, operations are also called upon to coordinate relief in the wake of flooding, earthquakes, landslides, fires and other disasters in different Partner countries.


Scientific and environmental cooperation

A key focus of current scientific cooperative activities under the NRC is the application of civil science to defense against terrorism and new threats, such as in explosives detection, examining the social and psychological impact of terrorism, protection against chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear agents, cyber-security and transport security. Environmental protection problems arising from civilian and military activities are another important area of cooperation.



1. Say whether the statements are true or false. Give the correct variant:

1. NATO member countries have always regarded a positive relationship with Russia as a top priority.

2. The tragic events of September, 11 accelerated the revitalization of the bilateral relations between NATO and Russia.

3. The meetings of the NATO-Russia Council are held regularly.

4. The cooperation between NATO and Russia is fruitful.

5. NATO and Russia do not conduct any joint military training exercises as the problem is not acute.


2. Answer the questions on the text:

1. How could the relations between NATO and Russia be characterized after World War II?

2. What was the antagonism between the parties based on?

3. What issues are the relations between NATO and Russia focused on?

4. What body represents the joint efforts of NATO and Russia in establishing friendly relations?

5. What event marked a breakthrough in the relations between NATO and Russia?

6. What document established the basis for NATO-Russia relations?

7. When was NATO-Russia Council founded?

8. Who chairs the meetings of the Council?

9. What are the areas of common interest and concern for NATO and Russia?

10. What does the cooperation between NATO and Russia in the main spheres consist in?


3. Comment on the following statements:

1. Since the end of the Cold War, NATO member countries have regarded the development of a positive relationship and cooperation with Russia as a priority.

2. Today NATO member states and Russia share strategic priorities and face common challenges.

3. Several key events accelerated the process of improving NATO-Russia relations.

4. Since its establishment the NATO-Russia Council has become a fundamental pillar of the NATO-Russia partnership.

5. Nowhere have positions between NATO and Russia converged more clearly than in the fight against terrorism.

6. Russia and NATO member countries share an interest in defense reform.

7. A key objective of military-to-military cooperation between NATO and Russia is to improve interoperability between Russia and Allied forces.



1. Complete the following table:

    Spheres of Cooperation          Basic Activities

Using the table, speak about the ways of cooperation between NATO and Russia.

Word Study

1. Translate the following words and word combinations from English into Russian:

 Ideological; political and military confrontation; evolving; consult on security issues; areas of common interest; face common challenges; fight against terrorism; proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; collapse; contribute troops and logistical support; reinforce; strengthen; accelerate; pledge; enhance; stand against; non-proliferation; confidence-building measures; theatre missile defense; pillar; perpetrate; counter ballistic missile threats; be underway; be undertaken; defense industry conversion; militaries; cornerstone; flooding; earthquakes; landslides; impact; cyber-security; bilateral.


2. Translate the following words and word combinations from Russian into English:

Считать проблему приоритетной; консультировать по вопросам безопасности; развивать практическое сотрудничество; иметь общие стратегические приоритеты; бороться с терроризмом; распад; оружие массового поражения; вывести на новый уровень; достичь прорыва; ускорять; противостоять; бороться с терроризмом; контролировать вооружение; катастрофы; осуждать терроризм во всех проявлениях; совершать; предприниматься; действовать под международным руководством; краеугольный камень; операции по спасению беженцев; наводнения; землетрясения; оползни; влияние; безопасность информационного пространства; двусторонний; противоракетная оборона; ликвидировать; быть в процессе реализации; военные; Договор об Обычных Вооруженных Силах в Европе.

3. Find the words in the text that correspond to the following:

1. to have identical threats

2. to combat terrorism

3. to deal with terrorism

4. to break the impasse

5. something of great importance on which everything is based

6. army

7. active opposition or hatred especially between people or groups

8. to have the same opinion on the primary directions in the strategy

9. to remove or get rid of completely

10. to be in the course of development

11. to increase in strength or amount


2019-12-29 305 Обсуждений (0)
Military to Military Cooperation 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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