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Read about some school policies of one of the English schools

2019-12-29 220 Обсуждений (0)
Read about some school policies of one of the English schools 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


Discipline. We aim to base our discipline on a spirit of co­operation between pupils and staff, and to train the pupils in self-discipline and responsibility. Where this fails, and a punishment is necessary, a pupil may be detained after school (he is always given 24 hours warning) or his parents may be asked to visit the school to discuss matters with one of the senior staff.

Homework. The College arranges homework appropriate to the pupils’ abilities and provides for all pupils in each subject. The teachers hope that parents will combine positively with staff to encourage their children to fulfill all the tasks. Each child has a homework diary and a homework time-table; parents are asked to monitor all homework, check the diary and sign it weekly.

Special educational needs. We keep a list of pupils with learning or other problems, monitor them constantly and review their needs once a term. We aim to support them in class rather than withdraw them.

Money and valuables. Children should not bring expensive or easily damaged things to school. There are no proper facilities for their storage and the school is not responsible for them.





Learn the following words and expressions:

to be born – родиться

to bring up – воспитывать

upbringing – воспитание

to consider – считать, полагать

household – домашнее хозяйство

a range – диапазон

education – образование, воспитание

to educate – давать образование, воспитание

true – истинный, правдивый

force – сила

to force – заставить, вынудить

to abandon – оставить, бросить

because of – из-за, благодаря

on behalf of – от имени, по поручению

to conduct – вести, руководить

to influence – влиять

to lay emphasis – выделить, подчеркнуть

a tutor – учитель, занимающийся индивидуально

to establish – основать, учредить, создать

to set up – учредить

a production unit – производственная единица

a failure – провал, неудача

a novel – роман

to express – выражать

to observe – наблюдать

observation – наблюдение

instead of – вместо

an orphan – сирота

activity – деятельность

to explore – исследовать

to develop – развивать

to implement – претворять в жизнь

a way – путь, дорога, способ

research – исследование

briefly – кратко, зд. непродолжительное время

to be in charge of – быть в ответе за

to appoint – назначать

tract – трактат

instruction – обучение

self-activity – самостоятельная деятельность

ready-made – готовый

to arrive at answer – приходить к ответу

own – собственный

power – способность, сила

to judge – судить

to reason – рассуждать

to cultivate – развивать

to encourage – поощрять, одобрять

aim – цель

to oppose – выступать против

a memory – память

memorization – запоминание, заучивание

strict – строгий

to replace – заменять

to abolish – отменять, уничтожать

flogging – физическое наказание, порка

to stress – подчеркивать, ставить ударение

to implant – насаждать

to facilitate – облегчать

a facilitator – человек, создающий благоприятные условия

to respect – уважать

to believe – верить, полагать

to consist of – состоять из

broad – широкий

a founder – основатель

a kindergarten – детский сад

a movement – движение

a follower – последователь

thus – следовательно


Practise the pronunciation of the following words:


brought up ['brL t'Ap], career [kə'riə], influence ['influəns], establishment [is'tæbliSmənt],emphasis ['emfəsis], tutor ['tju:tə], significant [sig'nifikənt], orphan ['Lfən], finance [fai'næns], failure ['feiljə], theory ['Tiəri], observation ["Obzə'veiSn], epistolary [i'pistələri], psychological ["saikə'lOGikəl], spontaneity ["spOntə'nJiti], encourage [in'kAriG], discipline ['disiplin], individuality ["indi"vidju'æliti], facilitator [fæ'siliteitə], although ['LlDou], unified ['jHnifaid], Pestalozzi ["pestə'lOtsi], Zurich ['zjuərik], Jean Jacques Rousseau ['GJn'Gækwəs'rHsou], Leonard ['lenəd], Gertrude ['gWtrHd], Stanz [stRnts], Burgdorf ['bWgdLf], Yverdon ['aivədən ], Friedrich Froebel [frJdrik'frWbəl].

Read and understand the text “Heinrich Pestalozzi”


     Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi was born in Zurich and brought up by his mother as his father died when the boy was only five. He was educated at the University of Zurich. He was forced to abandon his career because of his political activity on behalf of a reformist Swiss political organisation.

At his farm near Zurich he conducted a school for poor children. He was influenced by the works of the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. While Rousseau laid emphasis on the tutor, Pestalozzi made a significant contribution to the establishment of the school as a central educational force. He set up an industrial school for 20 orphans where work and learning were to be combined. The school was to be a production unit so that children could finance their own learning, but the result was a financial failure.

He wrote a didactic novel “Leonard and Gertrude” (1801), expressing his theories on social reform through education. Learning by Pestalozzi was based on immediate observation. Instead of dealing with words children should learn through activity. Pestalozzi explored how Rousseau’s ideas might be developed and implemented and put his theory into practice. He set out concrete ways forward, based on research.

In 1798 Pestalozzi was briefly in charge of a school for orphans in Stanz, later he was appointed head of a Teacher Training College at Burgdorf and later he set up the Institute in Yverdon. It was at that period when he published his book “How Gertrude Teaches Her Children” (1809) which was an epistolary educational tract. He wanted to establish a psychological method of instruction. He placed a special emphasis on spontaneity and self-activity. Children should not be given ready-made answers but should arrive at answers themselves. To do this their self-activity should be cultivated and encouraged. The aim is to educate the whole child; intellectual education is only a part of a wider plan. He opposed the system of memorization learning and strict discipline. It was replaced with a system based on love and understanding of the child’s world. He abolished flogging.

He stressed the individuality of the child and the necessity for teachers to be taught how to develop abilities of a child rather than to implant knowledge. The teacher should be a loving facilitator of knowledge. Although he respected the individuality of the teacher, Pestalozzi felt that there must exist a unified science of education that could be learned and practised. He believed that teacher training should consist of a broad liberal education followed by a period of research and professional training.

Pestalozzi had and has a lot of supporters and followers. One of them was a German educator Friedrich Froebel, the founder of the kindergarten movement, who taught at Yverdon from 1806 to 1810 and was greatly influenced by Pestalozzi’s method. Other Pestalozzi’s followers developed various sayings characterising his method as “from the known to the unknown, from the simple to the complex, from the concrete to the abstract.”

Thus, we may conclude that his theory laid the foundation for modern elementary education and teacher training.


Answer the questions:


1. Where did Pestalozzi study?

2. Why was he forced to abandon his career?

3. Whose ideas was Pestalozzi influenced by?

4. What did he establish as a central educational force?

5. What was an industrial school to be?

6. Where did Pestalozzi express his theories?

7. What novels did he write?

8. What was learning based on?

9. How should children learn?

10. What ways did Pestalozzi set out?

11. Which educational establishments did he conduct his research in?

12. What method of instruction did Pestalozzi want to establish?

13. What powers of children should be cultivated to help them to arrive at answers?

14. What system did he oppose?

15. What principles should a system of education be based on?

16. What should teacher training consist of?

17. What were the principles characterising Pestalozzi’s method?

18. What is Pestalozzi’s contribution to the theory of education?

2019-12-29 220 Обсуждений (0)
Read about some school policies of one of the English schools 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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