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The History of Britain

2020-02-03 236 Обсуждений (0)
The History of Britain 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


1. The Romans established London. When?

a) AD43 b) 43BC c) 34BC d) AD34

(BC = before Christ. AD = Anno Domini "in the year of our Lord." Years are counted from the traditional date of the birth of Christ])


2. What did the Romans call London?

a) Londres b) Londinium c) Thamesis d) Thameside


3. When did the Normans arrive?

a) 1565 b) 1165 c) 966 d) 1066


4. What's the name of the castle or fort the Normans built in London?

a) Eiffel Tower b) Tower of London c) Windsor Castle d) London Eye



5. What was the year of the Fire of London, which destroyed most of the city and eliminated the plague?

a) 1556 b) 1666 c) 1665 d) 2001


6. Who was Christopher Wren?

a)a political prisoner b) Lord Mayor of London c) an architect d) a diarist


7. If you visited Number 1, London, where would you be?

a) Buckingham Palace b) National Gallery c) Ritz Hotel in Piccadilly d) Apsley House


The Answers


1. The Romans established London. When?

                                              a) AD43.


2. What did the Romans call London?

                                               b) Londinium


3. When did the Normans arrive in London?

                                           d) 1066


4. What's the name of the castle or fort the Normans built in London?

                                          b) Tower of London


5. What was the year of the Fire of London, which destroyed many of the old buildings, and eliminated the plague?

                                              b) 1666


6. Who was Christopher Wren?

                                               c) an architect

7. If you visited Number One, London, where would you be?

d) Apsley House at Hyde Park Corner, home of the Duke of Wellington,

leader of the army that defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo.

Do you know what is the popular name for the Yeomen of the Guard and for the warders of the Tower of London?




                                                                             Answer:      Beefeaters

What   Do You Know About   The Tower of London?

    Fillin the missing verbs from the box in the right form.

Be           live        can         stand     stay



For a long time the Tower of London was a fortress, a prison and a palace. Many queens and kings lived there. In the Tower you can see the famous Beefeaters and the ravens.

The legend says, “Only so long as the ravens stay, will the White Tower stand.”


Quiz (ENGLAND and the world)


Surname__________________ class______________


Who (according to the legend) made a great fire in London in 1666?

a) fireman

b) butcher

c) baker

d) child

What flower is the national symbol of England?

a) rose

b) lily

c) camomile

d) lily-of-the-valley

How many big parks are there in London?

a) 5

b) 1

c) 3

d) 10

What castle in Britain is the museum now?

a) Bodiam

b) Caerphilly

c) Tower

What is Great Britain?

a) island

b) peninsula

c) continent

d) group of islands


What is Britain’s national drink?

a) tea

b) Coca- Cola

c) coffee

What is the national currency of Great Britain?

a) euro

b) dollar

c) pound

They were the first conquer о rs of Great Britain.

a) Romans

b) Saxons

c) Vikings

d) Normans



2020-02-03 236 Обсуждений (0)
The History of Britain 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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