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Task 3. You are going to give a talk about pets. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

2020-02-04 210 Обсуждений (0)
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about pets. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Задание 3 Устная часть ОГЭ – 2020

Монологи из открытого банка ФИПИ

Задание 3 (создание связного монологического высказывания)

С 4-м пунктом задания


ВАРИАНТОВ с образцами ответов

https://vk.com/ege2020english      e - mail: [email protected]


School ..............................................................................................................................1


Pets ..................................................................................................................................5

Wild animals ...................................................................................................................7

Travelling ........................................................................................................................9

Travelling ........................................................................................................................11

Reading ...........................................................................................................................13


Free time .........................................................................................................................17

Weather and seasons .....................................................................................................19

Public holidays in Russia ...............................................................................................21

Keeping fit .......................................................................................................................23

School ...............................................................................................................................25

The place where you live ................................................................................................27

Foreign languages ...........................................................................................................29

The Internet .....................................................................................................................31

Photography ....................................................................................................................33

Career plans ....................................................................................................................35


Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your school. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say :


• what your typical school day is like;

• what your favourite subject is, and why;

• what you like most about your school;

• what your attitude to your school life is.

You have to talk continuously.

I would like to give a talk about my school. I think it is a topical question of the present and is part and parcel of our life.


• what your typical school day is like;


My typical school day usually starts at 8.30 am. I typically have 6 or 7 lessons a day. I usually have lunch after the fourth lesson. When all my lessons are over, I have one or two extra classes. I am getting ready to take school leaving exams.


• what your favourite subject is, and why;


My favourite school subject is English. I believe that studying languages helps me improve my memory and makes my brain work better. Besides, knowledge of foreign languages helps to develop friendship, understanding among people and find a good job.


• what you like most about your school;


There are a lot of things I like about my school. Frankly speaking, I really like my teachers. They are very understanding, helpful and good at explaining things. Besides, I like to attend an after school club with my classmates.


• what your attitude to school life is.


I have a positive attitude towards my school life. Actually, I think that my school is a place where we create and develop our relationships, are taught to be tolerant and respect one another. At school we can enjoy different cultural activities and show our talents. Everyone can take part in a school performance or a class party or take part in a sport competition. All this helps to create good atmosphere and relations among classmates.

To my mind, school is an attractive place for students who do well in most subjects, for those who don’t it is boring and uninteresting.


Conclusion: I really like my school. I like studying thanks to all teachers who are wonderfully supportive and always available to help me with my problems.


That is all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.

– обязательные фразы в заключение монологического высказывания.



Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your homework . You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say:

· how long it takes you to do your homework

· what subject you usually start with, and why

· whether schoolchildren should be given more or less homework, and why

· what your attitude towards homework is

You have to talk continuously.



Task 3. You are going to give a talk about pets. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:


• why people keep pets;

• what pets are most popular in big cities;

• whether having pets is a big responsibility, and why;

• what your attitude to keeping pets is.

2020-02-04 210 Обсуждений (0)
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about pets. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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