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Give examples of good and bad advertisements.

2020-02-04 335 Обсуждений (0)
Give examples of good and bad advertisements. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

An advertising campaign is a series of advertisement messages that share a single idea and theme which make up an integrated marketing communication (IMC). Advertising campaigns appear in different

media across a specific time frame.

The critical part of making an advertising campaign is determining a campaign theme, as it sets the tone

for the individual advertisements and other forms of marketing communications that will be used. The campaign theme is the central message that will be communicated in the promotional activities.

Good or bad will be this advertisement it’s another question. It is difficult to identify which advertisement is good and which not, because even in the surroundings of pitchmen there are disputes

about it. One people consider the most important in advertisement is that it could sell the product, the others more creative persons make useless from the point of sales but interesting for people


From my point of view the good examples of advertisements it’s the advertising of almost all perfumes.

It is always stylish, charming trailer with good selected music. For example the advertisement of Channel

№5 with Nicole Kidman. It is short, fascinated, low-pressured advertising.

Another good example of advertisement is classic advertising of New Year Coca-Cola. It is good looking advertisement, funny which helps you to feel the approaching of holiday.



As for bad examples, to my mind each advertisement in its trailer should contain the short message of the theme of this or that advertising. But this message should be on theme, it should contain the right sense

of the advertising subject. For example the trailer of Vanish. At the end of advertisement there is a

phrase: “Pink color, trust it and there will be no spots”. Whom should we trust? The color or the feature in the pink pot? It’s not correct message of the product.



U n i t 7. Cultures

1.  Give examples of cross-cultural issues.

2.  In what way should cultural stereotypes be handled?

3.  Is there a difference between cultures and subcultures?

4.  Explain the meaning of the term ‘cultural awareness’. Why is it important?

5. What advice would you give to a business visitor coming to Italy, the UAE, to Russia?



Give examples of cross-cultural issues.

An individual's cultural background will affect the specific way in which he or she sees the environment and also how the individual might show his or her feelings, emotion, distress, or conflict in behavior,

thought or action. Therefore, culture will influence the experience of mental disorders and how they might present.

Miscommunication is the most popular example of cross-cultural issues.

Miscommunication across cultural lines is usually the most important cause of cross-cultural problems.

Miscommunication can be caused by several problems:

differences in body language or gestures. The same gesture can have different meanings in different

parts of the world. For example, Bulgarians shake their heads up and down to mean no. In addition, the way people count on their fingers is not universal: The Chinese count from one to ten on one hand, and eight is displayed by extending the thumb and the finger next to it. The same gesture is interpreted as meaning two in France and as pointing a gun in North America.

different meanings for the same word. Like gestures, words can have different meanings or connotations in different parts of the world. The French word "char" means Army tank in France and car in Quebec. The word "exciting" has different connotations in British English and in North American English. While North American executives talk about "exciting challenges" repeatedly, British

executives use this word to describe only children’s activities (children do exciting things in England, not executives).

different assumptions made in the same situation. The same event can be interpreted many different ways depending on where one comes from. For example, although the sight of a black cat is considered a

lucky event in Britain, it is considered unlucky in many other countries particularly in Russia. So in extreme cases, miscommunication can lead to casualties.


2020-02-04 335 Обсуждений (0)
Give examples of good and bad advertisements. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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