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Task 1. Find the pronunciation and the meaning of the new words.

2020-02-04 2059 Обсуждений (0)
Task 1. Find the pronunciation and the meaning of the new words. 4.80 из 5.00 5 оценок



Учебное пособие

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Иностранный язык


ППССЗ по специальности 54.02.01 Дизайн (по отраслям)


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ОДОБРЕНО   цикловой комиссией общих гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин   Протокол  _______№ __   Председатель ______ О.Н. Адюкова     СОГЛАСОВАНО   Протокол Методического совета от  ________№ __   Председатель _______Н.К.Горшкова    



Л.П.Крикова, преподаватель иностранного языка ГАПОУ ЧР «ЧПК» Минобразования Чувашии





Э.А. Васильева, преподаватель иностранного языка ГАПОУ ЧР «ЧПК» Минобразования Чувашии


М.В. Маркова, преподаватель иностранного языка «Чебоксарского экономико-технологического колледжа» Минобразования Чувашии



Учебное пособие предназначено для практических занятий и самостоятельной работы студентов 4 курса очной формы обучения специальности 54.02.01 Дизайн (по отраслям) средних профессиональных учебных заведений.

Пособие охватывает темы, связанные с терминологией, видами и историей графического дизайна, особенностями деятельности дизайнеров, их профессиональным обучением, элементами и принципами дизайна, видами программного обеспечения, используемыми в дизайне.






UNIT I. Brand Design, Development and Promotion


1.1 Brand Design, Development and Promotion 5
1.2 Brand and Naming 9
1.3 Packaging 13


UNIT II. Interior Design

2.1 Interior Design 19
2.2 Interior Designers 22
2.3 How to Become an Interior Decorator 26
2.4 Elements and Principles of Interior Design 30
2.5 Materials and Structures 35
2.6 Form, shape and space in graphic design 41
2.7 Contemporary Style of Decoration 45






Учебное пособие «Английский для дизайнеров - II» является продолжением учебного пособия «Английский для дизайнеров - I» и   предназначено для студентов 4 курса образовательных учреждений среднего профессионального образования по специальности 54.02.01 Дизайн (по отраслям). Пособие соответствует требованиям ФГОС СПО и рабочей программе по иностранному языку.

Актуальность  создания данного пособия обусловлена тем, что для студентов СПО, изучающих дизайн, не существует узкоспециализированных учебных изданий по английскому языку, посвященных указанному выше профилю.

Целью данного учебного пособия является обучение профессиональному иностранному языку, то есть обучение чтению и переводу профессиональных текстов, а также овладение специализированной лексикой и закрепление грамматических явлений.

    Пособие состоит из двух разделов, каждый из которых содержит в соответствии со своей тематикой тексты, связанные с терминологией и основными понятиями дизайна бренда, дизайна интерьера, графического дизайна. К каждому тексту предлагаются термины и выражения, вопросы на понимание прочитанного текста и тренировочные упражнения на закрепление лексики и грамматики текста.

Пособие может быть использовано на практических занятиях и в процессе самостоятельной работы студентов. Его можно рекомендовать к использованию в образовательных учреждений среднего профессионального образования, реализующих образовательную программу среднего (полного) общего образования при подготовке специалистов среднего звена по специальности 54.02.01 Дизайн (по отраслям).

UNIT I .  Brand Design, Development and Promotion

Brand Design, Development and Promotion

    Professional branding is a complicated and multilevel process of a brand or a trade mark creation and promotion including target market analysis, advertising actions, brand positioning means, naming, visual brand images, brand strategy, analysis of marketing efficiency.



    Marketing terms "brand" and "branding" derive from English "brand" which throws back to Norse "brandr", which means "fire, to burn". Brand is a complex of information about a company, goods, service, including a name, a logotype, corporate style allowing consumers to define it among multiple competitors, creates its image and reputation at the market of goods and services. From the legal side brand is a trade mark, defining a producer and belonging to him. Some authors consider a brand to be a complex of copyright objects, such as a trade mark and a corporate name.

    A brand includes the following components:

1. trade mark name (naming),

2. logotype, symbolising some goods, service or company,

3. corporate style – colours and fonts.

      Brand can be a sell and buy object. "Business week" regularly publishes the prices of the leading brands, where the first ten is Coca-Cola, Google and Microsoft. Each of them costs more than fifty billions of dollars.

    The idea of branding as a way of product definition was greatly developed in the late XXth century when there appeared high competition and lots of similar products and services. And nowadays the modern market is constant fighting of brands. The more original and individual the brand is the more competitive the product. Now branding is a strong marketing tool, allowing to form a customer's certain emotional perception of a product, which influences its image, its reputation and of course, the demand for it.

Corporate identity

    Corporate identity is one of the main promotional and marketing instruments of any modern company. If selected in a proper way, corporate identity sometimes becomes the most important factor for success. Your corporate ID, designed by professionals, will multiply the effectiveness of your promotional campaigns, will enhance the reputation and popularity of your business in the market, and will win the trust of clients and partners.

    Here is a full range of services in corporate identity design: Trademarks, Logos, Corporate colour scheme, Type set, Business cards, Stationary, letterhead, Bill and fax forms, Envelopes (European standard, А4, А5), Folders, Website design, adding corporate elements to the existing website, Multimedia presentations, Promotional gifts (pens, notepads, ash-trays, etc.).

      Corporate identity may also include upon customer’s request:

Press release. Press releases will inform on events, promotional campaigns, and competitions held by the company, and are crucial for the company image.

Advertising article. Rememberable advertising articles will enhance the level of your business.

Slogan. Slogan is a nameable short message, carrying advertising information about the company, product or service. Advertising slogan is used to promote a product or service to the market. Image slogan aims to raise the recognizability of the company or its brand.

Naming (name of the company, site, and trademark). Naming is extremely important for the company, project or trademark since it greatly influences company’s image.

Promotional printings (booklets, catalogues, calendars, etc).

Trademarks and logos


    Logo and trademark are considered the most important elements of your company image-building. They convey the essence, character and purpose of your business in a visual form.

    The main purpose of a logo is to make a nameable and recognizable impression on your potential clients and customers. For the client to recognize your product easily among other counterparts, it must contain a special detail. We call it a trademark layout that represents your company in a symbolic way.

    Logo and trademark design is a complex process. Designers can offer a vast number of structured techniques in logo and trademark development. Graphic designers offer professional insight into creation of a unique logo and trademark – so that your company and your product were the best among others and nameable for your clients. They help you to be in the foreground!



1. target ['tɑːgɪt]  - цель, мишень

2. means [miːnz] - сущ .; мн. means средство;

3. corporate identity - марк ., упр. фирменный стиль (набор визуальных, словесных и т. п. констант, обеспечивающий стилистическое единство товаров, услуг и всей исходящей от фирмы информации; иногда применяется по отношению к проектам);

4. ID - сокр. от identification идентификация;

5. scheme [skiːm] - план, проект; программа; схема, система, структура;

6. crucial ['kruːʃ(ə)l]ключевой; критический, решающий;

7. recognizability – узнаваемость;

8. catalogue ['kæt(ə)lɔg] – каталог;

9. insight ['ɪnˌsaɪt] - проницательность, способность проникновения в суть;

10. foreground - передовые позиции


Lexical exercises


Task 1. Find the pronunciation and the meaning of the new words.

Verbs : explain, consider, derive from, throw back, mean, de-fine, belong to, consider, include, symbolize, sell, develop, appear, allow, influence, select, multiply, enhance, exist, include, convey.

Nouns : target, analysis, efficiency, meaning, goods, service,consumer, authors, fonts, definition, competition, fighting, tool, perception, reputation, demand, identity, success, trust, request, recognizability, essence, purpose, insight, foreground.

Adjectives : multilevel, multiple, similar, modern, constant,original, individual, competitive, emotional, proper, crucial, rememberable, nameable, vast.


    Adverbs: concisely, extremely, greatly, easily.

Task 2. Match the word and its definition:




the art of managing an affair cleverly




an identifying symbol used as a trade-








demands for goods




goods which are the product of a particu-




lar firm or producer




the exclusive right to reproduce, publish,




and sell an original work, or any part of it,




for a certain number of years


Grammar exercises



Task 3. Insert necessary prepositions:

1. Marketing terms "brand" and "branding" derive … English "brand" which throws … to Norse "brandr", which means "fire, to burn".

2. Brand is a complex of information … a company, goods, service, including a name, a logotype, corporate style allowing consumers to define it … multiple competitors, create its image and reputation at the market … goods and services.

3. From the legal side brand is a trade mark, defining a pro-ducer and belonging … him.

4. The idea … branding as a way of product definition was greatly developed … the late XXth century.

5. Now branding is a strong marketing tool which influences the company image, its reputation and of course, the demand … it.

6. Corporate identity may also include … customer’s request: press releases, advertising article, slogan, naming, promotional printings.

7. Naming is extremely important … the company, project or trademark since it greatly influences company’s image.

8. Designers can offer a vast number … structured techniques … logo and trademark development.


Task 4. Do a grammar test on Participle I and Participle II:

Variant 1

1. Professional branding is a complicated process of a trade mark creation (include) target market analysis, advertising actions, brand positioning means, naming, visual brand images, brand strategy, analysis of marketing efficiency.

2. Brand is a complex of information about a company, goods, service, (include) a name, a logotype, corporate style (allow) consumers to define it among multiple competitors, create its image and reputation at the market of goods and services.

3. Brand is a trade mark, (define) a producer and (belong) to him.

4. Branding is a strong marketing tool, (allow) to form a customer's certain emotional perception of a product.

Variant 2

1. Competitions (hold) by the company are crucial for the company image.

2. Slogan is a nameable short message, (carry) advertising information about the company, product or service.

3. Designers can offer (structure) techniques in logo and trademark development.

4. Your corporate ID, (design) by professionals, will multiply the effectiveness of your promotional campaigns, will enhance the reputation and popularity of your business in the market.

5. Corporate identity may also include press releases (inform) on events, promotional campaigns.

6. (select) in a proper way, corporate identity sometimes be-comes the most important factor for success.


Reading comprehension


Task 5. Answer the questions:

1. What does professional branding include?

2. What is brand from a legal side?

3. What does “Business week” regularly publish?

4. When was the idea of branding as a way of product definition greatly developed?

5. What is one of the main promotional and marketing instruments of any modern company?

6. What is the purpose of corporate ID?

7. What do logo and trademark convey?

8. How can a client recognize a product of a company?


Task 6. Work in pairs and discuss the following topics:


1. The main components of a brand.

2. Professional branding (target market analysis, advertising actions, naming, visual brand images, brand strategy, analysis of marketing efficiency).



Brand and Naming

    In the days when Manfred Gotta was still on the staff of a Frankfurt advertising agency, he was asked to promote a new cat food called “Katzensmaus” (Kittys feast). To a German, the name might seem vaguely silly, for non Germans it is simply unpronounceable.

    The client insisted on keeping the name and Gotta handed in his notice. In future, he decided, he would devote himself full-time to devising names for new products. Friends and colleagues were convinced he’d snapped.

    But today, at 50, Gotta has his own firm in Frankfurt and makes a tidy living inventing original names. He came up with the curious word “Xedos” for a luxury limousine, labelled one sporty little car “Twingo” and hit on “Vectra” for a range model.

    Gotta produces names for cars, confectionary and telephones and has over 80 corporate clients in Europe, Japan and the United States. He charges around 100,000 marks for a name which is to be used nationally, more than twice that for one which will be suitable on a European scale. Compared to the development costs of a car or a chocolate bar, it is peanuts. But the name is a vital part of the image, and often more important than the colour or shape of a product.

    “A good name”, says professional wordsmith Gotta, “creates positive associations, can be used internationally and it is unique”. That goes for Japanese cars hoping to find buyers in Europe and the US as well as for German beer, which is exported to countries throughout the world. “If you are a globally active company you need to think in terms of a global identity,” says Manfred Gotta.

    A new product must stand out, at all costs. The more exotic and enigmatic the name, the more curiosity it generates. Seemingly awkward word like “Xedos” or “Kelts” are not necessarily a handicap. “Better a clumsy name you’ll remember,” Gotta says, “than one that’s slick but does not stick”.

    It’s hoped that, with Gotta’s help, the mascot created for Expo 2000 in Hanover will become world famous. Gotta came up with the name Twipsy. He devises names like this simply by giving free rein to his imagination. He locks himself into a room with the nameless object for 15 to 30 minutes, examining it closely and trying to put its qualities into words. This kind of brainstorming session generally produces several alternatives, which Gotta then reviews with his staff.

    But there is more to word coining than just the creative element. An ideal brand name should carry no meaning anywhere in the world and match the product. Gotta’s staff spend weeks doing research to ensure that the world rights to the name are available and also to find out whether it’s unpronounceable in any language or might come across as being rude or offensive.

    Gotta was paid the nicest tribute ever for “Twingo”, when someone said the car was as original as its name. But deciding what to call his latest “product” proved a real headache for the great inventor of names. He was, he admits, “rather different” when it came to choosing a name for his son. The boy is now called Julian. That may not be unique but it’s got a pleasant ring and is certainly international.




1. snapped - поспешный, скоропалительный, необдуманный;

2. range -  ряд, линия, цепь, вереница; серия;

3. confectionary [kən'fekʃ(ə)n(ə)rɪ] - кондитерская фабрика;

4. charge  - запрашивать цену;

5. peanuts ['piːnʌt]- разг. бесценок; гроши, мелочь, "смешные деньги";

6. wordsmith - специалист по словоупотреблению; стилист;

7. stand out - быть заметным, выделяться;

8. enigmatic [ˌenɪg'mætɪk] - загадочный, таинственный; сокровенный, неразгаданный, непонятный;

9. awkward ['ɔːkwəd] - неуклюжий, неловкий (о людях, движениях); неудобный; затруднительный, неловкий;

10. a handicap ['hændɪkæp] - помеха; препятствие; барьер, преграда;

11. clumsy ['klʌmzɪ] - неповоротливый, неуклюжий, нескладный, неловкий, грубый, топорный;

12. slick [slɪk] - гладкий; скользкий;

13. stick - озадачить, поставить в тупик;

14. mascot ['mæskət] – талисман;

15. rein управление;

16. offensive [ə'fen(t)sɪv] - обидный, оскорбительный, отвратительный, неприятный, противный;

17. tribute ['trɪbjuːt] - дань, должное;

18. ring - отзвук, отголосок звучность, звонкость


Lexical exercises


2020-02-04 2059 Обсуждений (0)
Task 1. Find the pronunciation and the meaning of the new words. 4.80 из 5.00 5 оценок

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