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2020-02-04 1813 Обсуждений (0)
THE CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN 5 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

to pack (things) to fill in (the form)
to look through (the journal) to take care of (she)
to organize (a sporting club) to look for (the documents)
to carry out (the work) to discuss (it)

VI. Make up sentences using the same structure as in the following models (Use the verbs given in exercise IV):

Don’t worry! Your child is being taken good care of


The last student was being examined when I was called out


VII. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Voice and Tense- form (See Table 7):

1. The teacher told the student to look up the rule himself as it (to explain) many times. “You (to be) inattentive while it (to explain),” he said. 2. When I came into the hall, a new film (to show). I was sorry that I (not to tell) about the show before as the end (to impress) me greatly. 3. A new stadium (to build) opposite our house lately, and my brother says that the number (число) of people taking part in sporting events there (to increase). 4. This journal (to be) in great demand. If you wish to have it, go to the book-shop in Gorky street, it (to sell) there now. 5. — You (to look for) your gloves? Ask the attendant, some gloves (to pick up) and (to give) to him a few minutes ago. 6. As it was rather noisy in the room when I came in, I could not make out what (to discuss). From the words which I caught on coming closer, I understood that the latest sporting events (to speak about). 7. “Are you ready to leave?” “No, I’m not, some things (to pack) still and my tickets (not to bring) yet.” 8. The boy (to tell) that he (to allow) to go out only after his homework (to do) carefully. 9. The mother (to tell)not to worry about her sick boy. “He (to examine) soon by the doctor and now he (to take good care of),” said the nurse (мед сестра). 10. I (to tell) just that the material for my business trip (to prepare) now, but it (not to be ready) until the manager (to look through) it. 11. The workers (to give) their word that production (выпуск продукции) (to increase) by the tenth of May. 12. Peter came late to the party, so when he entered the room all the guests (to introduce) to each other, some of them (to dance), and some (to sing) in the next room.

VIII. Translate the following sentences using the Passive tense-forms:

1. Я просмотрел только часть полученных вчера журналов, остальные просматриваются сейчас тов. Смирновым. Как только весь нужный материал будет готов, его принесут вам. 2. В нашей стране построен социализм и успешно строится коммунизм. 3. Когда я приехал в отпуск в родную деревню, там строили новый клуб. Я уверен, что теперь он уже построен. 4. Туристы хотели знать, кем было построено это красивое здание. 5. В нашей стране много внимания уделяется спорту. 6. Ваши экзаменационные работы (papers) сейчас проверяются, поэтому я не могу сказать вам, как вы их написали. 7. Интересно, что здесь строят. 8. Когда было построено новое здание Московского университета? 9. Разве ты не понимаешь правило, которое нам только что объяснили? 10. Какие вопросы будут обсуждать сегодня на собрании? 11.Приходите часов в 12. Как раз будут обсуждать очень интересный вопрос. 12. О вчерашних событиях сейчас всюду говорят. 13. Узнай, пожалуйста, куплены ли уже билеты в театр. 14. Не беспокойтесь. За вашими детьми присмотрят, если вы вернетесь поздно.


IX. Pronounce correctly:

[æ] [ʌ] [ǝ:] [ŋ]
platform couple berth sleeping
carriage conductor serve dining
attitude luggage service hanging

X. Read the following words paying attention to the italicized letters and combinations of letters in black type:

Pete, mete, peg, begin, restrain, bespeak, seem, wee, sweep, engineer, leer, speak, veal, seal, bread, spead, head, lead, pearl earth, her, per, herd, term, merry, error, here, mere, sphere, new, grew, pew, screw, money, parley.

XI. State the part of speech, say how the words are formed and translate them into Russian:

nonsense             entirely      funny

improvement      conductor  weaken

misunderstanding humorist    famous

overcrowded       disagree     discrimination

unimportant       impolite     unleash

XII. Answer the following questions using the active vocabulary of the lesson:

1. What was Mark Twain to do at Salamanca, New York?

2. What were all the people doing on the platform?

3. Who did Mark Twain speak to about getting a place in a sleeper?

4. Why was Mark Twain hurt by the official’s answer?

5. The words of Mark Twain’s companion didn’t improve the writer’s condition, did they?

6. What did Mark Twain notice just then?

7. What did the uniformed conductor say to Mark Twain?

8. Why did Mark Twain say that any place would do?

9. What kind of compartment did the conductor put at Mark Twain’s disposal?

10. What did the conductor tell Tom to do with the gentlemen’s suit-cases?

11. In what way did the porter make the gentlemen comfortable there?

12. What did Mark Twain say about the conductor’s and the porter’s attitude to them?

13. Did Mark Twain’s companion like the way they were being served? Why?

XIII. Substitute words and word combinations from the text for the parts in black type:

1. I went off and asked another local official if I couldn’t have some poor little corner somewhere in a car having sleeping berths. 2. His answer made me so sad and uncomfortable that I said to my companion ... 3. This did not make things better. 4. He whispered to the uniformed conductor, using his finger to show him where I was, and I understood I was being talked about. 4. We have nothing left but the big family compartment with two places for sleeping and two armchairs in it, but you can use it in any way you wish. 5. Here, Tom, take these suit-cases into the compartment. 6. Can I have a better lamp put just at the head of my bed under the thing where my small luggage is? 7. Didn’t they start acting differently the moment they learned that I was Mark Twain? 8. Don’t you like the way they are doing things for you?

XIV. Find English equivalents to the following (See Text):

1) много лет назад 2) сесть в спальный вагон 3) можно мне получить спальное место 4) не надоедайте мне больше 5) и ушел прочь 6) не могу ли я чем-нибудь помочь (услужить) вам 7) у нас ничего не осталось 8) он (удобно) устроил нас в купе 9) вам нужно еще что-нибудь 10) не принесете ли вы мне горячей воды 11) я возьму ее оттуда 12) вы можете попросить все, что хотите 13) а что вы теперь скажете 14) как только они узнали 15) в дверях 16) правда

XV. Give the situations in which the following are used (See Text):

sleeper, to hurt, to improve, to point to, will do, at your disposal, to move along, to fix (2), attitude, fare.

XVI. Correct the following statements beginning with:

I’m afraid that’s wrong ...     As far as I know ...

You are not quite right ...      On the contrary ...

That’s not quite true to fact ... I don’t think so ...

I think you are mistaken ...    According to the story ...

F o r e x a m p l e: Mark Twain was recognized at once and given the best compartment in the sleeper. I’m afraid that’s wrong. Mark Twain was not recognized at once. As far as I know, the first official he asked for a place turned his back on him and walked off.

1. When Mark Twain turned to the local official at Salamanca railway station, the latter was very polite to him and said he was ready to do anything for the writer and his companion.

2. Neither the conductor nor the porter took any notice of Mark Twain while he was talking to his companion.

3. The conductor at last gave Mark Twain a poor little corner in a sleeper which was already packed.

4. The porter wouldn’t do anything for Mark Twain, and the great writer had to take care of himself and his companion.

5. When Mark Twain asked the porter, “Who am I?” the young man answered that he had recognized the great writer the moment he set his eyes on him, and since he was fond of his books, he had asked the conductor to make him comfortable.

XVII.    Translate into Russian paying attention to the combination of verbs and adverbial particles (See Note on the Text № 3):


The children ran

in when it started raining.
out when the rain stopped.
on and on though they were already tired.
about in the garden.
forward when they saw their father.
up to their father and kissed him.
back when they heard their mother calling them.

В. 1. We watched the plane go up until it became quite a small spot far away up in the sky. 2. The profits of that company were up last year, but lately they’ve gone down. 3. She did not look up from her papers when you entered the room: she was too busy. 4. On hearing Ann’s voice Mary came out on the balcony and looked down. 5. Our neighbour Mary is at the door, will you ask her in? 6. I wonder when the next number of this journal will come out. 7. They walked on and on in spite of the rain. 8. I wonder why he has walked off without shaking hands with anyone. 9. Jim takes after his father. They are both fond of nature and enjoy walking about in parks and forests.

XVIII. Translate into English using combinations of verbs with adverbial particles:

1. Мария читает в саду. Попроси ее зайти. 2. — Где Нина? — Не знаю, наверное, она уже сошла вниз. 3. Подождите меня здесь, я поднимусь и возьму немного денег в номере. Потом мы вернемся (пойдем назад) в парк. 4. Давайте погуляем по городу. В нашем распоряжении есть около часа. 5. „Кто завтра дежурит?” — спросил учитель. — „Я“ — сказал один из мальчиков, выступая вперед. 6. „Я сам оплачу эти расходы“, — сказал Джон, доставая деньги.

XIX. Combine the verbs with the adverbial particles, translate the combinations into Russian and use them in sentences of your own:

in go, come, look, run
out go, come, run
up go, come, look, run
down go, come, look
on go, walk, run, turn
off walk, take, turn
forward go, come, run
back go, come, look, run, give, turn, take
about walk, run

XX. Vocabulary activization exercises:


1. Translate:

1) Nick hurt his leg at the skating-rink. 2) Though Mr. Winkle fell on the ice, he wasn’t hurt (he didn’t hurt himself). 3) The shoes are too small for you. I am afraid they will hurt you when you walk. 4) Does you finger still hurt you? 5) It hurts the eyes to look at the sun. 6) He felt hurt when he heard their words. 7) I do hope what I said didn’t hurt you (your feelings).

2. Complete:

1) Being quite inexperienced in skiing, Peter ... .

2) Jane was the first to run up to Ann when she ... .

3) I can’t write because my finger ... .

4) She bought the shoes in spite of the fact that ... .

5) Jack didn’t want to shake hands with. Alec because ... .

6) Though the child had a bad fall he ... .

3. Translate :

1) Я надеюсь, ребенок не ушибся. 2) У вас все еще болят глаза? 3) Где он ушиб руку? 4) Я уверен, он не хотел вас обидеть.


1. Translate:

1) Your spelling isn’t good enough. You must improve it. 2) The boy Is improving in his studies. 3) The postal service has greatly improved lately.

2. Answer these questions:

1) Would you like to improve your handwriting or is it good enough? 2) In what way can one improve one’s spelling? 3) What can we improve with the help of the linguaphone?

3. Translate:

1) Его здоровье заметно улучшилось за последнее время. 2) Опыт поможет вам улучшить работу. 3) За последнее время погода улучшилась .



1) The condition of his health is very poor, and little improvement seems possible.2) The flowers from the Caucasus arrived in good condition. 3) The ship was in no condition to leave the port. 4) It’s too noisy here. We can’t work under such conditions. 5) Hard work is one of the conditions of success. 6) Does the firm know our general conditions?

2. Answer these questions:

1) What can be done to improve the condition of one’s health?

2) Are your notes always in good condition? How do you manage to keep them in good condition?

3) Under what conditions did Gorky live in his childhood?

3. Make up sentences using the word combinations given below:

to gain a lot — under favourable conditions

in spite of — in good condition

the condition of one’s papers — to shake one’s head

the condition of the sick child — to be troubled



1) The teacher pointed out that not all the students worked hard enough.

2) The woman pointed to a large building at the corner and said that it was the one we needed.

2. Translate:

1) Он первый указал нам на ошибки. 2) „Вот и почта“, — сказал он, указывая на высокое красивое здание. 3) Докладчик отметил, что наша работа улучшилась.

3. Make up sentences using the words given below:

To point out


(the demand, to increase)
(in spite of ...)
(travelling expenses, to come to)

(a mistake, the words, the main facts)

to point to (a seat, a house, a journal, a carriage, a train)


1. Translate:

a) 1) There was no one in the shop to serve me. 2) We are well served with gas (electricity, etc.). 3) The car has been in service for a long time. 4) Dinner is not served after eight o’clock. 5) I am at your service. 6) The coat is rather old, but it will still serve.

b) long service, military service, service at hotels (railways, shops, restaurants), the postal services, medical service, to serve as a seat (as a table, etc.).

2. Answer these questions:

1) Do you always like the way you are served at shops, hotels, restaurants, etc.?

2) Have you ever served in the army? When was it?

3) How long does military service in our country usually last?

4) Do we pay for medical service in our country?

5) In what way can one serve one’s country?

3. Change the tense of the following sentences using all possible tense-forms. Where necessary, add an expression of time to justify the tense-form:

1) He serves in the army.

2) We are usually well served at restaurants.

4. Translate :

1) За последнее время обслуживание в гостиницах стало гораздо лучше. 2) Мы ничего не платим за медицинское обслуживание. 3) Чем я могу быть вам полезен? 4) Вас обслужат через пять минут.


1.Use a synonymous expression:

1) — Shall I give you a few more examples? — No, thank you, that’s enough. 2) I think a coat like this is just the thing we want. 3) You needn’t buy another stamp. One is enough. 4) One stamp isn’t enough for a registered letter. You’ll have to buy another one. 5) I am sorry, there are no better seats left for the performance. Will this be good enough? 6) You can come at any time.


1.Give possible combinations:

pair shoes, envelopes, words, days, gloves,
couple stamps, girls, eyes, friends, examples


1.Make up sentences using the table and the words given in brackets:

to be

at one’s disposal

to have
to put something
there is (are)

(my library, these magazines, my flat, this room, the dictionary, five minutes, an hour, a week, two months, etc.)


1.Answer these questions:

1) How many minutes before the ship leaves are passengers invited to go aboard?

2) At what time of the day is it usually difficult to get aboard a bus (a train)?

3) When does the conductor say: “All aboard?”

4) How much luggage can one take aboard a plane?

2. Translate :

1) Я уж лучше поднимусь на пароход. В нашем распоряжении мало времени. 2) Носильщик, отнесите, пожалуйста, мои вещи в вагон. 3) Все пассажиры должны быть на борту корабля к 12 часам. 4) Взяв на борт воду и продукты (stores), корабль был готов к отплытию.


1. Translate:

1. My friend received a new flat last week. But he hasn’t moved out of his old one yet. 2) When will he move in? 3) Will you move up a little? Then Comrade Petrov can put his chair here. 4) Move your chair up to the window; there is more light there. 5) Don’t stand. Move about or you’ll get cold. 6) The conductor asked the passengers to move up.

2. Translate :

1) Давайте пройдем вперед! Нам выходить на следующей остановке. 2) Ивановы съехали с квартиры на днях. 3) Ваши соседи уже вселились? 4) Подвиньтесь, пожалуйста, немножко. 5) Давайте подвинем стол к стене.


1. Translate:

1) This picture always hangs here. 2) It’s a hanging lamp. 3) He hung his head in silence.4)Why didn’t you hang up your coat?

2. Translate:

1)Эта лампа висит слишком низко. 2) — Где повесить эту картину? — Повесьте ее лучше вон там. 3) Разрешите мне повесить ваше пальто, 4) Где мне повесить шляпу?


1. Translate:

1)I cannot fix this table, it still shakes. 2)I can never fix their names in my mind, I always forget them. 3) Our evening party has been fixed for next Saturday. 4) Which of you can fix the T. V. set? 5) Don’t worry, I’ll fix everything for you.

2. Make up sentences:

M o d e l: I must have my motor-cycle fixed.

                (a radio set, a T. V. set, a watch, a bicycle, a car, a piano, an


3. Make up situations using the word combinations given below:

the condition of the sick man — to fix the date for the operation

to fix the meeting for Friday — at one’s disposal

in spite of ... — to fix one’s departure for

to be troubled — to promise to fix everything

4. Translate :

1) Помогите мне, пожалуйста, прикрепить здесь полку. 2) Цены еще не установлены. 3) Дата собрания будет установлена сегодня. 4) Собрание назначено на 5-е апреля. 5) Елку сейчас устанавливают в зале. 6)Вы все уладите сами?


1. Answer these questions:

1) When do you leave your luggage in the left-luggage?

2) When do you have your luggage labelled and put in the luggage van?

3) When will you collect your luggage, if your train starts at 8 o’clock?

2. Change the tense of the following sentences using all possible tense- forms. Where necessary, add an expression of time to justify the tense- form:

1) I have my luggage put in the van when I travel a long distance.

2) Did you have your luggage labelled?

3. Translate :

1) — Положить ваши вещи в сетку? — Да, пожалуйста. (Нет, не надо.) 2) У меня много вещей. Ты проводишь меня? 3) Вы уже взяли вещи из камеры хранения? 4) Интересно, сколько осталось времени до отхода поезда. Мне нужно сдать вещи в багаж. 5) Почему вы не оставили свои вещи в камере хранения? 6) Вы уже сдали вещи в багаж?


1. Translate :

1) Его отношение к этому вопросу очень странное. 2) Мне не нравится ваше отношение к друзьям. 3) Как они относятся к этой работе? 4) Я не думаю, что его отношение ко мне изменилось.


1. Answer these questions:

1) What’s the bus fare from Moscow to Vnukovo?

2) What will the fare come to if you go from Vnukovo to Smolenskaya in a taxi?

3) Do fares increase with distance?

4) What is the trolleybus (bus, tram, etc.) fare in Moscow (in your city)?

5) Do we always have to pay the fare to the conductor?

6) In what way do we pay our fares if there is no conductor on the bus?

2. Translate :

1) Вы уже взяли билеты? 2) Я возьму билеты всем. 3) Сколько стоит билет от Москвы до Ленинграда?

XXL Give the four forms of the following verbs:

to hurt, to hang, to point, to fix, to pay, to hurry, to catch, toget, to forget, to rise, to try, to stop.

XXII.    Answer the following questions using the Passive Voice and the word combinations given below:

What was going on

a) at the booking-office

when you got there?

b) on the platform
c) in the dining-car
d) at the post-office
e) at the shop
f) at the office

a) to buy tickets

to sell tickets

to pay for the tickets

b) to take things aboard the train

to carry things into the luggage van

c) to serve dinner (tea, coffee)

d) to fill in forms to accept parcels

to make out money-orders

e) to show fine dresses to buy suits

to sell shoes

f) to discuss an agreement

to translate articles

to prepare documents for the conference

XXIII. Substitute the active vocabulary of the lesson for the parts in black type:

1. Your spelling was rather bad two months ago, but now it has become much better. 2. There was something wrong with my berth, so I asked the man who looked after the passengers in the car to come and put it right. 3. Shall I put down five o’clock as our meeting time? No, that will not be good for me, my things are still being packed, and I shan’t be ready until six. 4. The girl was so sad to have to leave her companion that she went on to the ship and down into her cabin only five minutes before the departure. 5. The Smirnovs have received a new flat and they are going to leave this house next week.

XXIV. Make up situations using the following words:

1) to point out                     2) to hire a taxi

to get hurt                            to pay the fare

at one’s disposal                 to get to the station

to improve                           to find the carriage

                                                to make oneself comfortable

3) to get into the carriage     4) an enquiry-office

to ask the attendant             a booking-office

to fix the berth                     to point to

to put one’s luggage on       a lower berth

the rack                            5) to collect one’s luggage

to get to the dining-car         to be in good (bad) con-

2020-02-04 1813 Обсуждений (0)
THE CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN 5 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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