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What Is a Hospital Social Worker?

2020-02-04 236 Обсуждений (0)
What Is a Hospital Social Worker? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Контрольная работа №2 на 1 курс 2 семестр

Указания к контрольной работе: если ваша фамилия начинается с букв «А» - «О», выполняйте 1 вариант, а если с «П» - «Я» - 2 вариант. Выполнить контрольную работу вам помогут упражнения и теоретический материал в кейсе.


Вариант 1

Task 1. Translate the text below.

Medical social work

Medical social work is a sub-discipline of social work, also known as Hospital social work. Medical social workers typically work in a hospital, skilled nursing facility or hospice, have a graduate degree in the field, and work with patients and their families in need of psychosocial help. Medical social workers assess the psychosocial functioning of patients and families and intervene as necessary. Interventions may include connecting patients and families to necessary resources and supports in the community; providing psychotherapy, supportive counseling, or grief counseling; or helping a patient to expand and strengthen their network of social supports. Medical social workers typically work on an interdisciplinary team with professionals of other disciplines (such as medicine, nursing, physical, occupational, speech and recreational therapy, etc.). Social workers help people to increase their capacities for problem solving and coping, and they help them obtain needed resources, facilitate interactions between individuals and between people and their environments.

 The social worker practice includes rehabilitating those who social functioning has been impaired. i.e. Cancer patients often may feel isolated and lonely because their family and friends may stay away and even stop telephoning because they can't deal with their cancer. The social worker can help reduce the feelings of isolation through support groups, and helping clients/patients to know other people who are facing the same things they are.

 Medical Social Workers provide social group work, in which small numbers of people who share similar interests or common problems convene regularly and engage in activities designed to achieve certain objectives. In contrast to group psychotherapy, the goals of group work are not necessarily the treatment of emotional problems. The objectives include exchanging information, facilitating support for clients/patients, helping them deal with their problems and education to improve the quality of life.

Medical social workers in Britain and Ireland were previously known as Almoners, or Hospital Almoners. In Ireland, the origins of medical social workers go back to Dr. Ella Webb, who in 1918 established a dispensary for sick children in the Adelaide Hospital in Dublin, and to Winifred Alcock who trained as an Almoner and worked with Dr. Webb in her dispensary. In 1945 the Institute of Almoners in Britain was formed, which in 1964 was renamed as the Institute of Medical Social Workers. The Institute of Medical Social Workers was one of the founder organizations of the British Association of Social Workers which was formed in 1970. In Britain, Medical Social Workers were transferred into local authority Social Services Departments in 1974, and generally became known as Hospital Social Workers.


Task 2. Write down all pairs “the subject – the verb ‘to be’ ” from the text and explain the form of the verb ‘to be’.


Task 3. Find and write down synonyms for the following words.

Medical social work, to abate, alike, to reach, an aim, to create, to enlarge.

Task 4. Answer the following questions.

1) What is Medical social work?

2) What do medical social workers help people with?

3) Who were the first medical social workers in Britain?

4) With whom do medical social workers work on a team?

5) What is the largest organization of medical social workers in Britain nowadays?


Task 5. Translate sentences into English.

1) Доктор Элла Вэб и Уинфред Элкок были основателями медицинской социальной работы в Великобритании и Ирландии.

2) После получения степени квалифицированный медицинский работник может помогать отдельным людям или семьям, которые нуждаются в психологической помощи.

3) Медицинские социальные работники также организовывают групповую работу, где каждый может поделиться своей бедой.

4) На сегодняшний день медицинских работников Британии называют больничными социальными работниками.



Вариант 2

Task 1. Translate the text below.

What Is a Hospital Social Worker?

A hospital social worker is an extensively trained hospital employee, who works in many types of hospitals, including standard medical facilities, children’s hospitals, and convalescent or long term care settings. These professionals focus on supporting patients and families during hospitals stays. They also help families prepare for discharge and ongoing care needs that might be required when a patient returns home. Such workers can be of extraordinary support to families and patients.

Though this may vary, most hospitals require a hospital social worker to possess a Master’s degree in Social Work (MSW). Many more facilities insist that these employees be on their way to receiving licensure or be licensed as a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), which takes about 3000 more hours of supervised training after the master’s degree is completed. There are actually a number of jobs in medical social work for people who are completing this training, and these can be attractive because they are well-paid positions that are targeted toward training the person to be a hospital social worker while obtaining licensure hours.

In the capacity of hospital social worker, goal is to help patients and families smoothly transition through hospital care while also communicating with the primary medical team responsible for that care. The final goal, if achievable, is to get the patient and family home after care, but this is not always the outcome of a hospital stay. Patients may have a chronic illness that is better handled by discharge to a long time care facility or rehabilitation hospital. Some patients die while hospitalized and they may have a different set of needs in which social workers can assist and advise.

In any of these circumstances, the social worker keeps in touch with the family, sometimes on a daily basis, to determine the family’s needs. They can listen to upset family members or patients, help negotiate conversations between family members and treating physicians, give a family information on things like inexpensive local places to stay. With social work training these helpers also apply for government social services for which a patient or family qualifies by illness or financial status.

Hospital social workers can be greatly supportive to families. They may provide help, counseling, and instruction to family and patients during hospitalization. Their work facilitates communication between patients and families and medical provides, and social workers use their knowledge about social systems to help families gain extra support or care after discharge.


Task 2. Write down all pairs “the subject – the verb ‘to be’ ” from the text and explain the form of the verb ‘to be’.


Task 3. Find and write down synonyms for the following words.

An aim, solicitude, a necessity, disease, a doctor, demand.

Task 4. Answer the following questions.

1) What is a Hospital Social Worker?

2) What are their duties?

3) What education (training) should a Hospital Social Worker have?

4) Do Hospital Social Workers help families to cope with psychological problems?


Task 5. Translate sentences into English.

1) Медицинские социальные работники могут быть сотрудниками различных учреждений здравоохранения, детских больниц и реабилитационных центров.

2) При различных обстоятельствах медицинские социальные работники сопровождают больных после выписки, а также разрешают семейные проблемы.

3) Вместе с врачами они обеспечивают заботу о здоровье пациента в период его лечения.

4) Медицинские социальные работники – важная поддержка для семьи и друзей пациента.



2020-02-04 236 Обсуждений (0)
What Is a Hospital Social Worker? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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