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Listening and speaking

2015-11-10 2300 Обсуждений (0)
Listening and speaking 5.00 из 5.00 6 оценок

5.1 You are going to listen to the first part of Katie’s story about her holiday in Amsterdam. Look at the words from her story. What problem do you think they had?

delayed stuck announcement remembered hotel

5.2 Listen and answer the questions.

a.Why did they go to Amsterdam?

b.What kind of hotel did they book?

c.What happened when they were on the plane?

d.What happened when they were waiting?

e.What did they want to do but couldn’t?

f.What did they do when they arrived in Amsterdam?

g.What happened when they came to the hotel?

5.3 Listen to the second part of the story and complete the sentences.

a.I ____ really tired, and it ____ to rain.

b.We ____ down a street when we ____ a small light.

c.The phone ____ all the time, and they ____ people in all night!

d.We ____ so tired we just ____ until the evening.

5.4 Speak about your holiday experience (a real story or an imaginary one).

Include the following details:

a.Where did you go?

b.When was it?

c.Who was with you?

d.How did you travel?

e.What happened suddenly?

f.What were you doing at that moment?

g.What did you do next?

h.How were you feeling at that time?

i.How did it all end?


6.1 Last year Mark and Rosa booked their dream holiday in the Caribbean. Read about their holiday experience. Judging by the title, was it positive or negative?

Arrange the paragraphs in the correct order of the events.

Holiday from hell 1. But that was just the beginning! On the plane they told us that the bad weather over the Caribbean was actually a hurricane – Hurricane George – and that we couldn’t fly to San Antonio. We had to go to the capital city instead, and stay in the hotel there for the night. And they told us we were going to a five-star hotel, next to the beach, with a swimming-pool, so we were happy at that point. 2. We decided to have a really good holiday – a ‘dream holiday’ in the Caribbean. We saved money for months and months, and booked this holiday in a place called San Antonio. It cost over a thousand pounds each, but we wanted to do something really special so we booked it for two weeks in May, because all the brochures said it was beautiful there in May. 3. The most horrible part was when the hurricane arrived. That was really frightening. We were sitting in our room, while the windows were banging, the trees were crashing outside, and it was pouring with rain. Then they told us that there were no flights to San Antonio, and we had to stay there for another three days with nothing to do and nowhere to go. 4. So when we finally got to San Antonio, we were five days late. There was no hurricane there! The weather had been perfect all that time!


5. We arrived at the hotel, the Hotel Paradiso it was called, what a joke! They said it was a five-star hotel, but I wouldn’t give it one star! It was just awful. Yes, it was next to the sea, but there wasn’t a beach, just a few rocks, and the sea was so dirty. There were big ships travelling past, and the sea was all polluted and brown. It looked horrible. 6. So we went to look at the swimming-pool, but that was no better. It was a sort of greeny-black colour, and as we looked we saw things that were moving in it. We looked closer and we realized it was full of frogs! There were hundreds of frogs in it! 7. We were flying from Gatwick airport, and the flight was overnight, leaving Gatwick late at night and arriving at San Antonio the next morning. But when we arrived at the airport they told us that because of the bad weather in the Caribbean, the flight was delayed until the next morning. So we had to spend the night at the airport, sleeping on the floor, and we finally got on the plane the next morning twelve hours late.

6.2 Can you guess the meaning of the highlighted words from the context?

Conversation patterns

7.1 Allie is going to the United States. Listen to the conversation at the airport immigration control. Why is she in the US? How long is she planning to stay in the country?

7.2 Match the officer’s questions and Allie’s answers.

Officer Allie
Good evening, madam. From London.
How long are you staying in the US? In San Francisco, at the Pacific View Hotel.
Is he family or a friend? A week.
Where are you staying? Yes, Mark Ryder.
What’s the purpose of your visit? Good evening.
Enjoy your stay in San Francisco. He’s a colleague – and a friend.
Where are you arriving from? Yes, it is.
Do you know anybody here? Business. I’m here for a conference.
Is this your first visit to the US? Thank you.

7.3 In pairs, roleplay the dialogue. Swap roles.

7.4 In pairs, act out a dialogue at immigration.

a.You are going to the UK for a month to study English at the language school called Edwards English School in London. You are going to live in their hall of residence.

b.You are going to spend three months in the USA. You are taking part in the program Work and Travel USA. You are going to stay in the hostel called Tropics in Miami.


Arriving in Britain, you have to fill in a UK landing card. In the USA, there is a special Arival/Departure Record. Look at the samples and say what information you have to write about. Practise filling in both cards.



1. Can you describe the best holiday in your life?

2. Can you describe an interesting / unusual event from your past?

3. Can you describe your ideal holiday?


Module 8


2015-11-10 2300 Обсуждений (0)
Listening and speaking 5.00 из 5.00 6 оценок

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