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Smuggling information collection

2015-11-10 1369 Обсуждений (0)
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Collection and analysis of various information on smuggling results in better understanding of smuggling trends and the modus operandi of individuals or organizations breaking customs laws.



Investigation of customs violations is performed to target the more sophisticated violators of customs laws and regulations. The full range of customs violations can be investigated: the smuggling of merchandise, narcotics, arms and ammunition as well as commercial fraud, currency violations and money laundering, internal corruption, infringement of trademark and intellectual property rights (IPR) etc.


Laboratory procedures

Laboratory analyses are to be performed in order to classify merchandise and collect the correct amount of duty. The new Harmonized System of classification is much more dependent on laboratory analysis than most prior classification systems.


Customs brokers

Brokers must pass an examination and obtain a license from the Customs central administration to do business. Brokers are to consult customs to determine the proper rate of duty or basis for appraisement. Brokers are required to maintain strict confidence about business and transactions.


Working on the text

Ex.1Read ant translate the text


Ex.2a) Mark the stress in the Russian words and compare it with the English words. Tick the pairs of words with different stressed syllables.


organization организация

history история

federal федеральный

budget бюджет

economy экономика

system система

effective эффективный

territory территория

importer импортер

laboratory лаборатория


b) Read the English words again.


Ex.3 Look through the text and find synonyms to the following words:

- merchandise

- to set up

- infringement

- responsibility

- to be subject to

- to give

- to keep


Ex.4 Complete the table with the words from the text formed from the following verbs:

assess, collect, organize, ship, collect, invest, pay, apply, classify, enforce, investigate, develop, inspect, operate, conceal, regulate, violate

-ment -tion
assessment   collection


Ex.5Match the beginnings of the sentences with their endings.


1)The assessment and collection

of duties and taxes have always been



2) Errors in merchandise classification often result in



3) This cargo document is



4) Effective passenger and baggage control is necessary



5) Investigation of customs violations is performed



6) Laboratory analyses are to be performed in order



a) a basis for goods valuation.


b) to collect proper duty and to prevent smuggling.



c) one of the main functions of customs organizations.


d) improper amounts of duty to be collected.



e) to target the more sophisticated violators of customs laws and regulations.


f) To classify merchandise and collect the correct amount of duty.


Ex.6Say if it is true or false.


1. The assessment of import duties and taxes is a keystone in every customs organization.

2. Cargo shipments entering the country are to be supplied with a few documents excluding commercial invoices.

3. Cargo shipments are to be inspected for duty collection only.

4. It is the customs responsibility to pay storage charges.

5. Goods introduced into Free trade zones are subject to the usual customs control.

6. Specially trained drug-detector dogs are sometimes more effective than traditional methods of detecting contraband.

7. The most common customs violations investigated are: the smuggling of merchandise, narcotics, arms and ammunition and other contraband.

8. Laboratory analyses are performed in order to prevent currency violations.


Ex.7 Answer the following questions:

1. What is the reason for merchandise classification?

2. Why is it necessary to appraise the goods properly?

3. Why is it necessary to inspect passengers’ baggage?

4. Why are all cargoes subject to customs control?

5. Are free zones set up inside or outside the Customs territory?

6. What information did you learn about bonded warehouses?

7. What are the advantages of using drug detector dogs?

8. What customs violations can you name?

9. What do you know about customs brokers?


Ex.8 Say what you can remember about:

- the main functions of the customs;

- the ways to avoid underpayment of duties;

- free trade zones;

- methods of detecting contraband;

- customs violations.


Ex. 9 Translate the questions and answer them.

1. Почему начисление и сбор таможенных пошлин всегда являлось одной из основных функций таможни?

2. К каким последствиям могут привести ошибки, допущенные при классификации товара?

3. Какой документ является основным для таможенной оценки?

4. Какие задачи стоят перед таможней при досмотре пассажиров и грузов?

5. Для какой цели создаются зоны свободной торговли?

6. Кто оплачивает расходы при хранении товаров на складе временного хранения (СВХ)?

7. Какие правонарушения расследуют таможенники?

8. Почему необходимо проводить лабораторные анализы?

9. Что необходимо сделать, чтобы стать таможенным брокером?


Ex. 10Get ready to speak on the topic.




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Smuggling information collection 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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